Özgöker, UğurUykun, Elçin2019-07-122019-07-122010https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12469/2555Global bir guc haline gelen cok Uluslu sirketlerin (cUS) bulunduklari lokasyonda ya da ana merkezinde sadece kar gudusuyle hareket etmeleri degil artik toplum tarafindan yararli sayilabilecek faaliyetlerde de bulunmalari beklenmektedir. Bu calismanin amaci cUS'larin Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk calismalarini ve uluslararasi cevre politikalarini inceleyerek yapilan projelerin cevre politikalarina ne kadar uyum sagladigi da gozlemlemektir.The multinational companies (MNC), which became a global power, are expected not only to behave with the profit incentive in their own location or in their headquarter, but also to be engaged in the activities which could be regarded as useful by the community.The purpose of this study is to observe how to make projects comply with the environmental policies by analyzing the corporate social responsibility studies and international environmental policies of MNCs.In the first part, the multinational company concept, its history,globalization, definitions of sustainable development, the social responsibility projects of MNCs and the case studies on the damage of these projects to the environment are analyzed. In the second part, international conventions relevant to the environmental policies are analyzed. In the last part, the environmental citizenship studies of MNCs are mentioned. In this context, corporate social responsibility and environment topics are gathered and explained by multinational companies.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessKurumsal Sosyal SorumlulukÇevreAvrupa BirliğiÇok uluslu ŞirketlerCorporate Social ResponsibilityEnvironmentEuropean UnionMultinational CorporationsÇok Uluslu Şirketlerin Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Anlayışı ve Çevre PolitikalarıMaster Thesis241544