Memiş, TekinKasapoğlu, Mehmet2019-07-122019-07-122009 degerinin dogru belirlenmesi marka ile ilgili islemlere saglam bir zemin olusturacaktir. Farkli marka degerleme yontemleri bulunmaktadir. Turkiye'de henuz ciddi bir marka degeri hesaplamasi yapilmamistir. Uluslar arasi markalarin her yil aciklanan degerleri bizim icin haber ve gipta konusu olmaktan oteye gitmemistir. Bunun temelinde hic kuskusuz markanin mali degerinin hesaplanmasi one cikmaktadir.Transactions related to brand will be built on the strong base when the brand equity isdetermined correctly.There are various brand valuations method used.There hasn?tbeen any serious brand equity computationmade yet.Annually declared brand valuesof international companies haven?t been able to go beyond matter of news andemulation for us.The reason for this,without suspect , financial value of brand playsan important role.The fundamental rule of law of bankruptcy aims that The creditor must be satisfiedwith money Since the brand is incorporeal right,deterrmination of economical valueof it, beside, it has value nowadays,and its levy of distress is possible , proceduresduring the confiscation of brand and deficiency of our legislative regulations will beperused in details.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessMarkanın Haczi ve Markanın DeğerlemesiMaster Thesis235628