Sarıkartal, Çetin KemalYalgin, Ali2019-07-122019-07-122016 tezde Ýstanbul'da 1990-2015 zaman diliminde faaliyet gostermis alternatif tiyatrolarin yonetmenleri farkli fonksiyonlari uzerinden incelenmistir. Alternatif tiyatrolarin yeni bir dil yaratmak amaciyla dogdugu varsayimiyla yonetmenlerinin dil olusumuna nasil bir katkida bulundugu topluluklarinda nasil bir yere oturdugu otoritelerinin ne derecede oldugu calistiklari oyunculara dramaturglara tasarimcilara nasil yaklastiklari sorgulanmistir. Bunun icin iki farkli kusaktan alti yonetmen karsilastirmali olarak incelenmistir.The focus of this dissertation is the different functions of the directors of the alternative theatres in Istanbul within the time frame of 1990-2015. Assuming that the raison d'être of the alternative theatres was to create a new language for the theatre, the directors are investigated in terms of their contributions to new theatrical languages, their positions in their respective companies, and their approaches to the actors, dramaturges and designers with whom they collaborate. Six directors from two different generations were compared and contrasted in couples as a means of investigation.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAlternatif tiyatroAlternatif tiyatroYönetmenlerReji TiyatrosuGesamtkunstwerkTeatrallikMustafa AvkıranUfuk Tan AltunkayaKerem KurdoğluEyüp Emre UçarayEmre KoyuncuoğluBerfin ZenderlioğluAlternative theatresDirectorsDirectors' TheatreGesamtkunstwerkTheatricalityAlternatif Tiyatrolarda YonetmenlerMaster Thesis429289