Tezcan, ErcumentPourzand, Irmak2019-07-122019-07-122012https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/2409Çalışmamızda, AB ülkeleri ve Rusya arasındaki enerji ilişkileri hem ülkeler bazında hem de Birlik olarak ele alınacak, AB ve Rusya arasındaki doğalgaz özelinde anlaşmazlık konularına yer verilecek ve sonuçta ortak enerji politikası oluşturabilmenin önemine ve yapılabilirliğine yer verilecektir.There is an intense energy relationship between Russia and the EU. Natural gas in the EU needs about 1/3 of the imports from Russia, while Russia exported to EU countries where a large portion of the export revenues of oil and natural gas provides. The realization of such a large volume of energy relations to get their attention and energy on this issue makes it necessary to prepare a strategy.Russia has adopted an energy policy after Putin had come to power, Accordance with this policy, state control of energy resources reserves. In this way, foreign relations as a trump card from time to time uses of energy resources. On the other hand the EU couldn?t make a common energy policy yet and shortages experienced in the gas crises of 2006 and 2009.Various problems have been experienced in the field of energy between Russia and the EU, member states couldn?t solve these problems and differences that have established separate relations with Russia as EU, in the absence of an effective common energy policy.In our study, energy relations between Russia and EU states will be analyzed seperately and also as an Union. Conflicts which are especially on natural gas will be discussed and as a result importance and ability of an common energy politics will also be discussed.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessRusyaABEnerjiDoğalgazOrtak enerji politikasıBoru hatlarıEnerji antlaşmalarıUzun süreli sözleşmelerİkili fiyatlandırmaEnerji ilişkileriRussiaEUEnergyNatural gasCommon energy policyPipelineEnergy contractsLlong-term contractsDual pricingEnergy relationsAvrupa Birliği ve Rusya Arasındaki Doğalgaz İhtilaflarıMaster Thesis308482