Mühendislik ve Doğa Bilimleri Fakültesi
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Article An Assessment of Mining Efficiency in Turkish Lignite Industry(Elsevier Science, 2015) Ediger, Volkan S.; Ediger, Şevket Volkan; Berk, Istemi; Ersoy, MucellaThis article focuses on the mining activities of Turkish Coal Enterprises (TKI) the major lignite supplier in Turkey. First we analyzed the lignite production and overburden removal activities of TKI from a historical perspective and then employed the Principle Component Analysis to build a mining efficiency index of TKI and investigated its historical development since the establishment of the company. We found that labor productivity and operational structure have been the most important factors positively affecting the index. The current article makes two important contributions: (1) by using the most comprehensive data set available on TKI for the first time and (2) by developing a Mining Efficiency Index (MEI) which can be used to analyze productivity in lignite mining activities in different countries. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Conference Object The Association of Gvhd With Hla Dr Alleles, Ifn-Gamma, Tgf-Beta, and Mbl2 Gene Polymorphism(Wiley, 2019) Oğuz, Rusdu; Çiftçi, Hayriye Şentürk; Gökçe, Muge; Öğret, Yeliz; Karadeniz, Sedat Tanju; Pehlivan, Sacide; Aydın, Filiz[Abstract Not Available]Article Assortment Optimization With Log-Linear Demand: Application at a Turkish Grocery Store(Elsevier, 2019) Hekimoğlu, Mustafa; Hekimoğlu, Mustafa; Sevim, İsmail; Aksezer, Çağlar Sezgin; Durmuş, İpekIn retail sector product variety increases faster than shelf spaces of retail stores where goods are presented to consumers. Hence assortment planning is an important task for sustained financial success of a retailer in a competitive business environment. In this study we consider the assortment planning problem of a retailer in Turkey. Using empirical point-of-sale data a demand model is developed and utilized in the optimization model. Due to nonlinear nature of the model and integrality constraint we find that it is difficult to obtain a solution even for moderately large product sets. We propose a greedy heuristic approach that generates better results than the mixed integer nonlinear programming in a reasonably shorter period of time for medium and large problem sizes. We also proved that our method has a worst-case time complexity of O(n 2 )while other two well-known heuristics’ complexities are O(n 3 )and O(n 4 ). Also numerical experiments reveal that our method has a better performance than the worst-case as it generates better results in a much shorter run-times compared to other methods. © 2019 Elsevier LtdArticle Babbling Through Social Media: a Cross-Country Study Mapping Out Social Networks Using Ewom Intentions(Springer, 2023) Zülal, İşler; Kıygı Çallı, Meltem; Kıygı-Çallı, Meltem; El Oraiby, MaryamThis research aims to determine the factors affecting the users’ electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) seeking and sharing intentions and to reveal the interactions among and within clusters using social network analysis (SNA). This study includes three hierarchical sub-studies conducted in two countries, Turkey and Poland. First, we develop a segmentation for social networking site (SNS) users based on the frequency of sharing product-related information on SNSs. Second, we investigate the impact of several factors that affect eWOM seeking and sharing intentions using regression analysis. In the second sub-study, we also include the identified segments developed in the first sub-study as another factor that may have differentiated eWOM intentions. Third, to understand the degree of interaction among SNS users, we apply an SNA using the forecasted eWOM intentions scores from the second sub-study, which gives us hypothetical social networks. The results of SNA present strong interactions inter- and intra-clusters in both countries. Some key findings include the identification of three SNS user segments, including “Middlers,” that may be of particular interest to brands. We also find that in terms of eWOM intentions, users in Turkey are more active than in Poland. Although some predictors of eWOM seeking and sharing intentions differ between the two countries, users intend to be more active in eWOM seeking than in eWOM sharing. The comparative study provides valuable insights for decision-makers to engage different market segments via SNSs with various proposed features using suggested information contents for selected product categories.Article Beams: Backbone Extraction and Merge Strategy for the Global Many-To Alignment of Multiple Ppi Networks(Oxford University Press, 2014) Alkan, Ferhat; Erten, Cesim; Erten, CesimMotivation: Global many-to-many alignment of biological networks has been a central problem in comparative biological network studies. Given a set of biological interaction networks the informal goal is to group together related nodes. For the case of protein-protein interaction networks such groups are expected to form clusters of functionally orthologous proteins. Construction of such clusters for networks from different species may prove useful in determining evolutionary relationships in predicting the functions of proteins with unknown functions and in verifying those with