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Article Going Against the National Cultural Grain: a Longitudinal Case Study of Organizational Culture Change in Turkish Higher Education(Carfax Publishing, 2000) Herguner, Gülten; Reeves, Nigel B.R.This paper presents results of a longitudinal case study inquiry into the measurement of organizational culture change through the implementation of total quality management (TQM) concepts in a higher education context. The inquiry deals with the relationship between national culture and the company corporate culture the consequences of manager style change for TQM implementation and how culture change can be measured adequately. The results are achieved by the utilization of external (quantitative) and internal (qualitative) measurement devices. Limitations consequent upon the number of participants and the dual role of the researcher indicate the potential value of further investigations into the topic using these devices. The main conclusion is that the maintenance of TQM systems without continued senior managerial commitment may not suffice to secure change and prevent a reversion to earlier cultural patterns. Certainly since the findings of this inquiry are limited to one case study it would be unwise to assume that similar results would necessarily pertain in other higher education contexts. Nevertheless we are of the view that the findings are suggestive of the pressures imposed on organizational change by national cultural patterns. The devices implemented for measuring organizational cultural change while not designed for that purpose have however yielded sufficiently well-defined results to suggest the value of similar implementations to gain insight into the topic in further higher education and other organizational contexts.Article Hücresel Sinir Ağları için Gerilim Kaynaklı Hücre Modelleri(AVES YAYINCILIK, 2001) Tander, Baran; Ün, MahmutBu makalede, bağımsız ve bağımlı gerilim kaynağı tabanlı yeni bir Hücresel Sinir Ağı hücre devresi önerilmiştir. Bu modelde akım kaynaklı Chua ve Yang ‘ın klasik hücre devresinin aksine hücreler için denge noktaları dinamik birimdeki Rx ve Cx’ den bağımsızdırlar. Tam bir hücre devresi tasarlanıp kararlı ve kararsız durumlar için benzetimleri yapılmıstır. Önerilen modelin avantaj ve dezavantajları sonuçlar bölümünde tartışılmıştır.Other Simple and Accurate Cell Macromodels for the Simulations of Cellular Neural Networks(AVES YAYINCILIK, 2002) Tander, Baran; Ün, MahmutIn this paper, two simple and accurate cell macromodels for PSPICE simulations of Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) are designed. Firstly, a brief information about CNNs and their benefits are introduced. Then the nonlinear differential equations that characterize the CNNs and the equivalent cell circuit given by Chua and Yang which realizes these equations are presented. With appropriate source transformations, another cell equivalent that employs voltage controlled-voltage sources instead of voltage controlled-current sources is developed. By substituting the dependent sources with their actual circuits for both equivalents, complete systems which are suitable for PSPICE macromodeling are derived. Responses of astable and stable CNNs are analyzed with the proposed macromodels and satisfactory results are observed after the simulations. The benefits and drawbacks of the macromodels are also discussed in the conclusion section.Conference Object Unconditional Maximum Likelihood Approach for Localization of Near-Field Sources in 3-D Space(IEEE, 2004) Kabaoğlu, Nihat; Çırpan, Hakan Ali; Paker, SelçukSince maximum likelihood (ML) approaches have better resolution performance than the conventional localization methods in the presence of less number and highly correlated source signal samples and low signal to noise ratios we propose unconditional ML (UML) method for estimating azimuth elevation and range parameters of near-field sources in 3-D space in this paper Besides these superiorities stability asymptotic unbiasedness asymptotic minimum variance properties are motivated the application of ML approach. Despite these advantages ML estimator has computational complexity. Fortunately this problem can be tackled by the application of Expectation/Maximization (EM) iterative algorithm which converts the multidimensional search problem to one dimensional parallel search problems in order to prevent computational complexity.Conference