Yaman, Sezin Öner
Name Variants
S. Ö. Yaman
Yaman, Sezin Öner
Yaman, S. Ö.
S. Yaman
Yaman, S.
Yaman,Sezin Oner
Y.,Sezin Oner
Y., Sezin Oner
Sezin Oner Yaman
Sezin Öner YAMAN
Y., Sezin Öner
Sezin Oner, Yaman
YAMAN, Sezin Öner
Sezin Öner Yaman
Yaman, Sezin Oner
Oner, Sezin
Öner, Sezin
Öner, S.
Oener, Sezin
Öner, Sezin
Yaman, Sezin Öner
Yaman, S. Ö.
S. Yaman
Yaman, S.
Yaman,Sezin Oner
Y.,Sezin Oner
Y., Sezin Oner
Sezin Oner Yaman
Sezin Öner YAMAN
Y., Sezin Öner
Sezin Oner, Yaman
YAMAN, Sezin Öner
Sezin Öner Yaman
Yaman, Sezin Oner
Oner, Sezin
Öner, Sezin
Öner, S.
Oener, Sezin
Öner, Sezin
Job Title
Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
21 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 21
review-article.listelement.badge Otobiyografik Hatırlamada Duygu Yoğunluğu ve Duygu Değerliği(2021) Yaman, Sezin ÖnerBu derleme çalışması duygu yoğunluğu ve duygu değerliği gibi duygu bileşenlerinin olayların erişilebilirliği ve hatırlama özellikleri çerçevesinde teorik yaklaşımlar ve ampirik bulgular ışığında değerlendirmeye odaklanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda farklı otobiyografik belleğin fenomenolojik özellikleri dışında flaş bellek, travma sonrası stres bozukluğu ve duygudurum bozuklukları ele alınmakta ve duygu bileşenlerinin etkisi davranışsal ve beyin görüntüleme çalışmaları çerçevesinde tartışılmaktadır. Literatürdeki bulgulardan yola çıkarak gelecek çalışmalar için yoğunluk ve değerlik gibi duygu bileşenlerinin otobiyografik hatırlamadaki rolünü açıklayabilecek alternatif bütüncül bir yaklaşım önerilmektedir.Article Remembering Successes and Failures: Rehearsal Characteristics Influence Recollection and Distancing(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) Öner, Sezin; Yaman, Sezin Öner; Gulgoz, SamiWe investigated the relationship between components of rumination brooding and reflection and autobiographical remembering by testing whether voluntary and involuntary rehearsal mediated rumination-related variation in the sensory-affective and metacognitive features of memory experience. We focused on achievement and failure memories as both are goal-related events yet they represent distinct experiences in terms of valence and functionality. For failure memories brooding was associated with intense recollection and reduced psychological distance. Brooding was related to enhanced distance of achievements indicating the disruptive effects of brooding on remembering. Although reflection attenuated the recollective experience for both achievement and failure memories it brought achievement memories to a subjective closer past. Structural equation modelling demonstrated the mediating role of involuntary remembering on the pattern of remembering experience.Article Representing the Collective Past: Public Event Memories and Future Simulations in Turkey(Routledge, 2020) Öner, Sezin; Yaman, Sezin Öner; Gülgöz, SamiCommon processes involved in remembering and predicting personal and public events have led researchers to study public events as a part of autobiographical memory. In the present study, we asked for past events and future predictions and examined the temporal distribution and factors that made these salient in event representations. A sample of 1577 individuals reported six most important public events since their birth and six future events that they expected. Past events mostly came from the recent past and were negative in valence. Similarly, future predictions consisted of negative events that are expected to occur in the near past. We did not find a reminiscence bump but there was a strong recency effect. Despite being inconsistent with some literature, this supports the view that remembering the past is largely influenced by the current goals and experiences. Also, in predicting what is remembered from the past and what is expected in the future, what individuals believed others would report appeared as a robust predictor.Article Lack of bump in public events when recent events prevail(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2023) Yaman, Sezin Öner; Gülgöz, S.Reminiscence bump refers to the increased recall of events from adolescence and early adulthood. It is a robust phenomenon for personal events, while the evidence for the bump has been inconsistent for public events. The present study addressed lifespan distributions of public events in a nationally representative sample of adults (N = 1200) in Turkey. We demonstrated a robust recency effect in the temporal distribution of public event memories. When we examined the bump in the most frequently reported events, the recency effect persisted. The only exception was the bump for the military coup in 1980, a relatively more distant event among the most frequent events. Findings suggested that high-impact events in Turkey’s recent past may overshadow