estimated functions. Results: A central informal objective in constructing clusters of orthologous proteins is to guarantee that each cluster is composed of members with high homological similarity usually determined via sequence similarities and that the interactions of the proteins involved in the same cluster are conserved across the input networks. We provide a formal definition of the global many-to-many alignment of multiple protein-protein interaction networks that captures this informal objective. We show the computational intractability of the suggested definition. We provide a heuristic method based on backbone extraction and merge strategy (BEAMS) for the problem. We finally show through experiments based on biological significance tests that the proposed BEAMS algorithm performs better than the state-of-the-art approaches. Furthermore the computational burden of the BEAMS algorithm in terms of execution speed and memory requirements is more reasonable than the competing algorithms.Review Bidding of Price Taker Power Generators in the Deregulated Turkish Power Market(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2013) Yücekaya, Ahmet; Yücekaya, Ahmet Deniz; Yücekaya, AhmetIn deregulated power markets power firms bid into the day-ahead power market either with buy offers or sell offers. The auction mechanism and competition determine the equilibrium price and quantity for each hour. If the bid price of a company is below the market clearing price then the offer of the company is accepted and rewarded with the market price. A company can be a price maker or price taker depending on the capacity it offers to the market. A price-taker unit must determine the right offer that will maximize their profit given price uncertainty and blind auction rules. This paper first examines power supply in the Turkish electricity market and bidding process. Then a marginal cost-based Monte Carlo method is developed to determine hourly and block bidding strategies of price taker units. Historical market prices are then implemented in a normal distribution to generate hourly price scenarios. A solution methodology is developed that maximizes the expected profit of each hourly and block bidding strategy over price scenarios. The generator is able to both evaluate the hourly bidding and block bidding strategies and find the best bidding strategy that will be submitted to the market using the proposed methodology. The model is illustrated for two coal units in Turkish power market and the results are presented. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Calculating Level Densities of Heavy Nuclei by the Shell Model Monte Carlo Method(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2014) Alhassid, Yoram; Özen, Cem; Nakada, HitoshiThe microscopic calculation of nuclear level densities in the presence of correlations is a difficult many-body problem. The shell model Monte Carlo method provides a powerful technique to carry out such calculations using the framework of the configuration-interaction shell model in spaces that are many orders of magnitude larger than spaces that can be treated by conventional methods. We present recent applications of the method to the calculation of level densities and their collective enhancement factors in heavy nuclei. The calculated level densities are in close agreement with experimental data.Article Campways: Constrained Alignment Framework for the Comparative Analysis of a Pair of Metabolic Pathways(Oxford University Press, 2013) Abaka, Gamze; Erten, Cesim; Biyikoglu, Turker; Erten, CesimMotivation: Given a pair of metabolic pathways an alignment of the pathways corresponds to a mapping between similar substructures of the pair. Successful alignments may provide useful applications in phylogenetic tree reconstruction drug design and overall may enhance our understanding of cellular metabolism. Results: We consider the problem of providing one-to-many alignments of reactions in a pair of metabolic pathways. We first provide a constrained alignment framework applicable to the problem. We show that the constrained alignment problem even in a primitive setting is computationally intractable which justifies efforts for designing efficient heuristics. We present our Constrained Alignment of Metabolic Pathways (CAMPways) algorithm designed for this purpose. Through extensive experiments involving a large pathway database we demonstrate that when compared with a state-of-the-art alternative the CAMPways algorithm provides better alignment results on metabolic networks as far as measures based on same-pathway inclusion and biochemical significance are concerned. The execution speed of our algorithm constitutes yet another important improvement over alternative algorithms.Article Channel Estimation for Residual Self-Interference in Full-Duplex Amplify-And Two-Way Relays(IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2017) Li, Xiaofeng; Şenol, Habib; Tepedelenlioglu, Cihan; Şenol, HabibTraining schemes for full duplex two-way relays are investigated. We propose a novel one-block training scheme with a maximum likelihood estimator to estimate the channels between the nodes as well as the residual self-interference (RSI) channel simultaneously. A quasi-Newton algorithm is used to solve the estimator. As a baseline a multi-block training scheme is also