Object Support Vector Machines Based Target Tracking Techniques(IEEE, 2006) Özer, Sedat; Çırpan, Hakan Ali; Kabaoğlu, NihatThis paper addresses the problem of aplying powerful statistical pattern classification algorithms based on kernels to target tracking. Rather than directly adapting a recognizer we develop a localizer directly using the regression form of the Support Vector Machines (SVM). The proposed approach considers using dynamic model together as feature vectors and makes the hyperplane and the support vectors follow the changes in these features. The performance of the tracker is demostrated in a sensor network scenario with a moving target in a polynomial route.Conference Object Support Vector Machines Based Target Tracking Techniques [destek Vektör Makineleri Tabanlı Hedef Takip Yöntemleri](2006) Özer, Sedat; Cirpan, Hakan Ali; Kabaoğlu, NihatThis paper addresses the problem of aplying powerful statistical pattern classification algorithms based on kernels to target tracking. Rather than directly adapting a recognizer we develop a localizer directly using the regression form of the Support Vector Machines (SVM). The proposed approach considers using dynamic model together as feature vectors and makes the hyperplane and the support vectors follow the changes in these features. The performance of the tracker is demostrated in a sensor network scenario with a moving target in a polynomial route. © 2006 IEEE.Conference Object Near Field Parameter Estimation of Moving Sources With Recursive Expectation Maximization Algorithm(IEEE, 2006) Cekli, Serap; Cekli, Erdinc; Kabaoğlu, Nihat; Cirpan, Hakan AliIn this paper maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is proposed for the joint estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA) and range parameters of moving sources in the near-field of the antenna array. ML estimation algorithm is presented for deterministic signal model. Recursive form of the expectation maximization (REM) algoritm is suggested for the estimation of the near-field parameters because there is not closed form solutions for the maximum likelihood functions. Moreover simulation results of the suggested algorithm are presented.Article Support vector regression for surveillance purposes(Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2006) Özer, Sedat; Çırpan, Hakan Ali; Kabaoğlu, NihatThis paper addresses the problem of applying powerful statistical pattern classification algorithm based on kernel functions to target tracking on surveillance systems. Rather than directly adapting a recognizer we develop a localizer directly using the regression form of the Support Vector Machines (SVM). The proposed approach considers to use dynamic model together as feature vectors and makes the byperplane and the support vectors follow the changes in these features. The performance of the tracker is demonstrated in a sensor network scenario with a constant velocity moving target on a plane for surveillance purpose.Conference Object Near Field Parameter Estimation Of Moving Sources With Recursive Expectation Maximization Algorithm [yinelemeli Beklenti/en Büyükleme Algoritması ile Hareketli Kaynakların Yakın-alan Parametrelerinin Kestirimi](2006) Çekli, Serap; Çekli, Erdinç; Kabaoğlu, Nihat; Cirpan, Hakan AliIn this paper maximum likelihood (ML) estimator is proposed for the joint estimation of the direction of arrival (DOA) and range parameters of moving sources in the near-field of the antenna array. ML estimation algorithm is presented for deterministic signal model. Recursive form of the expectation maximization (REM) algoritm is suggested for the estimation of the near-field parameters because there is not closed form solutions for the maximum likelihood functions. Moreover simulation results of the suggested algorithm are presented. © 2006 IEEE.Book Part Morphotectonic Development of the Southern Black Sea Region and the Bosphorus Channel(Springer Netherlands, 2007) Yılmaz, YücelThe southern coast of the Black Sea is bounded by the east-west trending Pontides and Strandjas mountain ranges and between them flows the Bosphorus a narrow channel representing the only seaway connecting the Black Sea with the Aegean-Mediterranean system. All of these morphological entities are young formed during the Plio-Quaternary period. A major force in the formation of the Pontides has been north-south compression generated in eastern Anatolia by the progressive northward