Barodi, LubanaDağ, Tamer2020-12-242020-12-2420192978-172813878-7 methods have evolved over the years and led the invention of the Global Positioning System for outdoor localization. In time, the need for indoor localization has also arisen and research on indoor positioning systems has increased significantly. One of the most widely studied indoor localization algorithms is considered to be the Received Signal Strength-based lateration. The mentioned algorithm has a major advantage of being simple. In addition, it is low cost since it uses the existing infrastructure. In this paper, the performance of the RSS-based lateration is evaluated and compared for various scenarios through simulation studies. The accuracy of the algorithm is calculated when the path loss exponent value is known, when the path loss exponent value is estimated or when least-squares approximation is used. In addition, the impact of certain parameters such as the size of the area, the grid size or the noise level are investigated.eninfo:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccessIndoor positioning systemsLeast Squares LaterationPath Loss ExponentReceived Signal strengthThe Performance of the RSS-Based Lateration Algorithm for Indoor LocalizationConference Object14815309/01/19WOS:00054299500002810.1109/SIET48054.2019.89861492-s2.0-85080118261N/AN/A