Cankaya, SerkanCaliskan, Berna2019-07-122019-07-122011 hareketlerinin serbestlesmesiyle birlikte dunya genelindeki gelismelerin ekonomik boyutlari tum ekonomik birimleri etkiler hale gelmistir. Bu nedenle bankacilik faaliyetleri kapsaminda ortaya cikmasi muhtemel risklerin daha detayli olculmesi ve kontrol altinda tutulmasi zorunlulugu ortaya cikmaktadir. Bu calisma ile Basel Uzlasilarinin Turk Bankacilik Sistemine olasi etkileri ele alinmistir. oncelikle Basel ii ve Basel iii Kriterleri hakkinda bilgi verilmis olup daha sonra Basel Uzlasilarinin Turk Bankacilik Sistemine muhtemel etkileri incelenmis ve Turk Bankacilik Sisteminde yer alan bankalarin risk yonetimi ile ilgili mevcut durumlari ve Basel iii kriterlerine uyum duzeyinin belirlenmesine yonelik bilgi edinmek amaciyla bankalarin risk yonetimi birimlerine yonelik anket calismasi gerceklestirilmistir. Bu tez calismasinin sonucunda Turk Bankacilik Sektorunun Basel ii kriterlerine tam gecis gerekliliklerini buyuk olcude tamamladigi ve Basel iii kriterleri kapsaminda yeni yapilanmanin Turk Bankacilik Sistemine getirecegi yeniliklere yonelik beklentilerin olumlu yonde oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir.Together with the liberalization of capital movements, the economic units of all sizes have become affected by the worldwide economic developments. For this reason, the possible risks within the scope of banking activities must be measured in a more detailed way and kept under control.In this study, the effects of the Basel Conventions on Turkish Banking System have been discussed. First, Basel II and Basel III criteria were informed about and then the possible effects of Basel Conventions on Turkish Banking System were analyzed. A survey was carried out in order to understand the current status of risk management of the banks' in the Turkish banking system and their compliance to Basel III criteria.As a result of this study, it is concluded that the Turkish banking sector mostly completed the requirements of the Basel II criteria, and the new structure under the Basel III criteria, have emerged favorable expectations of new improvements in the Turkish Banking System.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRisk YönetimiTürk Bankacılık SistemiBasel IIIRisk ManagementTurkish Banking SystemBasel Uzlasilarinin Turk Bankacilik Sistemine Olasi EtkileriMaster Thesis277363