Uzun Kazmacı, ÖzgeUzun Kazmacı, ÖzgeCandan, Eda2019-07-122019-07-122013 tez çalışmasında, tazminat hukukunun temeli olan haksız fiil sorumluluğunu düzenleyen Borçlar Kanunu anlamında haksız fiil, zarar ve tazminat kavramlarına değinilmiştir. Bir eseri meydana getiren kişi eser sahibi sıfatıyla hukukun kendisine tanıdığı bazı malî ve manevî nitelikte haklara sahip olmaktadır. Tez içerisinde manevi ve mali haklar ile bunların nitelik ve içerikleri manevi ve maddi tazminat davalarının konuları içinde irdelenmiştir.“Lawsuits Of Damages Which Can Be Brought Before The Court In Accordance With The Law On Intellectual And Artistic Works” are regulated article 70 of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works by numbered 5846. In this study, damage and damages within the scope of Law on Obligations Regulating the Liability of tort which is the basis of the law of damages are mentioned. A person who creates a work, as an author, holds economic and moral rights that are entitled by the law. In study, the moral and economic rights and the quality and contents of these are studied, in the subject of non-pecuniary and pecuniary damages. Forasmuch as the liability of damages in terms of intellectual property law arises provided that a moral or economic right of the owner of the work is violated. Additionally, the lawsuit of annihilation of infringement which can be brought before the court when there is a violation of economic rights are mentioned. Then the lawsuit of the refund of the earnings that can be brought before the court in case of violations of moral and economic rights are explained.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessFikri MülkiyetFikri Hukukta Tazminat DavalarıMali HaklarManevi HaklarMali Hakların İhlalinde Tecavüzün Ref’iKazancın iadesi DavasıCopyrightLawsuits of Damages Within Intellectual Property LawEconomic RightsMoral RightsThe Annihilation of The İnfringement İn Case A Violation of Economic RightsThe Lawsuit of The Refund of The EarningsFikir ve sanat eserleri kanununda tazminat davalarıMaster Thesis279036