the past events. Inline, we discuss the role of the context and age distribution of the sample to explain the inconsistency in the evidence for the reminiscence bump in public events. © The Author(s) 2022.Master Thesis Investigating the Emotion Regulation Function of Episodic Counterfactual Thinking in an Emotional Context(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2023) Kurtulmuş, Emine Şeyma Çağlar; Yaman, Sezin Öner; Yaman, Sezin ÖnerÇalışmanın ana amacı farklı türdeki karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin (yukarı doğru vs. aşağı doğru) negatif otobiyografik anılara ilişkin olumsuz duyguların düzenlenmesindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Geçmiş çalışmalar, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin olumsuz duyguları düzenlemede etkili olduğunu göstermiştir (Roese, 1997). Fakat karşı-olgusal düşünmenin duyguların düzenlenmesindeki etkililiği konusunda bazı tartışmalar vardır (Blix vd., 2016, 2018). Buna göre, çalışmamızda epizodik karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin, özellikle aşağı doğru karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin, otobiyografik bellek ile ilişkin olumsuz duyguları düzenlemede etkili olabileceğini öne sürdük. Ayrıca, pozitif duygusal bir bağlamın, bireye olumlu temsiller sağlayarak karşı-olgusal düşüncenin duygu düzenleme işlevini kolaylaştırabileceğini bekledik. Bu amaçla, ilk aşamada katılımcılar (N = 114) geçmişte yaşadıkları kişilerarası negatif anıyı hatırlayıp, bu anıyı fenomenolojik özellikler açısından değerlendirmiştir. İkinci aşamada, duygu indüksiyon amacıyla bir grup katılımcıya olumlu ruh halini artırmak için pozitif video izletilirken, diğer grup kontrol grubu olup duygu içermeyen bir video izletildi. Deneyin son aşamasında, katılımcılar ilk oturumda anlattıkları negatif anıları için daha iyi bir alternatif senaryo (yukarı doğru) ya da daha kötü bir alternatif senaryo (aşağı doğru) yazmışlardır. Katılımcılar yazmış oldukları karşı-olgusal düşüncelerinin fenomenolojik özelliklerini ve duygu-durumlarını değerlendirdiler. Tahmin edildiği üzere, pozitif video izleyen grubun ruh hallerinde iyileşme görülürken negatif anılarıyla ilişkin olumsuz duyguları azalmıştır. Ancak hipotezlerimize ters olarak, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin yazılmasından sonra katılımcılar kendilerini daha kötü hissettiler. Bununla birlikte, keşfedici veri analizinin sonuçlarına göre, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin türünden ziyade (yukarı doğru vs aşağı doğru), fenomenolojik özelliklerinin (duygusal yoğunluk, yeniden yaşama hissi ve görsel imgelem) duygusal deneyimleri etkilediğini bulduk. Son olarak yaptığımız regresyon analizine göre, bireylerin ilk duygu-durumları, ruminasyon seviyeleri, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin duygu değerliliği ve bu düşünceleri yazarken hissettikleri yeniden yaşam hissinin duygusal deneyimi yordayan değişkenler olarak bulduk. Bulgular ve potansiyel açıklamaları uygun teorik çerçeveler içinde tartışılarak, bu araştırma alanına yeni perspektifler sunulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: epizodik karşı-olgusal düşünce, duygu regülasyonu, otobiyografik hatırlama, anı fenomenolojisi, duygudurum, ruminasyon.Article Toplumsal Olaylara Dair Episodik ve Semantik Bellek Süreçlerinin Heyecanlanma Düzeyi ile İlişkisinin Yaş ve Heyecanın Ölçüm Türü Açısından İncelenmesi(Istanbul Univ, 2020) Ece, Berivan; Yaman, Sezin Öner; Öner, Sezin; Gulgoz, SamiThe major aims of the study were to investigate (1) the potential differences in arousal levels for episodic (EM) and semantic memory (SM) processes regarding public events and the comparison of these differences for different age groups, (2) the consistency of self-report versus objective measures of arousal, and (3) phenomenological characteristics of the events as function of memory type and arousal level. The sample consisted of 32 young adults whose ages ranged between 18 and 25 years (M = 20.60, SD = 2.22), 33 middle-aged adults aged between 40 and 55 years (M = 47.32, SD = 6.60), and 30 elderly people aged between 60 and 75 years (M = 69.97, SD = 6.16). Participants were asked to make a remember/know judgment for the 10 public events presented to them. They further answered event-related questions (SM) and questions regarding the context of hearing about the event (EM). Moreover, they reported their arousal level during recall and evaluated each event in terms of phenomenological characteristics such as importance, emotional intensity, and valence. Arousal level was also measured using physiological measurements with the GSR device. Based on self-reports, EM processes were associated with higher arousal levels compared to SM processes whereas the five physiological indicators of arousal displayed different