Vatikiotis, PantelisAlragawi, MohammedVatıkıotıs, Panteleımon2019-07-122019-07-122018 industry experienced many changes in the digital era and social media is considered as the latest contributor to those changes as it becomes an important part of any TV station. This research is studying the impact of social media on television in Yemen with further focus on Belqees TV. The research includes reflections on the media convergence and its types of technological structural economic convergence and convergent audience. The study is using a mixed research method of quantitative content analysis and qualitative indepth interviews in order to have comprehensive view of the research area. Findings of this study shows the role of social media in Belqees TV station how much social media content is included in its programs the motives and reasons of using social media as a source of content and how social media brings new organizational practices in the station.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessSocial mediaSocial Media Impact on Television in Yemen : the Case of Belqees TvMaster Thesis545807