Şenol, HabibErdogan, M.Senol, H.Panaytrel, E.Uysal, M.2023-10-192023-10-1920139781467355629https://doi.org/10.1109/SIU.2013.6531271https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/49302013 21st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, SIU 2013 --24 April 2013 through 26 April 2013 --Haspolat --98109In this paper, an efficient ehannel estimation algorithm is proposed fOl' amplify-And-forward (AF) eooperative relay based orthogonal fl'equency division multiplexing (OFDM) system in the presenee of sparse underwater aeoustic ehannels and of the cOITelative non-Gaussian noise, The algorithm is based on the eombinations of the matching pursuit (MP) and the spaee- alternating generalized expectation-lnaxiInization (SAGE) teehnique, to impl'ove the estimates of the ehannel taps and their loeation as weil as the Gaussian mb.."ture noise distribution paramete..s in an itel'ative way, Computer simulations show that underwater aeoustie ehannel is estimated very effectively and the proposed algorithm has exeellent symbol error rate (SER) and ehannel estimation performance, as eompared to the existing ones,. © 2013 IEEE.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessAF-OFDMGaussian mixture modelMP-SAGEUnderwater acoustic channel estimationAF-OFDMAmplify-and-forwardEstimation algorithmEstimation performanceGaussian Mixture ModelMP-SAGESymbol error rate (SER)Underwater acoustic channelsAlgorithmsComputer simulationEstimationSignal processingTelecommunication systemsOrthogonal frequency division multiplexingMP-SAGE based channel estimation for underwater cooperative OFDM systemsSualtl isbirlikli OFDM sistemleri icin MP-SAGE kanal kestirimiConference Object10.1109/SIU.2013.65312712-s2.0-84880902132N/AN/A0