advance of the Arabian Plate. At its western end the Pontides terminate in the Marmara region where north-south extension has been deforming the land since the Late Miocene producing a number of grabens and horsts aligned east to west. The Strandjas represent one of these horsts that extends westward along the trend of the Pontides to form the Black Sea's southwestern margin. Located between the Pontides and the Strandjas are the lowlands around Istanbul where deep erosion has produced a flat-lying surface. Beginning in the Pliocene when the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) extended into the Marmara Sea basin the Istanbul horst began to be deformed under a dextral shear stress regime. This regime generated conjugated pairs of oblique faults which caused the Bosphorus to take shape as a zigzagging channel. © 2007 Springer.Editorial The Geodynamics of the Aegean and Anatolia: Introduction(2007) Taymaz, Tuncay; Yılmaz, Yücel; Dilek, Yıldırım R.[Abstract Not Available]Conference Object Non-Process and Chemical-Free Offset Printing Plate(2009) Altay, Bilge Nazli; Koroglu, Cafer; Yaman, Özgül; Şahin, Cengiz[Abstract Not Available]Article Morphotectonic Development of the Marmara Region(Elsevier Science Bv, 2010) Yılmaz, Yücel; Gokasan, Erkan; Erbay, A. YücelThe Marmara Region of northwest Turkey covers the Marmara Sea Basin and the surrounding lands. In the region morphologically different areas may be distinguished. The Marmara Sea Basin is a structural depression. The land to the north is known as the Thrace-Kocaeli Peneplain a flatland elevated above a horst. This may be referred to as the Istanbul Horst bounded by two strike-slip fault zones which define the structural boundaries of two sea basinsArticle A Study of 8th Graders’ Perceptions of Socio-Cultural Perspective of Creativity by Using Information Technology Tools in Realisation of Homework Goals(The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2011) Öngün, Erdem; Altas, Dilek; Demirağ, AşkinThe study aims at evaluating the perceptions of 8(th) graders towards the use of information technologies ranging from the internet and multimedia tools in socio-cultural perspective of creativity while they are doing their homework in the light of the National Education Ministry's regulation related to elementary and secondary school students' extra-curricular activities. The population of the research that was realised by data collected through survey method consists of 8(th) grade students in elementary and secondary schools in Istanbul. Randomly chosen 435 students from five schools in Istanbul make the sample of the research. In terms of students' perceptions results of the study show that regardless of gender students enjoy discovering and exploiting online and offline resources through problem solving skills especially when they have the opportunity to do this on their own which also shows that they think they feel more confident mobile and creative in cyber but socio-cultural reality.Article İşgücünün Yüklenmesi: Yüksek Öğretimde Bilgi Ekonomisine Dayalı E-materyal Geliştirme Süreçleri(Gaziantep Üniv. Sosyal Bilimler Enst., 2013) Öngün, ErdemUniversities as distinguished representatives of higher education bear great responsibilities for providing quality and innovative perspectives to their individuals. Costs and benefits of distributing high quality knowledge equally and of the best quality suggest a merge of some concepts such as learning or knowledge with economic resourcefulness in regard to cost-effectiveness. Basic instructional instruments such as syllabi, curriculums, presentations, and course notes are essential in realizing educational targets and achieving desired success. Traditional processing and application of these tools slows down efficient and quick access to learning and teaching activities. In this regard, e-materializing these instructional dynamics creates an accelerated and facilitated progression of educational activities. Overall, this study aims at developing an insight into past and current developments and applications regarding knowledge, information and data transformation processes in higher education in the sense of economic efficiency, usability, and productivity for achieving an innovative learning environment. Based on the relevant literature, this analysis first of all introduces basic concepts such as knowledge and information. Based on the tripod of education, economy, and