Behlil, MelisAzap, ÖzgeBehlil, Melis2019-07-122019-07-122014 calismanin amaci “SURET” adli kisa film calismasini olusturulurken dayandirilan kavramsal cercevenin ortaya konulmasidir. Buna gore calismanin konusu dijital cagin teknolojileri araciligiyla olusturulan sanal kimliklerin yanilsamali bir yapida olmasi ve yine bu teknolojilerin toplumu gozetim toplumuna cevirmesidir. Bu dogrultuda sanal gerceklik kavrami ve sanal gercekligin sinemada nasil temsil edildigi incelenmistir.The aim of this study conceptual framework has been introduced which base on to short film case study called "SURET". Accordingly, the subject of this study virtual identities has illusional structure which authoring from the technology of digital age and again, this technology change society to surveillance society. In this direction the notion of virtual reality and how virtual reality is represented in the cinema have been viewed.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSanal GerçeklikKimlikYanılsamaGözetimDijital ÇağVirtual RealityIdentityIllusionSurveillanceDigital AgeDijital Çağda Kimlik Olusturmak: Sanal Gerçeklik Yanilsama ve Gözetim “suret” Kısa Film Çalışması ÖrneğiMaster Thesis358765