considered. The Cramer-Rao bounds of the one-block and multi-block training schemes are derived. By using the Szego's theorem about Toeplitz matrices we analyze how the channel parameters and transmit powers affect the Fisher information. We show analytically that exploiting the structure arising from the RSI channel increases its Fisher information. Numerical results show the benefits of estimating the RSI channel.Article Channel Estimation for Tds-Ofdm Systems in Rapidly Time-Varying Mobile Channels(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2018) Başaran, Mehmet; Şenol, Habib; Şenol, Habib; Erküçük, Serhat; Erküçük, Serhat; Çırpan, Hakan AliThis paper explores the performance of time-domain synchronous orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (TDS-OFDM) systems operated under rapidly time-varying mobile channels. Since a rapidly time-varying channel contains more unknown channel coefficients than the number of observations, the mobile channel can conveniently be modeled with the discrete Legendre polynomial basis expansion model to reduce the number of unknowns. The linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) estimate can be exploited for channel estimation on inter-block-interference-free received signal samples owing to transmitting pseudo-noise (PN) sequences. In conventional TDS-OFDM systems, the channel estimation performance is limited due to estimating channel responses only from the beginning part of the channel. Therefore, a new system model named "partitioned TDS-OFDM system" is proposed to improve the system performance by inserting multiple PN sequences to the middle and end parts of the channel as well. In addition to providing the reconstruction error performance, Bayesian Cramer-Rao lower hound is derived analytically. Also, the LMMSE-based symbol detection is employed. To alleviate the negative effects of inter-carrier-interference (ICI) occuring in mobile channels, ICI cancellation is applied to enhance the detection performance. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed TDS-OFDM system is superior to the conventional system and its corresponding performance is able to approach the achievable lower performance bound.Article Cis-Cyclopropylamines as Mechanism-Based Inhibitors of Monoamine Oxidases(Wiley-Blackwell, 2015) Malcomson, Thomas; Yelekçi, Kemal; Yelekçi, Kemal; Borrello, Maria Teresa; Ganesan, A.; Semina, Elena; De Kimpe, Norbert; Mangelinckx, Sven; Ramsay, Rona R.Cyclopropylamines inhibitors of monoamine oxidases (MAO) and lysine-specific demethylase (LSD1) provide a useful structural scaffold for the design of mechanism-based inhibitors for treatment of depression and cancer. For new compounds with the less common cis relationship and with an alkoxy substituent at the 2-position of the cyclopropyl ring the apparent affinity determined from docking experiments revealed little difference between the enantiomers. Using the racemate kinetic parameters for the reversible and irreversible inhibition of MAO were determined. No inhibition of LSD1 was observed. For reversible inhibition most compounds gave high IC50 values with MAO A but sub-micromolar values with MAO B. After pre-incubation of the cyclopropylamine with the enzyme the inhibition was irreversible for both MAOA and MAOB and the activity was not restored by dilution. Spectral changes during inactivation of MAOA included bleaching at 456nm and an increased absorbance at 400nm consistent with flavin modification. These derivatives are MAOB-selective irreversible inhibitors that do not show inhibition of LSD1. The best inhibitor was cis-N-benzyl-2-methoxycyclopropylamine with an IC50 of 5nm for MAOB and 170nm for MAOA after 30min pre-incubation. This cis-cyclopropylamine is over 20-fold more effective than tranylcypromine so may be studied as a lead for selective inhibitors of MAOB that do not inhibit LSD1.Article Code Shift Keying Impulse Modulation for Uwb Communications(IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2008) Erküçük, Serhat; Erküçük, Serhat; Kim, Dong In; Kwak, Kyung SupIn this paper the system performance of M-ary code shift keying (MCSK) impulse modulation is studied in detail and compared to M-ary pulse position modulation (MPPM) under single- and multi-user scenarios. For that bounds on the semi-analytic symbol-error rate (SER) expressions are derived and simulation studies are conducted. When practical implementations of MCSK and MPPM are considered it is shown that MCSK can provide about 2 dB performance gain over MPPM as it reduces the effects of multipath delays on the decision variables by randomizing locations of the transmit pulse.Article Complete Density Calculations of Q-State Potts and Clock Models: Reentrance of Interface Densities Under Symmetry Breaking(Amer Physical Soc, 2020) Artun, E. Can; Berker, Ahmet Nihat; Berker, A. NihatAll local bond-state densities are calculated for q-state Potts and clock models in three spatial dimensions, d = 3. The calculations are done by an exact renormalization group on a hierarchical lattice, including the density recursion relations, and simultaneously are the Migdal-Kadanoff approximation for the cubic lattice. Reentrant behavior is found in the interface densities under symmetry breaking, in the sense that upon lowering the temperature, the value of the density first increases and then