Sarıkartal, Çetin KemalGürmen, Selen2019-07-122019-07-122017 arastirmanin amaci Hiphop kulturunun bir parcasi olan Circle ritueli hakkinda bilgi vermek ve bu rituelin danscilarin performanslari uzerindeki etkilerini ortaya koymaktir. Bu amac dogrultusunda oncelikle kisaca Hiphop kulturunden bahsedilmis sonra da Circle rituelinin dinamigi ve ozellikleri aciklanmistir. Gozlem ve roportaj yapabilmek icin iki dansci grubu kurulmus ve bir ay sureyle duzenli araliklarla Circle seanslari yapilmistir. Yapilan Circle seanslari sonucunda rituelin (a) danscilarin performanslarini arttirdigi (b) bireysel olarak farkli ihtiyaclarini ayni anda karsilayabildigi ve (c) toplu olarak ortak bir deneyim yasadiklari one surulmustur. Ayrica Circle yaparken danscilarin hem kendi bilincaltlarina hem de kolektif bilincaltina yaklasabilecekleri dusuncesi ortaya atilmistir.The main goal of this research is to give some information about the Hiphop culture’s Circle ritual and to present its effects on the dancer’s performance. For this purpose, Hiphop Culture is shortly introduced in the beginning and then the Circle’s dynamics and characteristics are explained. To observe the ritual and do interview with the participants, two groups of dancers were formed. They practiced this Circle ritual regularly for a month. In the end of this process it is claimed that the Circle ritual (a) improves the dancer’s performance, (b) fulfills the different individual needs of the participants at the same time, (c) allows to have a collective experience. Also, the possibility to approach individual and collective unconscious in the Circle is discussed.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessHiphop kulturuCircledaireritüelDansDoğaçlamaKolektif bilinçaltıCypherCarl Gustav JungBedenHiphop cultureRitualDanceImprovisationCollective unconsciousBodyHiphop Kültüründeki Circle Ritüelinin Dansçılar Üzerindeki EtkisiMaster Thesis469448