Acikmese Akgul, SinemAkgül Açıkmeşe, SinemDizdaroğlu, Cihan2019-06-272019-06-2720141304-73101304-7310's supremacy in the security and defence structures of the Euro-Atlantic region during the Cold War era has prevented the development of a self-sustained European security mechanism. With the end of the Cold War specifically with the St. Malo Summit in 1998 which was a breakthrough in the advancement of the Common Security and Defence Policy the NATO-EU relationship became pronounced. Since then opportunities for and difficulties of collaboration have both defined this inter-institutional relationship between NATO and the EU. Despite a series of arrangements for strengthening the institutional framework of NATO-EU relations as well as the Berlin-plus agreements the argument of an effective cooperation between two organizations would be misguided. Particularly discrimination against the non-EU NATO allies as well as the existence of challenges such as decoupling and duplication are hampering progress in NATO-EU relations. This article aims at shedding a light on the limited cooperation between these two organizations by focusing on the current challenges.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessNATO-EU RelationsBerlin-plusCSDPCyprusDynamics of Cooperation and Conflict in Nato-Eu RelationsArticle1311634010WOS:000336944100006Q4Q20