Ulgen, OguzBaykaş, TunçerBaykaş, TunçerErküçük, SerhatErküçük, Serhat2019-06-282019-06-2820189781538615010https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/1594https://doi.org/10.1109/SIU.2018.8404410In this paper various algorithms are proposed to help IEEE 802.11af and IEEE 802.22 wireless systems to coexist in TV white space by considering multiple techniques. By using busy tone power control and multihop communication techniques improvements have been made compared to prior approaches. With this approach while IEEE 802.22 systems are protected from intra-network interference IEEE 802.11af systems are still able to continue transmitting packets. Considering the communication parameters and channel models compliant for the standards IEEE 802.11af and IEEE 802.22 system performances are investigated in terms of interfering packet rate and successful packet transmission rate for different scenarios and the improved results are presented. © 2018 IEEE.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessBusy toneIEEE 802.11afIEEE 802.22Power controlTV white spaceA New Approach for Coexistence of Ieee 802.11af and Ieee 802.22 SystemsConference Object14WOS:00051144850026310.1109/SIU.2018.84044102-s2.0-850508046941