Tarı, ÖzlemPekcan, Önder2019-06-272019-06-27200921022-13601022-1360https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/1124https://doi.org/10.1002/masy.200950721The steady state fluorescence (SSF) technique was employed to study the phase transitions Of kappa-carrageenan in NaCl and KCl solutions. Pyranine was used as a fluorescence probe for monitoring these transitions. Scattered light I(sc) and fluorescence intensity 1 was monitored against temperature to determine transition temperatures and exponents. It was observed that transition temperatures are strongly correlated with the NaCl and KCl contents. The weight-average degree of polymerization DP(w) and gel fraction G exponents (gamma and beta) were measured and found to be in accord with the classical Flory-Stockmayer model.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessCarrageenanCritical exponentsFluorescenceGelationPercolationCritical Exponents of Thermal Phase Transitions of kappa-Carrageenan in Various Salt SolutionsConference Object160167281WOS:00026898910002210.1002/masy.2009507212-s2.0-68349090323N/AQ3