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Article Citation Count: 0BİR ANA MENDİETA VARMIŞ, BİR ANA MENDİETA YOKMUŞ(Ege Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi, 2018) Balkır Kuru, Nur8 Eylül 1985’te New York’taki Soho polis departmanı bir acil durum çağrısı aldı. Ünlü minimalist sanatçı Carl Andre, karısı Ana’nın, yaşadıkları apartmanın 34’üncü kat penceresinden düştüğünü söyleyerek yardım istiyordu. Yardım ekipleri ulaştığında Ana Mendieta’nın cansız bedenini New York Performans Sanatları Okulu’nun çaprazında buldu. Komşuları kısa süre önce onların dairesinden kavga sesleri duyduklarını söylüyorlardı. Mendieta’nın vücudundaki izlerden ve pencerenin konumundan yola çıkan polis, cinayetten şüphelenerek Andre’yi zanlı olarak gözaltına aldı. Davada, Andre’nin avukatları, sanatı ve hayat hikayesinden yola çıkarak Mendieta’nın intihara meyilli bir kişilik yapısı sergilediğini iddia ettiler. Mahkeme, Mendieta’nın intihar ettiğine, sanatına bakarak karar verdi. İronik biçimde, Mendieta’nın toprağı kazarak varlığa dönüştürdüğü “kendi”nden kalan boşluğu “intihara meyilli beden” ile doldurup kapattı. Sanatçının ölümü ve fiziki yokluğu, sanatının temel soruları olan zaman, mekan, beden, kimlik gibi kavramlar etrafından yorumlanarak ünlü “Silueta” serisinin altına, tabiri caizse serinin son işi olarak eklendi. Küba kökenli Amerikalı performans sanatçısı, heykeltraş, ressam ve video sanatçısı Ana Mendieta’nın yarattığı imgeler yeryüzü ve ruh arasında ilişkileri sorgularken, sevgi, ölüm ve yeniden doğuş ile ilgili hayati sorularla yüzleşir. İlk başlardaki yenilikçi ve provokatif performanslarının yerini sonraları sembolik ve geçici işlere bırakmış olsa da, Mendieta beden, zaman, boşluk, doğa ve onların arasındaki ilişkisel bağları her zaman sanatının ana malzemesi yapmıştır. Bu yazı, Mendieta’nın fiziki ve ruhsal varlığını ortaya çıkarmak için kullandığı metotları kavramsal açıdan inceleyecektir. Mendieta’nın doğuştan gelen ırk ve cinsel kimliğini ayrıştırıp varoluşsal açıdan sorgulaması, Heidegger’in varoluşsal uzam ve Merleau Ponty’nin yaşayan beden kavramları üzerinden değerlendirilecektir. Yanı sıra, Marcel Duchamp, Frida Kahlo, Rachel Whiteread gibi, benzer sorunsalları irdeleyen sanatçıların çalışmalarıyla kıyaslama yapılacaktır.Article Cinematic Visual Representation of Refugee Journeys in Turkey in the Context of Precarious Class Dynamics(MIGRATION LETTERS, 2019-09-29) Arda Güney, Talat BalcaIn this article, I comparatively analyse the imagery of precarious class through the narration of refugee journeys in Turkey for two different films, with an emphasis on the visuality of cinematic narration. Whilst The Guest Aleppo to Istanbul (2017) by Andaç Haznedaroğlu and More by Onur Saylak certainly offer different portrayals of refugees in Turkey, both reflect on the precarious class dynamics in the context of migration and reveal the complex interplay of citizenship, meritocracy and suffering. By focusing on precarious status, these fictional representations illustrate that the incoming non-citizens provide the opportunity of self-reflexibility for the host community members and expose the fragility of the border between the citizen-self and the refugee. I contend that such distinct comparative portrayals encompassing precarity instead of humanity, as common ground between host and new arrival populations, necessarily requires drawing upon a broader literature on the human conditions for politics of justice rather than pity.Article Citation Count: 1Hidden Archives, Closeted Desires, Postponed Utopias: Queer Ultra-Nationalism in Turkish Opera(2022) Altınay, Rüstem ErtuğHow do queer intellectuals produce dramatic texts for utopian archival projects? How do (once) hidden theatre practices exist in a complicated relationship with the claims about covert or clandestine performances in the messy afterlives of such unorthodox archives? This essay explores such processes and how they unfolded in the context of Turkish opera by focusing on the work of Rıza Nur (1879-1942). Rıza Nur was a queer Turkish politician who created an archive of resistance to propagate his ultra-nationalist and eugenicist utopian vision for Turkey’s future during the country’s formative years. In addition to his proposed programs for Turkey’s revivification and the establishment of an ultra-nationalist party, the archive also included Nur’s memoirs, essays, poetry, and two of his librettos. Nur trusted this archive to multiple European libraries on the condition that it would not be accessible