Cekli, SerapCekli, ErdincKabaoğlu, NihatCirpan, Hakan Ali2019-06-272019-06-272006978-1-4244-0238-0https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/1240In this paper maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is proposed for the joint estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA) and range parameters of moving sources in the near-field of the antenna array. ML estimation algorithm is presented for deterministic signal model. Recursive form of the expectation maximization (REM) algoritm is suggested for the estimation of the near-field parameters because there is not closed form solutions for the maximum likelihood functions. Moreover simulation results of the suggested algorithm are presented.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNear Field Parameter Estimation of Moving Sources With Recursive Expectation Maximization AlgorithmConference Object385WOS:0002453478000980