Ürer, LeventHuseyinoglu, Aslı2019-07-122019-07-122009https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/2174Bu tezin amaci kuresel degisimler surecinde dunya enerji kaynaklari ile bunlarin sorunlarini ele almak ve bu kapsamda Turkiye'nin yerini belirlemektir. Sanayi devrimi sonrasinda gerek gelisme gerekse gelismekte olan ulkelerin artan nufuslari uretim ve hizmet faaliyetlerinde ihtiyac duydugu enerjiye olan talepleri hizla artmistirThe aim of this thesis is to discuss world energy resources in the context of global changes, to evaluate its problematic aspects in terms of energy security view, and to determine the situation of Turkey in accordance. The increasing population in both the developed and the developing countries after Industrial Revolution boosted the demand for energy needed in production and service activities. In this way, there have been important struggles among countries on owning the energy resources the distribution of which is unstable and limited in the world. Energy is evaluated in connection with the potentials of world energy resources, production and consumption equilibrium, the approaches of leading globalized countries to energy, and the role Turkey plays among world energy resources. In this study tries to determine the extent of transformation in the concept of security within the international system especially after Cold War and the economic and geopolitical framework of this change by relating the concept directly to energy which is the basic factor of economic growth.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEnerji KaynaklarıKüreselleşmeGüvenlikBölgesel Enerji Boru Hatları ProjeleriUluslararası SistemHazar Enerji KaynaklarıÇinRusya FederasyonuAvrupa BirliğiAmerikaÇin Enerji PolitikasıEnergy ResourcesGlobalizationEnergy SecurityRegional Energy Pipeline ProjectsInternational SystemCaspian Energy ResourcesEnergy Policy of ChinaRussian FederationEuropean UnionUSATurkeyDevletlerin Güvenlik Algılamasında Enerji Kaynaklarının Rolü: Hazar Havzası OrneğiMaster Thesis235889