Görçün, Ömer FarukGörçün, Ömer Faruk2019-06-282019-06-2820189781450363655https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/1671https://doi.org/10.1145/3191477.3191493Project logistics is one of the specific logistics operations. Compared to other logistics operations it needs more efficient planning and engineering applications in each operational process. On the other hand each project logistics operation can be defined as tailor-made operations since it has no similarity with other operations. Consequently each project logistics operation should be planned and carried out according to its own conditions and parameters. This study focuses on the simulation of project logistics operations under the light of computerized applications from start to finish of the logistics operation. In this study transportation operations of 600 tons of autoclave from the Petkim port to the Gördes building site were selected as a case study. © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAutoclaveProject logisticsSimulationTransportationSimulation and Planning Project Logistics Operations: a Case Study of Transportation Operation of Autoclave From Petkim Port To Gördes Building Siteömer Faruk GörçünConference Object2832Part F13769010.1145/3191477.31914932-s2.0-850538096740