Selma DeğirmenciLucia Amaranta ThompsonTomas BrageSara GoodmanMary Lou O'neil2024-01-162024-01-16202397891803978279789180397810 book is one of the outcomes of the Horizon 2020 EU project Gender for Excellence in Research (GenderEx). This project has promoted the awareness of gender amongst researchers and the application of gender theory across a range of disciplines. The present book consists of the proceedings from the Second International Gender for Excellence in Research Conference, in which research projects from a variety of disciplines were presented, including social sciences, humanities, engineering and physical sciences. The research demonstrates how gender theory can contribute to expanding scientific knowledge. This project also appeals to the turn in academia towards interdisciplinarity by challenging the ways in which academic knowledge is produced. The editors of this book would like to thank all of the conference participants, the staff of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research Group, Kadir Has University, Istanbul and all the members of the GenderEx Team, for their contributions to the Second Gender for Excellence in Research Conference. A special thanks to the gendersensitive language editor Liz Sourbut, and to Jonas Palm and his colleagues at the Media Tryck printing office of Lund University. Lucia Amaranta Thompson, PhD Candidate, Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden Tomas Brage, Division of Mathematical Physics, Dept of Physics, Lund University, Sweden Selma Değirmenci, GenderEx Project Manager, Dr, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research Group, Kadir Has University, Turkey Sara Goodman, Retired Lecturer, Department of Gender Studies, Lund University, Sweden Mary Lou O’Neil, GenderEx Project Director, Professor, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Research Group, Kadir Has University, Turkeyeninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessInternational Gender for Excellence in Research Conference Proceedings Part 2: Selected Papers and Abstracts June 10-11, 2023BookDeğirmenci, S., Thompson, L. A., Brage, T., Goodman, S., & O’neil, M. L. (Eds.). (2023). International gender for excellence in research conference proceedings : International Gender for Excellence Research Conference 2 2023 Istanbu. Nordıc Swan Ecolabel.