patterns. Both EM and SM performance displayed an increase together with the increasing arousal levels, and young participants displayed higher levels of arousal and faster physiological responses than both middle-aged and elderly adults. When phenomenological characteristics were examined, remembered public events were rated more important, emotionally more intense and more negative than known events. Furthermore, higher arousal levels were associated with higher ratings of emotional intensity, importance and negativity. The reliability of self-reports and the critical role of applying objective measures were discussed together with the findings. Finally, some suggestions were proposed for future research on the basis of the current limitations and results.Article An Online Diary Study Testing the Role of Functional and Dysfunctional Self-Licensing in Unhealthy Snacking(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, 2023) Sezer, Berke; Yaman, Sezin Öner; Oner, SezinIn the present study, we aimed to investigate how two types of self-licensing (functional and dysfunctional selflicensing) are related to unhealthy snack consumption. Self-licensing refers to the act of using justifications before gratifications and has been associated with higher snack consumption. Previous research has found that while functional self-licensing decreases unhealthy snack consumption, dysfunctional self-licensing increases the number of calories taken from unhealthy snacks. Building upon existing evidence, we addressed functional and dysfunctional self-licensing to investigate how self-licensing behaviors are associated with daily variables (i.e., stress and sleep) and unhealthy snacking habits. Participants (N = 124) were given a battery of measures at the start of the week and asked to send their snack consumption every night for a week via an online questionnaire, along with daily stress and sleep items. The data were analyzed with Hierarchical Linear Modelling. Neither selflicensing measures nor unhealthy snacking habits predicted unhealthy snack consumption. Daily stress was associated with lower unhealthy snack consumption. However, the interaction between daily stress and functional self-licensing was significant, suggesting that on stressful days functional self-licensers consume even fewer unhealthy snacks compared to less stressful days. Functional and dysfunctional self-licensing are rather new constructs which is why examining their effects is important for further research. However, in contrast to the existing evidence, we failed to find an effect of both types of self-licensing on snack consumption, suggesting the effect depends on potential contextual or individual-specific factors. Future research using a dieting sample is warranted for a better understanding of how functional and dysfunctional self-licensing operate.Article Comparison of Earliest and Later Autobiographical Memories in Young and Middle-Aged Adults(Istanbul Univ, 2019) Ece, Berivan; Yaman, Sezin Öner; Demiray, Burcu; Öner, Sezin; Gülgöz, SamiThe current study examined earliest memories of young and middle-aged adults in comparison to a recent autobiographical memory and a free-report one from any life phase. These three types of memories were compared in terms of their memory characteristics such as vividness, emotionality. importance, confidence, and rehearsal frequency. A total of 319 young (18-30 years) and 112 middle-aged (40-65 years) adults completed the online survey. Results showed that earliest memories were rated either similar to or lower than later memories in their memory characteristics. More specifically. they received lower ratings than free-report memories in all memory characteristics whereas they did not significantly differ from recent memories only in importance and emotionality. In addition, free-report memories were highest in emotionality, importance and rehearsal frequency whereas recent memories were highest in vividness and confidence ratings. Compared to young adults, middle-aged adults provided higher ratings for all memory characteristics in general, and they further recalled earliest memories from an older age. Finally, the order of reporting the three types of memories (earliest memory first versus recent memory first) was examined with respect to its potential influence on memory characteristics and dating of the recalled memories. Results displayed no significant effect of the reporting order on memory characteristics. Dating of the earliest and free-report memories, however, was significantly affected by the reporting order. The mean age for earliest memories was higher when it was retrieved following the recent memory compared to the reporting order in which earliest memories are retrieved and reported first. Overall, results indicated that earliest memories arc not