Erdoğan, E.Güçlüoğlu, T.2023-10-192023-10-1920109781424496716 IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2010 --22 April 2010 through 24 April 2010 --Diyarbakir --83388Although multiple antenna and cooperative communication techniques can increase the system capacity, it can be difficult to use them in practice because of their high complexity. In this paper," joint transmit/receive antenna and relay selection" is proposed to keep the bit error rate and complexity low in cooperative communication. It is assumed that there are multiple users with multiple antennas where only one relay is selected between the source and the destination. Space time block coded (STBC) information is sent through the selected channel where the selection criterion is to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio. The proposed model results in lower bit error rates than only relay or antenna selection which are studied in the literature. ©2010 IEEE.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAntenna selectionCooperative communicationJoint antennasModel resultsMultiple antennaMultiple userRelay selectionSelection criteriaSpace timeSpace-time block codedSystem CapacityCommunicationInformation theoryReceiving antennasSignal processingSignal to noise ratioBit error rateSpace time coded cooperative communication with joint antenna and relay selectionUzay zaman kodlanmiş i?şbirlikli i?letişimde birleşik röle ve anten seçimiConference Object50751010.1109/SIU.2010.56540812-s2.0-78651437049N/AN/A1