İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi
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Article Citation Count: 02000’li Yıllarda Yapısal Dönüşüm ve Emeğin Durumu(DİSK Birleşik Metal-İş, 2019) Orhangazi, ÖzgürTürkiye ekonomisi 2000’li yıllarda büyük bir yapısal dönüşüm yaşamış ve tarımın milli gelir ve istihdam içerisindeki payı hızlı bir biçimde düşmüştür. Bu süreçte proleterleşme artmış ve Türkiye giderek daha fazla bir ‘ücretliler toplumu’ haline gelmiştir. Ne var ki ekonominin ve özellikle sanayi sektörünün istihdam yaratma kapasitesi görece düşük kalmıştır. Bunun sonucu yüksek işsizlik oranları ve düşük işgücüne katılma oranları olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Dış sermaye girişlerine bağımlı, borç artışına dayanan, inşaat odaklı bir büyüme modelinin hakim olduğu ve uygun istihdam ve sanayi politikalarının geliştiril(e)mediği bu dönemde istihdam ağırlıklı olarak üretkenliği düşük hizmetler sektöründe yoğunlaşmıştır. İşgücü piyasalarının temel özellikleri olarak işsizlik oranlarının yüksek olması, yedek işgücü ordusunun genişliği ile sendikalaşma ve toplu iş sözleşmesi oranlarının oldukça düşük olması öne çıkmıştır. Aynı zamanda işgücü piyasaları giderek güvencesizleştirilerek taşeronlaşma ve esnek istihdam biçimleri yaygınlaştırılmaya çalışmıştır. Bu dönemde yine de reel ücretlerde belirli bir yükselme gözlemlense de bu, verimlik artışının ve dolayısıyla GSYH artışının gerisinde kalmıştır.Article Citation Count: 02015 PARİS İKLİM DEĞİŞİKLİĞİ KONFERANSI ÇERÇEVESİNDE NÜKLEER ENERJİ: BİR ÇÖZÜM MÜ, YOKSA BİR SORUN MU?(Rasim Özgür Dönmez, 2017) Keçeci, F. Orçunİklim değişikliği sadece gelişmekte olan ülkeler için değil aynı zamanda gelişmiş sanayi toplumları için de küresel bir sorundur. Karbondioksit (CO2) yayarak daha fazla fosil yakıt tüketmek iklim değişikliğine yol açar ve bu sorun insan faaliyetlerinden kaynaklanır. İklim değişikliğinin bir sonucu olarak küresel ısınma tüm insanlığı ve ekolojik dengeyi tehdit etmektedir. Devletler arasındaki farklılık ve sorunlara rağmen; dünya ülkeleri son zamanlarda iklim değişikliğiyle uluslararası arenada mücadele etmektedir. Özellikle iklim değişikliğine yönelik riskleri azaltmak amacıyla Kasım 2015’te gerçekleştirilen Paris İklim Değişikliği Konferansı’ndaki en önemli meselelerden birisi nükleer enerjidir. Bu bağlamda, bu makale nükleer enerjinin iklim değişikliğine katkı sağlayıp sağlamayacağını incelemektedir.Article Citation Count: 1A 2020 vision for the Black Sea region: the Commission on the Black Sea proposes(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2010) Aydın, Mustafa; Trıantafyllou, DımıtrıosThe Black Sea region is coming into its own although it is at times a contested and dangerous neighbourhood. Despite heightened interest in the region its real priorities and needs are still being largely ignored by insiders and outsiders alike. What is needed are regional solutions for regional problems. The authors present the key findings and recommendations of the Commission on the Black Sea a civil society initiative comprising a number of current and former policy-makers scholars and practitioners both from within the region and from outside with the purpose of contributing to a joint vision and a common strategy for the Black Sea region by developing new knowledge in areas of key concern.Article Citation Count: 3Abortion services at hospitals in Istanbul(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Louıse Şimşek, MaryObjective: Despite the existence of a liberal law on abortion in Turkey there is growing evidence that actually securing an abortion in Istanbul may prove difficult. This study aimed to determine whether or not state hospitals and private hospitals that accept state health insurance in Istanbul are providing abortion services and for what indications. Method: Between October and December 2015 a mystery patient telephone survey of 154 hospitals 43 public and 111 private in Istanbul was conducted. Results: 14% of the state hospitals in Istanbul perform abortions without restriction as to reason provided in the current law while 60% provide the service if there is a medical necessity. A quarter of state hospitals in Istanbul do not provide abortion services at all. 48.6% of private hospitals that accept the state health insurance also provide for abortion without restriction while 10% do not provide abortion services under any circumstances. Key conclusions: State and private hospitals in Istanbul are not providing abortion services to the full extent allowed under the law. The low numbers of state hospitals offering