environment, the study defines e-materialization channels in higher education and it further questions possible ways and technological tools for achieving an enhanced cost-effective learning setting in the digital world of education. Discussed in different aspects, further analyses were made concerning the suggested approach for an effective and economical transformation and use of educational knowledge and sources. Finally, an overview of the subject was provided for further discussions that will pave the way for maintaining a cost-effective and efficient learning environment for higher education with new concepts and forms.Article Migration Asmovement Andmultiplace Life: Some Recent Developments in Rural Living Structures in Turkey(Wiley-Blackwell, 2014) Öztürk, Murat; Hilton, Andy; Jongerden, JoostDiscussing recent trends and developments in migration and mobility affecting what may be referred to as a reconstitution' of villages this paper discusses the changing character of rural settlement and settlement patterns in Turkey today. The binary division of rural and urban is questioned through a dialectical/relational approach to settlement formation while settlement is defined by relation to (human) movement itself understood as incorporating the modalities of migration and mobility. By focusing on the socio-economics of increasing affluence the advance of capital generally and the introduction of neoliberalism into agriculture in particular a number of contemporary rural-oriented (migratory/mobility) movements and living structures' are investigated which taken together suggest a growing development of dual settlement' and multiplace hybrid' life. The paper concludes with a typology of villages and some thoughts on the theoretical implications of this study. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Article İMPARATORLUĞUN “EN UZUN ON YILI”NI YAZMAK: ÖMER SEYFETTİN HİKÂYELERİNDE FARKLI “ON TEMMUZ”LAR(Mehmet Dursun ERDEM, 2014) Şişmanoğlu Şimşek, ŞehnazÖmer Seyfettin, 36 yıllık kısa yaşantısına yedi ciltlik büyük bir külliyatı oluşturacak kadar makale ve öykü sığdırmıştır. Seyfettin’in kısa ama verimli yazarlık yaşamında II. Meşrutiyet’in ilanının (Hicri, 10 Temmuz 1324), ya da bazılarının isimlendirdiği gibi 1908 Devrimi’nin ve sonrasındaki gelişmelerin büyük etkisi vardır. Ömer Seyfettin’in 1902’de başladığını söyleyebileceğimiz yazarlık yaşantısında ana malzemelerinden biri; Meşrutiyet, İttihat ve Terakki Cemiyeti ve onun çevresinde dönen düşünce akımları olmuştur. Yazar, önceleri bir asker sonra ise bir “muharrir” ve “öykücü” olarak hem bu süreçte görev almış hem de yazdığı makale ve öykülerle bu sürece yön vermiştir. Bu çalışmada Ömer Seyfettin’in bazı makaleleri ve öyküleri seçilerek, 1908’de ilan edilen Meşrutiyet’e, İttihat ve Terakki’ye ve İttihatçılara ilişkin görüşleri irdelenmiş ve bu görüşlerin ardındaki dinamikler ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Meşrutiyetin ilanı sonrasındaki sıcak günleri Rumeli’de bir asker olarak yaşayan Ömer Seyfettin’in askerlikten ayrılarak Selanik’e gelmesiyle İttihat ve Terakki’yle olan ilişkisinin de kuvvetlendiği görülmektedir. Özelikle “Yeni Lisan” hareketinin teorisyenlerinden biri olarak Genç Kalemler dergisinin önemli isimlerinden biri olan yazar, bu dergi vesilesiyle sunduğu katkılarla da Cemiyet’in 1908 sonrası kültürel programının oluşmasında söz sahibi olmuştur. Ancak Seyfettin’in Meşrutiyet’e, İttihat ve Terakki’ye ve İttihatçılığa bakışının değişmeden kaldığı, her zaman Parti’nin ideallerini paylaştığı ve desteklediği söylenemez. Bu çalışma kapsamında çeşitli dönemde yazdığı makalelere ve öykülere baktığımızda yazarın kimi zaman İttihatçıları ve ideallerini ateşli bir biçimde savunduğu, kimi zaman da değişen konjonktürle birlikte onları şiddetli bir biçimde eleştirdiği görülmektedir. Elbette, 1908’den 1918’e kadar, Osmanlı imparatorluğunun belki de “en uzun 10 yılı”nı şekillendiren İttihat ve Terakki’nin, bütünlüklü “tek” bir hikâyesini anlatmak mümkün değildir. Ömer Seyfettin’in makaleleri ve öyküleriyle kendisini gösteren değişken tavrı da bunun bir göstergesi olarak değerlendirilebilir.Article Çağdaş Sanat Eserlerinde Toplumsal Cinsiyet Sorgulamaları(Anadolu Univ, 2015) Dede, EbruBu çalışmada toplumsal cinsiyet sorgulamaları için elverişli bir ortam sağlayan çağdaş sanatın interdisipliner olanaklarıyla üretilen eserler ve performanslar Freud, Lacan, Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze ve