Evaluating the Deep Learning Software Tools for Large-Scale Enterprises Using a Novel Todiffa-Mcdm Framework

dc.authoridPamucar, Dragan/0000-0001-8522-1942
dc.authoridSimic, Vladimir/0000-0001-5709-3744
dc.authoridGligoric, Milos/0000-0002-1745-3765
dc.authorwosidGörçün, Ömer/ABG-9628-2020
dc.authorwosidSimic, Vladimir/B-8837-2011
dc.authorwosidPamucar, Dragan/AAG-8288-2019
dc.contributor.authorGligoric, Zoran
dc.contributor.authorGörçün, Ömer Faruk
dc.contributor.authorGorcun, Omer Faruk
dc.contributor.authorGligoric, Milos
dc.contributor.authorPamucar, Dragan
dc.contributor.authorSimic, Vladimir
dc.contributor.authorKucukonder, Hande
dc.departmentKadir Has Universityen_US
dc.department-temp[Gligoric, Zoran; Gligoric, Milos] Univ Belgrade, Fac Min & Geol, Belgrade 11000, Serbia; [Gorcun, Omer Faruk] Kadir Has Univ, Dept Business Adm, Cibali Av Kadir Has St Fatih, TR-34083 Istanbul, Turkiye; [Pamucar, Dragan] Univ Belgrade, Fac Org Sci, Dept Operat Res & Stat, Jove Ilica 154, Belgrade 11000, Serbia; [Simic, Vladimir] Univ Belgrade, Fac Transport & Traff Engn, Vojvode Stepe 305, Belgrade 11010, Serbia; [Kucukonder, Hande] Bartin Univ, Fac Econ & Adm Sci, Dept Numer Methods, Bartin, Turkiyeen_US
dc.descriptionPamucar, Dragan/0000-0001-8522-1942; Simic, Vladimir/0000-0001-5709-3744; Gligoric, Milos/0000-0002-1745-3765en_US
dc.description.abstractDeep learning (DL) is one of the most promising technological developments emerging in the fourth industrial revolution era for businesses to improve processes, increase efficiency, and reduce errors. Accordingly, hierarchical learning software selection is one of the most critical decision-making problems in integrating neural network applications into business models. However, selecting appropriate reinforcement learning software for integrating deep learning applications into enterprises' business models takes much work for decision-makers. There are several reasons for this: first, practitioners' limited knowledge and experience of DL makes it difficult for decision-makers to adapt this technology into their enterprises' business model and significantly increases complex uncertainties. Secondly, according to the authors' knowledge, no study in the literature addresses deep structured learning solutions with the help of MCDM approaches. Consequently, making inferences concerning criteria that should be considered in an evaluation process is impossible by considering the studies in the relevant literature. Considering these gaps, this study presents a novel decision-making approach developed by the authors. It involves the combination of two new decision-making approaches, MAXC (MAXimum of Criterion) and TODIFFA (the total differential of alternative), which were developed to solve current decision-making problems. When the most important advantages of this model are considered, it associates objective and subjective approaches and eliminates some critical limitations of these methodologies. Besides, it has an easily followable algorithm without the need for advanced mathematical knowledge for practitioners and provides highly stable and reliable results in solving complex decision-making problems. Another novelty of the study is that the criteria are determined with a long-term negotiation process that is part of comprehensive fieldwork with specialists. When the conclusions obtained using this model are briefly reviewed, the C2 "Data Availability and Quality" criterion is the most influential in selecting deep learning software. The C7 "Time Constraints" criterion follows the most influential factor. Remarkably, prior research has overlooked the correlation between the performance of Deep Learning (DL) platforms and the quality and accessibility of data. The findings of this study underscore the necessity for DL platform developers to devise solutions to enable DL platforms to operate effectively, notwithstanding the availability of clean, high-quality, and adequate data. Finally, the robustness check carried out to test the validity of the proposed model confirms the accuracy and robustness of the results obtained by implementing the suggested model.en_US
dc.description.woscitationindexScience Citation Index Expanded
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.subjectDeep learning (DL)en_US
dc.subjectLarge-scale industriesen_US
dc.subjectMAXC (MAXimum of Criterion)en_US
dc.subjectTODIFFA (the total differential of alternative)en_US
dc.subjectDL software selectionen_US
dc.titleEvaluating the Deep Learning Software Tools for Large-Scale Enterprises Using a Novel Todiffa-Mcdm Frameworken_US