decreases to its zero value at zero temperature. For this behavior, a physical mechanism is proposed. A contrast between the phase transition of the two models is found and explained by alignment and entropy, as the number of states q goes to infinity. For the clock models, the renormalization-group flows of up to 20 energies are used.Article Computational Analysis of a Zn-Bound Tris(imidazolyl) Calix[6]arene Aqua Complex: Toward Incorporating Second-Coordination Sphere Effects Into Carbonic Anhydrase Biomimetics(Amer Chemical Soc, 2013) Koziol, Lucas; Eşsiz, Şebnem; Eşsiz, Şebnem; Wong, Sergio E.; Lau, Edmond Y.; Valdez, Carlos A.; Satcher, Joe H. Jr.; Aines, Roger D.; Lightstone, Felice C.Molecular dynamics simulations and quantum-mechanical calculations were performed to characterize a supra-molecular tris(imidazolyl) calix[6]arene Zn2+ aqua complex as a biomimetic model for the catalyzed hydration of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate H2O + CO2 -> H+ + HCO3-. On the basis of potential-of-mean-force (PMF) calculations stable conformations had distorted 3-fold symmetry and supported either one or zero encapsulated water molecules. The conformation with an encapsulated water molecule is calculated to be lower in free energy than the conformation with an empty cavity (Delta G = 1.2 kcal/mol) and is the calculated free-energy minimum in solution. CO2 molecule partitioning into the cavity is shown to be very facile proceeding with a barrier of 1.6 kcal/mol from a weak encounter complex which stabilizes the species by about 1.0 kcal/mol. The stabilization energy of CO2 is calculated to be larger than that of H2O (Delta Delta G = 1.4 kcal/mol) suggesting that the complex will preferentially encapsulate CO2 in solution. In contrast the PMF for a bicarbonate anion entering the cavity is calculated to be repulsive in all nonbonding regions of the cavity due to the diameter of the calix[6]arene walls. Geometry optimization of the Zn-bound hydroxide complex with an encapsulated CO2 molecule showed that multiple noncovalent interactions direct the reactants into optimal position for nucleophilic addition to occur. The calixarene complex is a structural mimic of the hydrophilic/hydrophobic divide in the enzyme providing a functional effect for CO2 addition in the catalytic cycle. The results show that Zn-binding calix[6]arene scaffolds can be potential synthetic biomimetics for CO2 hydration catalysis both in terms of preferentially encapsulating CO2 from solution and by spatially fixing the reactive species inside the cavity.Article A Computerized Recognition System for the Home-Based Physiotherapy Exercises Using an Rgbd Camera(IEEE, 2014) Ar, İlktan; Akgül, Yusuf SinanComputerized recognition of the home based physiotherapy exercises has many benefits and it has attracted considerable interest among the computer vision community. However most methods in the literature view this task as a special case of motion recognition. In contrast we propose to employ the three main components of a physiotherapy exercise (the motion patterns the stance knowledge and the exercise object) as different recognition tasks and embed them separately into the recognition system. The low level information about each component is gathered using machine learning methods. Then we use a generative Bayesian network to recognize the exercise types by combining the information from these sources at an abstract level which takes the advantage of domain knowledge for a more robust system. Finally a novel postprocessing step is employed to estimate the exercise repetitions counts. The performance evaluation of the system is conducted with a new dataset which contains RGB (red green and blue) and depth videos of home-based exercise sessions for commonly applied shoulder and knee exercises. The proposed system works without any body-part segmentation bodypart tracking joint detection and temporal segmentation methods. In the end favorable exercise recognition rates and encouraging results on the estimation of repetition counts are obtained.Article Computing Trade-Offs in Robust Design: Perspectives of the Mean Squared Error(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011) Shin, Sangmun; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Cho, Byung Rae; Wiecek, Margaret M.Researchers often identify robust design as one of the most effective engineering design methods for continuous quality improvement. When more than one quality characteristic is considered an important question is how to trade off robust design solutions. In this paper we consider a bi-objective robust design problem for which Pareto solutions of two quality characteristics need to be obtained. In practical robust design applications a second-order polynomial model is adequate to accommodate the curvature of process mean and variance functions thus mean-squared robust design models frequently used by many researchers would contain fourth-order terms. Consequently the associated Pareto frontier might be non-convex and supported and non-supported efficient solutions needs to be generated. So the objective of this paper is to develop a lexicographic weighted-Tchebycheff based bi-objective robust design model to generate the associated Pareto frontier. Our numerical example clearly shows the advantages of this model over frequently used weighted-sums model. