Aybar, SedatBacni, Zeynep2019-07-122019-07-122010https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/1910Bu calisma 2007 yilinda ABD finans sektorunde baslayan ve suratle kuresellesen ekonomik krizin kapsamini ve bu surecte uygulanan cesitli onlem ve mudahalelerin ulkeekonomilerine etkilerini Turkiye ozelinde arastirmaktadir. Krizin gundeme getirdigi cesitli diplomatik ve ekonomik adimlarin detayli incelenmesi bunun sonucunda kurumsal yeniden yapilandirmalar ve kriz yonetimi uygulamalari bu tezde oncelikle mercek altina alinmistir. Krizin yansidigi mali boyut baglaminda alinan onlemlerin ve ekonomi politika uygulamalarinin basarili olup olmadiginin aciklanmasi da bu calismanin konusudur. Tez ayrica krizden cikis ve potansiyel yukselis asamasina degin krizi yonetmede yapilmasi gerekenleri cesitli acilardan aciklayarak incelemis ve icerigine almistir. Bu hedeflere ulasmak icin kriz uzerine giderek zenginlesen literatur taranmis ve tezin amacina uygun calismalar incelenmistir. Ekonomik kriz surecinde farkli ulkelerin gelistirdikleri tavir ve uygulamalara ozellikle yer verilmis ve bunlarin aldiklari ekonomik kararlara deginilmistir.This study examines, within the context of Turkish economy, the dimensions of global economical crisis that is generated from the US mortgage markets in 2007. The thesis also examines a variety of economic steps that are applied in financial markets and the framework within which countercyclical policies are developed. In this sense, the study initially analysed the ways in which institutional restructuring and crisis management are carried out by various country governments and their interference with the broader economy. In order to develop a comparative view on rescue packages, it was imperative to study a variety of policies implemented by various countries since the current crisis had a variety of impact in different countries. This is done so to draw lessons for the rescue policies developed in Turkey. The thesis also reported of the existing literature on the topic for this purpose. The thesis placed great importance to the economic decision making and restructuring efforts during the crisis process, across the globe. As a result, the thesis aimed to offer solutions and reform programmes to recover from the crisis. The thesis also focused on the ways in which individual companies reacted and survived the crisis particularly by their efforts ?to turn economic challenges into opportunities?. Institutional restructuring is also emphasized in this thesis and reported that such restructuring activities are applied indispensably during crisis situations. It is seen that reforms ought to be sustainable if a full recovery is desired. At the same time, study gives some suggestions about how these reforms should be shaped up and implemented. Since lack of supervision and monitoring of the financial sector is seen as one of the main reasons of the crisis, in this context, it becomes necessary that dealing with the crisis needs to impelement reforms along the institutional restructuring lines. In this thesis, it is underlined that these reform efforts are not carried out effectively in the current crisis and institutional restructuring has been weak in Turkey.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGlobal mali krizYeniden yapılandırmaKriz yönetimiGlobal Financial CrisisRestructuringCrisis ManagementGlobal Mali Kriz Sürecinde Kriz Yönetimi ve Yeniden YapılandırmalarMaster Thesis261952