abortions without restriction indicates a de facto privatization of the service. This same trend is also visible in many private hospitals partnering with the state that do not provide abortion care. While many women may choose a private provider the lack of provision of abortion care at state hospitals and those private hospitals working with the state leaves women little option but to purchase these services from private providers at some times subtantial costs.Article Citation Count: 31Acculturation Attitudes and Social Adjustment in British South Asian Children: A Longitudinal Study(Sage Publications Inc, 2013) Baysu, Gülseli; Baysu, Gülseli; Cameron, Lindsey; Nigbur, Dennis; Rutland, Adam; Watters, Charles; Hossain, Rosa; LeTouze, Dominique; Landau, AnickA 1-year longitudinal study with three testing points was conducted with 215 British Asian children aged 5 to 11 years to test hypotheses from Berry's acculturation framework. Using age-appropriate measures of acculturation attitudes and psychosocial outcomes it was found that (a) children generally favored an integrationist attitude and this was more pronounced among older (8-10 years) than in younger (5-7 years) children and (b) temporal changes in social self-esteem and peer acceptance were associated with different acculturation attitudes held initially as shown by latent growth curve analyses. However a supplementary time-lagged regression analysis revealed that children's earlier integrationist attitudes may be associated with more emotional symptoms (based on teachers' ratings) 6 months later. The implications of these different outcomes of children's acculturation attitudes are discussed.Article Citation Count: 20Activating reflective thinking with decision justification and debiasing training(Society for Judgment and Decision making, 2020) Yılmaz, Onurcan; Doğruyol, Burak; Doğruyol, BurakManipulations for activating reflective thinking, although regularly used in the literature, have not previously been systematically compared. There are growing concerns about the effectiveness of these methods as well as increasing demand for them. Here, we study five promising reflection manipulations using an objective performance measure — the Cognitive Reflection Test 2 (CRT-2). In our large-scale preregistered online experiment (N = 1,748), we compared a passive and an active control condition with time delay, memory recall, decision justification, debiasing training, and combination of debiasing training and decision justification. We found no evidence that online versions of the two regularly used reflection conditions — time delay and memory recall — improve cognitive performance. Instead, our study isolated two less familiar methods that can effectively and rapidly activate reflective thinking: (1) a brief debiasing training, designed to avoid common cognitive biases and increase reflection, and (2) simply asking participants to justify their decisions.Book Part Citation Count: 0Book Part Citation Count: 0Active Citizenship in Europe Practices and Demands in the EU, Italy, Turkey, and the UK Conclusion(Palgrave, 2017) Bee, Cristiano[Abstract Not Available]Book Part Citation Count: 0Active Citizenship in Europe Practices and Demands in the EU, Italy, Turkey, and the UK Preamble and Introduction(Palgrave, 2017) Bee, Cristiano[Abstract Not Available]Book Part Citation Count: 0Book Part Citation Count: 0Active Citizenship in the UK(Palgrave, 2017) Bee, CristianoAbstract In this chapter, I outline the core characteristics of the British model of active citizenship. The institutionalization of practices of civic and political participation has been a clear objective of both New Right and New Labour governments and more recently of the coalition government led by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats. Regardless of the ideological differences, across time active citizenship has developed assuming common patterns, with specific characteristics that put emphasis on individual and collective responsibility, on the development of community cohesion to solve specific social problems and on the provision to the Third Sector of specific tasks in order to deliver public services. This approach is not free from ambiguities, as it is argued in the presentation of the data from the analysis. Activists vindicate their autonomy, claiming that New Labour reforms as well as the recent Big Society approach have been one sided and in some cases favored the emergence of coalition groups in spite of the survival of smaller organizations. The chapter also focuses on the active participation