particularly special compared to later memories (e.g.. free-report memories) in terms of their memory characteristics, and they are vulnerable to experimental manipulation such as changing the reporting order just like other types of autobiographical memories.Master Thesis The Effect of Self-Distancing on Emotion Regulation and Autobiographical Remembering(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2023) Dilek, Senanur; Yaman, Sezin Öner; Yaman, Sezin ÖnerÇalışmanın temel amacı, farklı stratejilerin (görsel, dilsel), bakış açılarının (kendine odaklı, kendine mesafeli) ve duyguların (üzgün, utanmış) duygu düzenleme ve anı özellikleri üzerindeki etkisini incelemektir. Kendini uzaklaştırma, çeşitli yöntemlerle kişilerin rahatsız edici uyaranlardan geri adım atarak uyguladığı, duyguları düzenlemede kullanılan etkili bir stratejidir. Şöyle ki, görsel ve dilsel stratejinin farklı duyguların olumsuz etkilerini azaltmada yararlı olduğu bulunmuştur. Ancak bu stratejilerin temel ve bilinçli duygular üzerindeki etkisi belirsizliğini korumaktadır. Özellikle görsel stratejinin, çeşitli duyguları kontrol etmede faydalı olan dilsel stratejinin aksine, utanç ve suçluluk gibi duygularda etkili olmadığı görülmüştür. Buna ek olarak, kendini uzaklaştırmanın duygu düzenleme işlevine benzer şekilde, bellek perspektifleri üzerine yapılan çalışmalar, kendi bakış açısından gözlemci bir bakış açısına geçiş yapmanın yeniden yaşama veya canlılık gibi deneyimsel anı özelliklerini azalttığını göstermiştir. Bu nedenle, bu çalışmada stratejilerin etkisinin duygu türüne göre değişmesini bekliyoruz. Daha spesifik olarak, kendi bakış açısından gözlemci bir bakış açısına geçiş yapmanın, görsel stratejide üzüntüye yönelik anı özelliklerini azaltacağını fakat utanç verici anılar için etkili olmayacağını, dilsel stratejide ise her iki duygu için de etkili olacağını tahmin ediyoruz. Katılımcılara (N = 147), atandıkları stratejileri kullanmadan önce ve kullandıktan sonra hafıza özelliklerini puanlamaları talimatı verildi. İlk ve sonraki anı özellikleri arasındaki değişiklik hesapladıktan sonra, sonuçlar anının yaşı ve çözülme durumunun ortak değişken olarak alındığı bir MANCOVA ile analiz edildi. Hipotezimizin aksine, bulgular kendi bakış açısından gözlemci bir bakış açısına geçmenin bellek fenomenolojisi üzerinde etkisi olmadığını ortaya koydu. Beklenmedik bir şekilde, gözlemci bakış açısından kendi bakış açısına geçişin görsel stratejide yeniden yaşama ve canlılık derecelerini artırdığını, dilsel strateji ise azalttığını bulduk. Sonuçları, stratejileri etkileyebilecek olası faktörler ışığında tartıştık ve gelecek çalışmalar için bazı önerilerde bulunduk.Article An Online Diary Study Testing the Role of Functional and Dysfunctional Self-Licensing in Unhealthy Snacking(Academic Press, 2023) Sezer, B.; Sezen, Beril; Öner, S.; Yaman, Sezin ÖnerIn the present study, we aimed to investigate how two types of self-licensing (functional and dysfunctional self-licensing) are related to unhealthy snack consumption. Self-licensing refers to the act of using justifications before gratifications and has been associated with higher snack consumption. Previous research has found that while functional self-licensing decreases unhealthy snack consumption, dysfunctional self-licensing increases the number of calories taken from unhealthy snacks. Building upon existing evidence, we addressed functional and dysfunctional self-licensing to investigate how self-licensing behaviors are associated with daily variables (i.e., stress and sleep) and unhealthy snacking habits. Participants (N = 124) were given a battery of measures at the start of the week and asked to send their snack consumption every night for a week via an online questionnaire, along with daily stress and sleep items. The data were analyzed with Hierarchical Linear Modelling. Neither self-licensing measures nor unhealthy snacking habits predicted unhealthy snack consumption. Daily stress was associated with lower unhealthy snack consumption. However, the interaction between daily stress and functional self-licensing was significant, suggesting that on stressful days functional self-licensers consume even fewer unhealthy snacks compared to less stressful days. Functional and dysfunctional self-licensing are rather new constructs which is why examining their effects is important for further research. However, in contrast to the existing evidence, we failed to find an effect of both types of self-licensing on snack consumption, suggesting the effect depends on potential contextual or individual-specific factors. Future research using a dieting sample is warranted for a better understanding of how functional and dysfunctional self-licensing operate. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd
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