Bayraktar, Gülümser DenizBayrakdar, Gülümser DenizUzun, Emre2019-07-122019-07-122017 tez calismasinda Bir Umut isimli kisa film cekilmistir. Bir Umut genel olarak dram filmi kategorisine girmekle birlikte “ask” “tesaduf” ve “umut” temalarini da icinde barindirmaktadir. Filmin ana karakteri Umut 20’li yaslarinda bir genctir. Gorme yetisini yavas yavas kaybetmektedir. Agabeyi Cengiz kardesinin bu durumunu abartmakta ve bakimini ustlenmek istemektedir. Film Umut’un komsusu Muzeyyen’e olan saf aski sevdigi kadini hayatinda tutma cabasi ve agabeyiyle olan iliskisini anlatan kurmaca bagimsiz bir kisa filmdir.In this thesis study, Short film named A Hope was filmed. A hope generally includes the themes of love, coincidence and hope as well as entering into the category of drama film. The main character of the film is a young man Umut who is about his twenties. He loses his ability of seeing slowly. His brother Cengiz exaggerates this situtaion and wants to take care of his brother. Film is an independent short film about Umut's pure love against his neighbor Müzeyyen and his struggle to keep a loved woman in his life and his relationship with his brother.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKisa filmUmutAşkTesadüfHopeLoveShort FilmCoincidenceBir umutMaster Thesis471162