until 1960. Nur’s desire was that once his archive would become public, it would transform Turkish people’s understanding of the past, make them recognize him as an unappreciated true leader, and adopt his utopian vision. Rıza Nur’s librettos demonstrate how operatic writing can function as an undercover strategy of queer self-making. The librettos reveal how archives function not only as repositories but also as sites of production, and how dramatic texts can gain queer dimensions and political significance in relation to other texts. Archives can thus provide crucial insights into discrete theatre practices and create important opportunities to review and revise performance historiographies. Nevertheless, the limited scholarly attention Nur’s librettos have received suggests how disciplinary and methodological conventions may render dramatic texts invisible even when they are in plain sight. Finally, Nur’s ultra-nationalist and eugenicist utopian archive challenges the tendency to associate queer utopian performance with progressive politics.Article Citation Count: 1‘i Am Here’: Women Workers’ Experiences at the Former Cibali Tekel Tobacco and Cigarette Factory in Istanbul(Routledge, 2017) Selen, Eser; O'Neil, Mary LouThis study presents oral history research which investigated the experiences of surviving women workers from the former Cibali Tekel Tobacco and Cigarette Factory in Istanbul Turkey. For most of its history the factory was home to thousands of workers many of who were women and at times outnumbered men two to one. While the site is now known for the university that it houses photographs and archival records from the early twentieth century reveal the centrality of women in the process and production of tobacco and cigarettes until the factory completely shut down in 1995. Using oral history methods we recorded the memories of 17 women who worked in the factory. A multi-faceted analysis reveals the gendered nature of the space at the time as well as the importance of the factory as a place in the lives of these women. © 2017 Informa UK Limited trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Book Part Citation Count: 2Into the Body of Another: Strange Couplings and Unnatural Alliances of Harlequin Coat(Palgrave, 2015) Baykan, Burcu[Abstract Not Available]Article Large-Scale Collaborative Research Projects in Theatre and Performance Studies: Resources, Politics, and Ethics in the Margins of Europe During the Covid-19 Pandemic(The University of Kansas, Department of Theatre and Dance, 2021-09) Altinay, Rüstem Ertuğ; Çınar, İlyas Deniz; Karabekir, Jale; Tosun, Gamze; Yıldırım, Şeyda NurStaging National Abjection: Theatre and Politics in Turkey and Its Diasporas is a research project funded by the European Research Council’s Starting Grants program. Building on the initial insights of the project, the authors study collaboration as a performative process. They analyze the promises and risks involved in large-scale collaborative research projects and how they unfold in the context of Turkish academia and the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors examine how they manage their responsibilities to fellow members of their research team, to other members of Turkish academia, to the minoritarian communities they work with, and to the broader public who funds their research. Finally, they discuss how they work toward collective care and empowerment while negotiating the demands of globalized neoliberal academia as well as the oppressive sociopolitical environment in Turkey and explore the limits of their scholarly and ethical endeavors.Article Citation Count: 0Money Religion and Symbolic Exchange in Winter Sleep(Berghahn Journals, 2017) Diken, BülentWinter Sleep is the latest film from Nuri Bilge Ceylan a Turkish director and screenwriter who has received international acclaim. For the purpose of social and cultural analysis this article critically focuses on the film's key themes and maneuvers that have diagnostic value from a social theoretical viewpoint. These themes are religion the relationship between religion and capitalism and symbolic exchange. Organized around these topics the article examines the religion-capitalism-symbolic exchange nexus by analyzing the motifs of formation intervention and intelligibility as these themes arise. This site of intersection is the conceptual pivot around which the article configures itself. It explores Winter Sleep based on what the film shows and says on screen how its thought processes emerge and at what points this thought supports or conflicts with dominant societal opinions.