Butler gibi kuramcıların metinleriyle bağlantı kurularak yorumlanmıştır. Cinsel Kimliğin Süreç İçinde Dönüsümü bölümuİde, Teiji Furuhashi ile Ahmet Elhan’ın bedenin kendi içindeki ve bedenler arasındaki ilişki sürecini anlatan eserleri yorumlanmıştır. Cinsel Kimlik Göstergelerinin Yapı bozumu bölümuİde Diane Arbus, Gülsuİ Karamustafa, Yasumasa Morimura’nın eserleri ve Hunter Reynolds ve Kutluğ Ataman’ın performansları yorumlanmıştır. Gey Sanatında Estetik ve Sevgi bölümuİde ise, David Hockney, Robert Mapplethorpe, Gran Fury ve Alex Donis’in eserlerindeki gey çiftler arasındaki uyum ve sevginin önemine değinilmiştir.Article Feminist Kuramların Çağdaş Sanat Pratiğinde İfade Bulması(Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Kadın Araştırmaları ve Eğitimi Merkezi, 2015) Dede, EbruÇağdaş feminist sanatçılar, 1960’lardan itibaren kadını “izlenen nesne” algısından kurtarmak ve kadının toplum içinde özne olarak varlığını göstermek amacıyla eserler üretmekte ve performanslar gerçekleştirmektedirler. Bu eserlerin ve performansların Freud ve Lacan’ın fallus merkezci psikanalist yaklaşımları ve Butler, Kristeva, Irigaray gibi feminist kuramcıların metinleri ile bağlantı kurularak yorumlandığı makale dört bölüme ayrılmıştır. Nesnellik Meselesi bölümünde, Butler ve Kristeva’nın beden ve aklın birlikte değerlendirilmesi görüşlerine ve Irigaray’ın kadının çoğul karakterinin kuramlaştırılması önerisine yer verilmiştir. Louise Bourgeois ile Füsun Onur nesnel eserleriyle kadının nesne olmadığını göstermiş, K8 Hardy, Emily Roysdon, Ginger Brooks Takahashi penis kıskançlığına ironik gönderme yapmıştır. Sarah Lucas kadının çoğul karakterini mizahi bir şekilde kurgulamıştır. Varlık Meselesi bölümünde, babasoylu kimlik sistemi tartışılmıştır. Her türlü cinsel kategorileşmeye karşı çıkan feministler, sisteme kadın diye bir varlık eklemenin adil olmayacağı görüşündedir. Kadının tarihini yazmanın mümkün olabileceğini gösteren sanat eserlerine örnek olarak Mary Beth Edelson, Judy Chicago ve Carolee Schneemann’ın çalışmaları bu bölümde ele alınmıştır. “Dile Gelmeyen Bellek” isimli çalışmam, toplumun kadından beklentilerinden dolayı, toplumda insan olarak yapmak istediklerimin baskılanmış olmasıyla ilgilidir. Kadının annelikle özdeşleştirilmiş olmasına karşı çıkan ve anne çocuk ilişkilerini yeniden tanımlamak isteyen feminist kuramlar ve eserler Annelik Meselesi bölümünde ele alınmıştır. Elinor Carucci ve Mary Kelly’nin çalışmaları anne ile çocuk arasındaki duygusal bağın önemini vurgularken, Nil Yalter’in performans videosu, kadına yüklenen anlamları bir arada sergilemektedir. “Ayrılık Öncesi Bağlılık” isimli eserim kadını doğurgan bir nesne olarak dar bir çerçevede sunar. Öznellik Meselesi bölümünde, öznenin eril olarak kuruluşu tartışılmaktadır. Li Wei ve Valie Export’un performansları kadını erkeğin yanında iktidar sahibi olarak gösterirken, Charles Ray ile Laurie Simmons’un eserleri gücün kadın bedeninde de olabileceğini kanıtlamaktadır.Article Young Learners' Objectives Related To Multimedia Use and Homework Completion(Grupo Communicar Ediciones, 2015) Öngün, Erdem; Demirağ, AşkinIndividuals of all ages are inevitably affected by today's technology. The main purpose of this study is to explore the objectives of 8th grade students related to the utilization of multimedia instruments ranging from personal computers to the Internet use while they are doing their homework. Specifically it tries to find out whether there is a significant relationship between «for what purposes 8th graders use multimedia tools» and «which personal traits are reinforced while doing homework with multimedia tools?» where gender differences were also taken into consideration in the analysis of the related items in the questionnaire form. The population of the study is made up of 435 students who were randomly selected from five secondary schools in the city of Istanbul Turkey. As a data collection method a questionnaire form with a set of related research questions was used. Findings from the study show that 8th graders in their use of multimedia platforms are provided with a more interactive and independent learning environment where they can find more learning aids while accomplishing their homework objectives. Gender-based evidence from the study shows that digitally male students are more active and they exploit the fun side of homework more compared to their female counterparts.
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