Soysal, LeventNebipasagil, ElifSoysal, Levent2019-07-122019-07-122009İçinde bulundugumuz XXi. yuzyilda bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki hizli gelismeler beraberinde yeni ihtiyaclar dogurmustur. Gunumuzde teknolojinin ulastigi seviyeyle bireyler ve devletler sosyal kulturel ekonomik ve siyasal faaliyetlerini dijital ortamda yapma imkani bulmaktadir. Elektronik ticaretin getirdigi kolaylik ve bu ortamda gerceklestirilen alisverisin pratik olmasi zamandan kazandiran ozelligi sirketlerle dogrudan musteri ve satici iliskisi olmayan ama belli talepleri olan gruplari internet uzerinde arastirma yapmaya karsilastirma secim ve alim yapmaya tesvik etmektedir.Fast developments about knowledge and communication technologies that is taken place during the 21st.century produced new necessities. Individuals and governments find themselves a great opportunity to do their social, cultural, economical and political functions within the digital environment due to high level of technology. Electronic commerce brought some easiness such as practical shopping (trading). Groups having some requests without any intense of customer and seller relation meet on the internet and doing researches, choices and comparisons with the property of earning from time. The meaning, content, positive and negative methods of electronic trade, payment methods, security problems on the internet trading and the profiles of the users that use the electronic trade methods in Turkey were examined with this work.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessElektronik ticaretGüvenGüven sorunsalıElectronic CommerceTrustTrust ProblemElektronik Ticaret ve Güven SorunlarıMaster Thesis230763