Yetgin, FeyzullahLepkova, Natalija2019-06-282019-06-282007151648-715X1648-715X housing sector is a very important sector in the national economy worldwide. The greater importance of the housing sector is broadly defined to include financing upgrading repairs management valuation taxation and population. The article presents a comparative analysis on housing policies in Turkey and Lithuania. The housing strategies -their differences and similarities - of Turkey and Lithuania are presented in the article. Strategic principles and preferences of housing are analysed in the countries under investigation. Some economic aspects are underlined. The policies of social housing of investigated countries are presented. The housing problems of both analysed countries are described. Special attention is paid to sustainable housing and social cohesion in housing. © 2007 Taylor & Francis Group LLC. All rights reserved.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHousingHousing PolicyHousing StrategyA comparative analysis on housing policies in turkey and LithuaniaArticle476411110.1080/1648715X.2007.96375602-s2.0-33947122561Q4Q3