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Philosophical Concerns in Fine Arts Education(Elsevier Science Bv, 2012) Kuru, Nur BalkırDue to the rapid changes in society it is increasingly important to ask why we teach the way we do which teaching methods we should adopt and which we should reject or abandon. As a result it is crucial that philosophical concerns are integrated into art and design curricula. Novel interpretations and applications of teaching methodologies that will offer new and diverse art forms perspectives and worldviews are necessary. In what ways do philosophical theories influence critical analysis and create new opportunities for both educators and students? How can the so-called 'trendy' deconstructive approaches stemming from postmodern theories influence the variety of artistic and educational fields? This paper will examine the ties between philosophical theories and art education in order to examine possible pedagogical connections between theory and praxis. These possibilities are set out by means of specific applications or methodologies as practiced in inquiry-based art classes in higher education. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of Prof. Ayse Cakir IlhanArticle Citation Count: 3“the Public Immoralist”: Discourses of Queer Subjectification in Contemporary Turkey(University of Southern California, 2020) Selen, EserThis study examines the forms of queer subjectification that have been molded through regular acts of gender- and sexuality-based violence against LGBTQ+ citizens as encouraged by the dominant religious and secular discourses in Turkey. Within that context, this article explicates the discursive mechanisms at work in the statements that were made by politicians and journalists between 2002 and 2018. In those discourses, the qualities attributed to nonheteronormative sexualities, such as perversion and disease, are perhaps the most widespread means of negating the existence of LGBTQ+ citizens and claiming that their lifestyles are “immoral.” Based on a case study that incorporates the existing historical and sociopolitical background, which props up a heteronormative patriarchal culture, this study critically analyzes the discourses that have emerged in a state of moral panic regarding queer in/visibilities, dis/appearances, and aversions/subversions in the Turkish sociopolitical sphere.Book Part Citation Count: 1Rethinking Nationalist Ethno-Racist and Gendered Myths: an Art Historical Take on Minoritarian Variations From Turkey(Taylor & Francis, 2017) Selen, Eser[Abstract Not Available]Article Citation Count: 15The Stage: a Space for Queer Subjectification in Contemporary Turkey(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2012) Selen, EserThis article focuses on the role of the stage in complex modes of gender performativity in the work of three Turkish performers: Zeki Muren (1931-1996) Bulent Ersoy (b. 1952) and Seyfi Dursunoglu (b. 1932) a.k.a. Huysuz Virjin [Cranky Virgin]. These three I suggest are the pioneers of contemporary Turkish queer performance. Their performances - both on-and off-stage - are validated through a reiterative absence of queerness in their everyday lives and stand in the midst of various negotiations between queers and the secular Islamic nation-state in Turkey. In the works of Muren Ersoy and Huysuz the stage is suggestive of a space where queerness can be managed. It is a contested space that does at least allow for the communication of queer ideas to a wider audience. I discuss the works of these three performers as three variations of queerness in Turkey in relation to different eras and different political climates that are directly related to the nation-state's desire to perform modernity. While explicating complicated modes of gender performativity I consider the stage as the primary space for a queer body to exist. Through this discussion I aim to activate debates both within and against the context of secular Islam on gendered political space and on those overlooked sexualized spaces in which the nation-state produces powerful yet unstable values to manage queer subjectivity in contemporary Turkey.Article Theatre and Solidarity Among the Transnational Alevi Community: Memory, Trauma and Political Economy(Taylor and Francis Group, 2023-05-12) Kalıntaş, RüyaThe Alevi religious minority makes up the largest religious minority in Turkey, and their history of persecution dates back before