A. Bısson, Chrıstophe LouısBisson, Christophe2023-10-192023-10-1920142001-015Xhttps://doi.org/10.37380/jisib.v4i2.94https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/5221Modern agriculture has increased the need for information when making strategic decisions for farmers since they must be more entrepreneurial to survive. This paper investigates the levels of Competitive Intelligence practices in a French Regional Chamber of Agriculture and its four Departmental Chambers of Agriculture to examine the ability of these public organisations to keep fulfilling one of their missions which is to provide the necessary information and knowledge to farmers. Thus, this study proposes a behavioural and operational typology of Competitive Intelligence practice. Both types of organisations demonstrate that they are not well adapted to support the entrepreneurial farmers on this issue. The findings of this study and the diagnosis of the Competitive Intelligence practices applied to the typology could be of help to increase their and other public agricultural structures performance levels. Furthermore, the platform has the potential to inspire the public sector through subsequent adaptations.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessProgramsLeaderCompetitive intelligenceentrepreneurial farmerSmeslocal public organisationsmodern agricultureProgramsbehavioursLeadertypologySmesFranceExploring Competitive Intelligence Practices of French Local Public Agricultural OrganisationsArticle52924WOS:00021563590000210.37380/jisib.v4i2.94N/AQ49