of British organizations in European networks and at the opportunities that EU funding has opened for activating projects of transnational solidarity. Under this perspective, the chapter presents some first insights on the scenarios opened by the Brexit and the consequences of the leave vote for civil society organizations.Article Citation Count: 0Book Part Citation Count: 0Active Citizenship: Policy Developments at the EU Level(Palgrave, 2017) Bee, Cristiano[Abstract Not Available]Article Citation Count: 13After the Crimean crisis: towards a greater Russian maritime power in the Black Sea(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2014) Delanoe, IgorThe modernization of the Black Sea Fleet currently underway is believed to be one of the most ambitious parts of the Russian State Arms Procurement programme 2011-2020. Up to 18 units are being built and are expected to be commissioned in the Russian Black Sea Fleet by 2020 while new infrastructures are being developed. However Russia's annexation of Crimea in March 2014 has overthrown the Black Sea maritime context. It is likely to give substantial impetus to Russian naval plans in the Black Sea and by extension to sustain Moscow's resumption of naval activity in the Mediterranean. Yet whereas Russia's maritime power has been dramatically enhanced due to the takeover of Crimea Moscow's naval power in the Black Sea and in the Mediterranean remains challenged by a set of qualitative factors. Beyond the Ukrainian crisis has demonstrated the inability of the European Union to manage its Black Sea environment as well as it has highlighted the United States waning influence and interests in the region.Article Citation Count: 3The AKP story: Turkey's bumpy reform path towards the European Union(2011) McDonald, Deniz BingölThe Justice and Development Party (AKP) government between 2002 and 2007 managed to accomplish unprecedented economic reforms maintaining 8% growth and passed legislation to change Turkey into a more democratic country in line with the Copenhagen political conditions. After being rewarded with the start of accession negotiations in 2005 and an electoral landslide in 2007 AKP's second term in office is in stark contrast with its earlier days of glory. AKP disengaged itself from the IMF agreement and took EU reforms off the top of its agenda bringing half a decade of political and economic reforms to a halt. The paper argues that AKP utilized the credibility of IMF and EU support to defeat its domestic rivals but once the external incentives lessened AKP turned inwards to consolidate its power and cared for little else. The first part of the paper explores how AKP managed to construct such a broad reform consensus and assesses the role of the external influence. The second part explores why and how this reform consensus fell apart.Article Citation Count: 36Alevis and Alevism in the Changing Context of Turkish Politics: The Justice and Development Party's Alevi Opening(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2011) Soner, Bayram Ali; Toktaş, ŞuleThe Justice and Development Party (JDP Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi) has launched a rapprochement policy toward the Alevis. The JDP's Alevi Opening has presented a unique case in Turkey's latest identity politics not only because Alevi claims for the first time came to be involved in political processes for official recognition and accommodation but also because the process was handled by a political party which is regarded to have retained Islamist roots in Sunni interpretation. This article explores the JDP's Alevi Opening process and tries to explain the motivations behind the party's decision to incorporate the Alevi question in its political agenda. What is more the debate that the opening has caused is also under scrutiny with the positions and arguments held by the actors and the agencies involved in the process e. g. the Alevis (the secularist and the conservative wings) the General Directorate of Religious Affairs the National Security Council the JDP leadership and the Islamist intellectuals.Article Citation Count: 0Algı mı, söylem mi? Kopenhag Okulu ve yeni-klasik gerçekçilikte güvenlik tehditleri(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi, 2011) Akgül Açıkmeşe, SinemBu makale, güvenlik tehditlerinin ortaya çıkışı bakımından yeni-klasik gerçekçilikteki algısal yaklaşımla, Kopenhag Okulunun söylemle inşaya dayalı yöntemini karşılaştırmaktadır. Makalenin hareket noktası, güvenlik tehditlerinin içeriği ve güvenlik aktörleri bakımından farklı perspektifl ere sahip bu