the Republic of Turkey. The inception of the Republic of Turkey as a secular nation-state in 1923 was initially promising for the Alevis, but the regime remained implicitly Sunni Muslim. So, the community’s experiences of citizenship and belonging continued to be characterized by precarity as they occupied a category of national objection. Beginning in the 1960s, the waves of migration from rural areas to urban Turkey and Western Europe gradually transformed the experiences of the Alevi community and they became more visible. With migration, Alevi people’s everyday experiences of oppression and discrimination as well as their need for community-building and solidarity intensified. In Europe, the Alevi diaspora was too often categorized simply as Turkish or Muslim immigrants. Many of them wanted to differentiate themselves from the Sunni Muslim Turkish majority in the diaspora and gain recognition as a distinct group. They organized in their new homelands and established formal and informal networks of transnational solidarity. In the formation and sustenance of these networks and solidarity, theatre has played a crucial role. The plays staged by Alevi community theatres and professional groups in Turkey and its diasporas have focused primarily on the histories of violence and persecution against Alevis. As such, theatre functions as a site for the constitution of public memory and the intergenerational transfer and transformation of trauma and serves the affective politics of community-building and solidarity among the transnational Alevi community. The political economy of these performances is a crucial element of the politics of solidarity, contributing to the sustenance of Alevi cultural producers and their communities.Article Citation Count: 1Versions of Minor Literature: Two Contemporary Cases From(İmge Kitabevi Yayınları, 2016) Eken, BülentThe concept of “collective enunciation,” which Deleuze and Guattari propose in delineating their idea of minor literature/cinema, remains regrettably underdeveloped for the purpose of exploring the political investment of a given film. In the context of cinema, the concept designates the possibility of attaining a collective voice in film under a set of negative conditions, such as the crisis of a private poetics and the objective disintegration of the category of the “people,” through the transformation of both parties involved in these conditions, the author and real characters as her people. In this way, it becomes possible to imagine the political dimension of a film in such a way that goes beyond the merely thematic treatment of political issues. In the end, this refers to the politics of what is called minor cinema. This paper reflects on the place of such a politics in the cinema of two contemporary Turkish cinematographers, Zeki Demirkubuz and Nuri Bilge Ceylan, who are rarely imagined as political filmmakers. It proposes a theoretical framework which enables reading their films as two different aesthetic responses formulated within cinema against the fragmentation of what made the classical political cinema possible: the “people.” For this purpose, it is necessary to show that Gilles Deleuze’s concept of “missing people” or “minorities,” which made modern political cinema possible according to Deleuze, is not restricted to the historical period chosen by him. The paper demonstrates that an analysis of certain aspects of Ceylan’s and Demirkubuz’s films, such as real characters, formation in series, national allegory, autobiography, interiors and outdoor landscapes, warrants an understanding of the work of these two authors as instances of a second generation, minor political cinema.Conference Object Citation Count: 2Visual Culture in Art Teacher Education: a Turkish Case(Elsevier Science Bv, 2010) Kuru, Nur BalkırAs globalization impacts Turkish culture the training and preparation of art teachers is increasingly important because these individuals will play a key role in teaching children how to become visually literate in a quickly changing world. This paper explores the concept of visual culture in Turkey as perceived by eight art teacher instructors teaching at various public universities' educational faculties in Turkey. A phenomenological human science approach was employed in order to develop a description of the perception of visual culture and to predict the possibility of including visual culture studies in pre-service art education in Turkish universities. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.