Aydın, Mehmet NafizAydın, ŞahinAydın, Mehmet Nafiz2020-07-302020-07-302020182076-34172076-3417https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/3091https://doi.org/10.3390/app10134460In recent years, Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based applications have been used in various domains such as health, industry and agriculture. Considerable amounts of data in diverse formats are collected from wireless sensor networks (WSNs) integrated into IoT devices. Semantic interoperability of data gathered from IoT devices is generally being carried out using existing sensor ontologies. However, crop-specific trait ontologies-which include site-specific parameters concerning hazelnut as a particular agricultural product-can be used to make links between domain-specific variables and sensor measurement values as well. This research seeks to address how to use crop-specific trait ontologies for linking site-specific parameters to sensor measurement values. A data-integration approach for semantic and syntactic interoperability is proposed to achieve this objective. An open-data platform is developed and its usability is evaluated to justify the viability of the proposed approach. Furthermore, this research shows how to use web services and APIs to carry out the syntactic interoperability of sensor data in agriculture domain.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAgricultural open-data platformsIoT data interoperabilitySemantic interoperabilitySensor data integrationSyntactic interoperabilitySemantic and syntactic interoperability for agricultural open-data platforms in the context of IoT using crop-specific trait ontologiesArticle1310WOS:00055030290000110.3390/app101344602-s2.0-85087897906N/AQ2