Ecevit, M.I.Erdem, Z.Dag, H.2023-10-192023-10-19202209781665470100 International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, UBMK 2022 --14 September 2022 through 16 September 2022 -- --183844In the real estate market, spatial features play a crucial role in determining property appraisals and prices. When spatial features are considered, classification techniques have been rarely studied compared to regression, which is commonly used for price prediction. This study reviews spatial features' effects on predicting the house price ranges for real estate in Istanbul, Turkey, in the classification context. Spatial features are generated and extracted by geocoding the address information from the original data set. This geocoding and feature extraction is another challenge in this research. The experiments compare the performance of Decision Trees (DT), Random Forests (RF), and Logistic Regression (LR) classifier models on the data set with and without spatial features. The prediction models are evaluated based on classification metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score. We additionally examine the ROC curve of each classifier. The test results show that the RF model outperforms the DT and LR models. It is observed that spatial features, when incorporated with non-spatial features, significantly improve the prediction performance of the models for the house price ranges. It is considered that the results can contribute to making decisions more accurately for the appraisal in the real estate industry. © 2022 IEEE.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessApache-sparkdecision treegeocodinglogistic regressionrandom forestreal estatespatial featureClassification (of information)CommerceForecastingLogistic regressionRandom forestsApache-sparkGeo codingHouse's pricesIstanbulLogistics regressionsPrice predictionRandom forestsReal estate marketReal-estatesSpatial featuresDecision treesReviewing the Effects of Spatial Features on Price Prediction for Real Estate Market: Istanbul CaseConference Object49049510.1109/UBMK55850.2022.99195402-s2.0-85141867569