Karatalay, O.Baykaş, TunçerErküçük, S.Erküçük, SerhatBaykaş, T.2023-10-192023-10-1920159781467373869https://doi.org/10.1109/SIU.2015.7130215https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/49312015 23rd Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2015 --16 May 2015 through 19 May 2015 -- --113052In this paper, a new algorithm based on busy tone approach has been proposed for the coexistence of IEEE 802.22 and IEEE 802.11af systems in TV white space. Different from the earlier study, in addition to 802.11af access points listening to the busy tone signal, their clients also listen to the busy tone and let the access points know once they hear it. Accordingly, interference caused to 802.22 systems has been reduced. This study quantifies the improved system performance in terms of interfering packet rate for different hearing regions considering the communication parameters and channel models adapted for the standards. © 2015 IEEE.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessbusy tonecoexistenceIEEE 802.11afIEEE 802.22TV white spaceAuditionSignal processingBusy tonecoexistenceIEEE 802.11afIEEE 802.22Tv white spacesIEEE StandardsBusy Tone Implementation for Coexistence of Ieee 802.22 and 802.11af SystemsIeee 802.22 ve 802.11 Af Sistemlerinin Birlikte Varolabilmeleri için Meşgul Tonu GerçeklemesiConference Object1845184810.1109/SIU.2015.71302152-s2.0-849391418712