ulturally Responsive Teaching in Higher Education: The Effects of Academics' Personality and Personal Meaning Profiles on Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy.
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In this study, we aimed to examine the factors affecting the culturally responsive teaching competencies of academics and tested whether the personality traits and personal meaning profiles of the academics had significant effects on culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy. Data were obtained from 1,883 academics by using the Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy Scale, Ten-Item Personality Inventory and Personal Meaning Profile Scale - Short Form. Correlation, regression and structural equation modelling analyses were run to analyse the data. We found that culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy is low. In terms of personal meaning profiles, 'openness to experience', 'agreeableness' personality traits and 'self-transcendence' and 'fair treatment' had a significant effect on culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy while 'religion' and 'self-acceptance' were found to have no effect. Based on the findings, we made various suggestions for academics to participate in training on culture-sensitive teaching pedagogy to be more sensitive to different cultures. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar los factores que influyen en las competencias pedag & oacute;gicas culturalmente receptivas del profesorado, y comprobar si los rasgos de personalidad y los perfiles de significado personal ejercen un efecto significativo sobre la autoeficacia de la ense & ntilde;anza culturalmente receptiva. Se obtuvieron datos de 1,883 acad & eacute;micos mediante la Escala de Autoeficacia de Ense & ntilde;anza Culturalmente Receptiva, el Inventario de Personalidad de 10 & iacute;tems y la Escala breve de Perfil de Significado Personal. Para analizar los datos, se llevaron a cabo an & aacute;lisis de correlaciones, de regresi & oacute;n y de modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados revelan que la autoeficacia de la ense & ntilde;anza culturalmente receptiva es baja. Por lo que respecta a los perfiles de significado personal, los rasgos de personalidad 'apertura a la experiencia' y 'amabilidad', y 'autotrascendencia' y 'trato justo', ten & iacute;an un efecto significativo en la autoeficacia de la ense & ntilde;anza culturalmente receptiva, mientras que 'religi & oacute;n' y 'autoaceptaci & oacute;n' no ten & iacute;an ning & uacute;n efecto. A la luz de los resultados obtenidos, formulamos varias sugerencias orientadas a la participaci & oacute;n del profesorado en cursos de formaci & oacute;n sobre una pedagog & iacute;a culturalmente receptiva para mejorar su sensibilidad hacia las distintas culturas.
Higher Education, Cultural Sensitivity, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Personality, Personal Meaning, Educaci & Oacute, N Superior, Sensibilidad Cultural, Ense & Ntilde, Anza Culturalmente Receptiva, Personalidad, Sentido Personal
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