iki yaklaşımın güvenliğin çalışılmasında metodolojik benzerlikler içermesi nedeniyle karşılaştırılabilir olduğu varsayımıdır. Makale, tehditlerin ortaya çıkışı bakımından yeni-klasik gerçekçiliğin algılara dayalı öznel yaklaşımının Kopenhag Okulu tarafından kısmen benimsendiğini vurgulayarak, Okulun söyleme dayalı özneler-arası alternatif bir model geliştirdiğini aktarmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, makale öncelikle Güvenlik Çalışmaları yazınında güvenlik tehdidinin içeriği konusundaki tartışmalara yer vermektedir. Ardından, yeni-klasik gerçekçiliği çatısında barındıran Gerçekçi Güvenlik Çalışmalarının tehdidin içeriği ve ortaya çıkışına dair varsayımlarını karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirmekte ve yeni-klasik gerçekçiliğin algısal perspektifi ni analiz etmektedir. Son olarak, Kopenhag Okulunun tehditlerle ilgili analizinin çerçevesini oluşturan güvenlikleştirme yaklaşımının tehditlerin kapsamı ve dayanağına dair tespitlerini Okulun kullandığı söz edimi, siyaset teorisi ve söylem analizi perspektifl erinden yeni-klasik gerçekçilikle karşılaştırmalı olarak incelemektedir.Article Citation Count: 11All the Dark Triad and some of the Big Five traits are visible in the face(Pergamon-Elsevıer Scıence Ltd, 2021) Yılmaz, Onurcan; Bayrak, Fatih; Yılmaz, OnurcanSome of the recent studies suggested that people can make accurate inferences about the level of the Big Five and the Dark Triad personality traits in strangers by only looking at their faces. However, later findings provided only partial support and the evidence is mixed regarding which traits can be accurately inferred from faces. In the current research, to provide further evidence on whether the Big Five and the Dark Triad traits are visible in the face, we report three studies, two of which were preregistered, conducted on both WEIRD (the US American) and non-WEIRD (Turkish) samples (N = 880). The participants in both the US American and Turkish samples were successful in predicting all Dark Triad personality traits by looking at a stranger's face. However, there were mixed results regarding the Big Five traits. An aggregate analysis of the combined dataset demonstrated that extraversion (only female), agreeableness, and conscientiousness were accurately inferred by the participants in addition to the Dark Triad traits. Overall, the results suggest that inferring personality from faces without any concrete source of information might be an evolutionarily adaptive trait.Article Citation Count: 12An Analysis of International Relations Academics in Turkey and their approaches to the field: TRIP 2014 Faculty Survey Results(Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği, 2016) Aydın, Mustafa; Hisarlıoğlu, Fulya; Yazgan, KorhanDespite the increasing interest in the studies inquiring the limits autonomous character of and the interactions between the International Relations (IR) discipline and other academic fields the scope and scale of empirical research on these issues are relatively small. In order to contribute to the discussion on the limits and peculiarities of the IR discipline and to shed light on the development current status and major characteristics of the IR studies in Turkey its place in the global IR discipline and the views of LR. scholars on major issues on the global regional and national agenda two surveys were conducted by the International Relations Council of Turkey (IRCT) in 2007 and 2009. Later on the IRTC collaborated with the Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations at the College of William and Mary to conduct further surveys in 2011 and 2014. This paper presents findings of the last survey on Turkey based on the worldwide research simultaneously conducted in 31 different countries in September 2014.Conference Object Citation Count: 3An Applied Analysis for whether the Relation between Innovation and Foreign Direct Investment is Vicious for Turkey after the early 1980s(Elsevier Science Bv, 2016) Doruk, Ömer TuğsalThe relation between innovation and foreign direct investment (FDI) is investigated in this paper by using time series Vector Autoregression (VAR) method. The main research question of the paper is whether FDI contributes on development of innovation in Turkey or vice versa. In Turkey after the structural transformations in Turkish economy export led growth is taken as vein that feeds to the economic development and thus importance of foreign direct investments have been increasing in the post-1980 period. The obtained findings show that FDI has not been contributing to innovation