Vatikiotis, PantelisJan, Malik JahangirVatıkıotıs, PanteleımonCan, Cihangir2019-07-122019-07-122018 if we look at a magazine cover or a television commercial the odds are that the woman are being shown as tall and extremely thin. Media and our society have eventually begun to cast out those who do not fit this ideal image of beauty which has been set as a standard by the media. This research aims in finding and examining the impact of the body image in media on the female adolescents with the specific focus laid on the body dissatisfaction self-esteem and eating disorders. The research is quantitative in nature and the focus has been laid to collect the data through the questionnaires from the adolescent females. The research results identified and revealed that the young women are very much concerned about their looks and bodies because of the role of media and its influence that is dynamically reflecting perfect body images and preference of becoming slimmer. Moreover the body image in media not only influences by increasing the body dissatisfaction but creates eating disorders and causes decrease in self-esteem of female adolescents as well.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessThe Body Image in Media and Its Impact on Female Adolescents in PakistanMaster Thesis527145