Cengiz, KorhanDağ, TamerDağ, Tamer2019-06-282019-06-2820169781467395229https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/1282https://doi.org/10.1109/SIELA.2016.7542977The objective of reducing energy consumption at the sensor nodes has become a key research area for wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in recent years. With the steady increase in the cost of energy the existing algorithms and protocols need to be redeveloped. In this paper an energy-efficient routing protocol which forms fixed clusters is proposed. The new cluster head (CH) selections are made based on selecting nearest nodes to the current CH. The proposed protocol includes two phases to achieve the objective of energy-efficiency in WSNs. These phases are clustering phase where fixed clusters are established and CHs are determined randomly at the beginning and data transmission phase in which the collected information is transmitted to an outside base station (BS) and CH change occurs if needed. The results of the simulations of NFCA demonstrate that NFCA outperforms LEACH and ModLEACH in terms of energy efficiency and lifetime. © 2016 IEEE.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessEnergy-Efficient RoutingFixed ClusteringWireless Sensor NetworksNearest Fixed Clustering Algorithm (nfca) for Wireless Sensor NetworksConference ObjectWOS:00038293680000910.1109/SIELA.2016.75429772-s2.0-849859959060