Kösebay, Yonca ErkanPİLEVNE, DAMLAErkan, Yonca2023-07-252023-07-252022https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/4363Today, rural settlements are gradually losing their population in the face of fast-growing cities that have become centers of attraction. The heritage of traditional rural settlements, which are shaped in harmony with the natural environment and where economic life is based on the processing of natural resources, stands as expressions of the cultural richness of humanity. The protection of rural heritage, which is under threat of cities that spreads uncontrollably, is an increasingly important phenomenon within the framework of contemporary conservation discipline since rural areas loss their population, human resources, and consequently the accumulated traditional knowledge of humanity. In this context, the thesis study examines the concept of rural heritage through the example of Müşküle settlement of İznik district, documents the heritage values of the area and develops proposals for the conservation of the area in question.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessİznikMüşküleRural HeritageGISVernacular ArchitecturKırsal Mirasın Korunması: İznik Müşküle Kırsal Yerleşimi ÖrneğiMaster Thesis761640