Panayırcı, ErdalAlsan, Hüseyin FuatPanayırcı, Erdal2019-07-122019-07-122016 work is concerned with a challenging problem of modeling and simulation of visible light communications (VLC) channels for optical wireless communication (OWC) systems. A proper channel model for VLC is absent in the current literature. For this reason two different indoor channel model with different material types and different receiver-transmitter locations have been obtained and implemented for asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) technique. The channel models have been obtained from optical and illumination design software Zemax® by using sequential and non- sequential ray-tracing capabilities for VLC spectrum. The results of implementation of the realistic channel model has significant diversity from Gaussian and infra-red (iR) channel models implemented in studies.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessModelling of Visible Light Channels and Performance Analysis for Optical Ofdm SystemsMaster Thesis422138