Sarıkartal, ÇetinAytekin, Behic AlpSarıkartal, Çetin Kemal2019-07-122019-07-122009 ve Drama Yuksek Lisans Programi'nda yapimcilik egitimi goren Behic Alp Aytekin tarafindan hazirlanan bu tez projesi ile yemek-insan gorsel iliskisinin arastirilmasi oncelikli hedef olarak belirlenmistir. Bu arastirma konusu ile beraber ortaya cikacak olan antropolojik ve sosyolojik yaklasimlar ve sonuclar da projenin yan arastirma konulari olarak kurulmustur. Tez baglaminda sunulan belgesel film de bu arastirmanin urunu olarak sunulmaktadir. Performansa dayali bu tez surec analizi baglaminda degerlendirilmistir.In this thesis project a visual cultural study research about food and human relationship, has been chosen as a primary aim and considered by Behiç Alp Aytekin who has been training in Film and Drama Master?s Program as a producer. In addition to the primary visual study of the project, some results and data have been achieved related to the other fields such an anthropology and sociology. Also, a documentary film has presented as thesis?s final product to show the outcomes of the research. This thesis, based on performance, has been examined in the context of a practice as research.trinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessGörsel kültür araştırmasıYemek-insan ilişkisiYemek pişirmeİskenderunAntakyaKültürel kozmopolitlikSüreç analiziDeneyimVisual cultural studyHuman-food relationshipCookingIskenderunCultural cosmopolitanismProcess analysisExperienceİskenderun - Antakya Bolgesinde Yemek - İnsan İliskisi Uzerine Bir Gorsel Kultur CalismasiMaster Thesis230703