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Conditional Power and Rate Adaptation for Mqam/Ofdm Systems Under Cfo With Perfect and Imperfect Channel Estimation Errors(IEEE-INST Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2015) Dong, Zhicheng; Panayırcı, Erdal; Fan, Pingzhi; Panayırcı, Erdal; Lei, XianfuIn this paper a new conditional power and rate adaptation scheme for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is proposed in the presence of carrier frequency offset (CFO) with perfect and imperfect channel state information (CSI). The conventional adaptive scheme is shown to be a special case of the conditionally adaptive scheme technique that enables the resulting nonconvex optimization problem which is solved in a feasible way. It leads to a solution for optimal power adaptation that maximizes the spectral efficiency of an OFDM system using M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM) under average power and instantaneous bit error rate (BER) constraints. Closed-form expressions for the average spectral efficiency (ASE) of adaptive OFDM systems are derived for perfect and imperfect CSI cases. The theoretical results and computer simulations show that range of the conditional adaptation becomes narrow and the performance of constant power and continuous rate is very close to that of the conditionally adaptive power and continuous rate for higher CFO or high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values.Article Correlation of Ternary Liquid- Equilibrium Data Using Neural Network-Based Activity Coefficient Model(Springer, 2014) Özmen, Atilla; Özmen, AtillaLiquid--liquid equilibrium (LLE) data are important in chemical industry for the design of separation equipments and it is troublesome to determine experimentally. In this paper a new method for correlation of ternary LLE data is presented. The method is implemented by using a combined structure that uses genetic algorithm (GA)--trained neural network (NN). NN coefficients that satisfy the criterion of equilibrium were obtained by using GA. At the training phase experimental concentration data and corresponding activity coefficients were used as input and output respectively. At the test phase trained NN was used to correlate the whole experimental data by giving only one initial value. Calculated results were compared with the experimental data and very low root-mean-square deviation error values are obtained between experimental and calculated data. By using this model tie-line and solubility curve data of LLE can be obtained with only a few experimental data.Review Critical Phenomenon During Photoinitiated Gelation at Different Temperatures: a Photo-Dsc Study(Elsevier Science, 2011) Dogruyol, Zekeriya; Pekcan, Mehmet Önder; Arsu, Nergis; Dogruyol, Sevnur Keskin; Pekcan, ÖnderThe behaviour of photoinitiated radical polymerization of an 80 wt% epoxy diacrylate (EA) and 20 wt% tripropyleneglycoldiacrylate (TPGDA) mixture with 2-mercaptothioxanthone (TX-SH) photoinitiator was studied at different temperatures by using photo-differential scanning calorimetric (Photo-DSC) technique. All photopolymerization reactions were carried out under the same conditions. It was observed that all conversion curves during gelation at different temperatures present nice sigmoidal behaviour which suggests the application of the percolation model. Observations around the critical time called the glass transition point (t(g)) taken to reach the maximum rate of polymerization (Rp(max)) show that the gel fraction exponent (beta) obeyed the percolation model. The produced beta values were found to be around 0.50 predicting that the system under consideration belongs to the same universality class. However. Rp(max) and the final conversion (C(s)) values were found to increase when the temperature was increased up to a certain value. On the other hand t(g) values decreased and became saturated as the temperature was increased. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Article Crossover From Vibrational To Rotational Collectivity in Heavy Nuclei in the Shell-Model Monte Carlo Approach(Amer Physical Soc., 2013) Özen, Cem; Alhassid, Yoram; Nakada, HitoshiHeavy nuclei exhibit a crossover from vibrational to rotational collectivity as the number of neutrons or protons increases from shell closure towards midshell but the microscopic description of this crossover has been a major challenge. We apply the shell model Monte Carlo approach to families of even-even samarium and neodymium isotopes and identify a microscopic signature of the crossover from vibrational to rotational collectivity in the low-temperature behavior of < J(2)>(T) where J is the total spin and T is the temperature. This signature agrees well with its values extracted from experimental data. We also calculate the state densities of these nuclei and find them to be in very good agreement with experimental data. Finally we define a collective enhancement factor from the ratio of the total state density to the intrinsic state density as calculated in the finite-temperature Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation. The decay of this enhancement factor with excitation energy is found to correlate with the pairing and shape phase transitions in these nuclei. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.042502