Chambers, NurgülKorkmaz, Huseyin2019-07-122019-07-122009 surec icerisinde altin bazen para ve madalyon olarak estetik gorunumuyle mucevher olarak zor zamanlarin ve belirsizliklerin bertaraf edilmesi yonuyle yatirim araci enstrumani olarak karsimiza cikan en kiymetli maden konumundadir. Gelismekte olan ulkeler arasinda onemli bir yere sahip olan altin ve kiymetli madenlerin sermaye piyasalarina entegrasyonunun saglanmasi ve bu enstrumana dair turev araclarinin gelistirilmesi finansal yapinin gucu ve derinligi acisindan onemlilik arz etmektedir.Gold in history, sometimes in the form of money, sometimes in the form of amedallion or sometimes simply as jewellery, has been perceived as the most importantmetal which acts as a store of value. Historically, gold has an important role indeveloping countries. Integration of gold trading in to their capital markets willpromote the strength and stability of the financial systems of these developing countries.In this study, we tried to provide fundamental information about the globalgold markets with their history, and specifically Turkish gold market since theestablishment of the İstanbul Gold Exchange in 1995 with figures and details such astransaction volumes.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessÝstanbul altin borsasi ve sermaye piyasasina etkileriMaster Thesis