GÜVENÇ, SERHATYÖNEL, DERİNGüvenç, Serhat2023-07-252023-07-252022https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/4389The main objective of this research is to evaluate China's goals for exploiting global governance provisions in the Arctic Ocean to reconfigure the rules-based international order in its favour. This study will also investigate China's global governance pretext to establish alternative global governance known as the Beijing Consensus through collaborative projects such as the Belt and Silk Road Initiative and its offshoots. The Beijing Consensus was established to continue China's struggle for hegemony against the rule-based international order led by the United States. China also uses the Maritime Silk Road Initiative to preserve its economic competitiveness in the Arctic Ocean through bilateral cooperation with the Russian Federation.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNorthern Sea RouteBelt and Road InitiativeNorthwest PassageMaritime Silk RoadChinese GeopoliticsExplaining Chinese Conducts in International Relations: Maritime Silk Road and Northern Sea RouteMaster Thesis740242