Amerikan Kültürü ve Edebiyatı Bölümü Koleksiyonu

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    Translation as the Sine Qua Non in Modern American Poetics
    (Palacky Univ, 2014) Kenne, Mel
    This essay is based largely on the theory of translation set forth by Walter Benjamin in the 1923 essay "The Task of the Translator," which introduced his translation of Baudelaire's "Tableaux parisiens." It attempts to show that modernist and postmoderhist American poetry, beginning with the symbolist movement in America concurrent with Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot's seminal poetic texts that initiated the imagist movement and the high modernist style of writing, conform to Benjamin's ideas about "a pure language" and translation as a means of renewing the language. The argument hinges on the idea implied by Benjamin that translation may be defined as much more than the rewriting of a text in another language and that all writing may be viewed as a form of translation: a process, that is, of recreating or renewing a language through the translation of an "original" text which has "ripened" to the point that it becomes a vehicle for furthering the linguistic possibilities of the "target" language. It concludes by showing how these early to mid-twentieth-century movements culminated in the group of postmodernist poets who became known as "The New York School," with a particular focus on the poetry of John Ashbery, Kenneth Koch, and Frank O'Hara, the three poets who found their own styles and voices to a large extent through their reading and translation of French poets who were heirs to the symbolists.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Supplementally and the Sonnet: a Reading of Ronsard's Les Amours Diverses 45
    (University of Nebraska Press, 2005) Gumpert, Matthew
    [Abstract Not Available]
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    Citation Count: 3
    The Not So New Turkish Woman: a Statistical Look at Women in Two Istanbul Neighborhoods
    (2009) O'Neil, Mary Lou; Güler, Fazil
    Using survey data gathered from nearly 400 women living in two Istanbul neighborhoods this article explores issues of work education family and feminism. In addition to presenting the findings we argue that there is a continued gap between the ideal of the Republican woman and the actual practices of this group of Turkish women. The picture of these Turkish women that emerged from this survey is that of women still largely in the grips of an ideal born in the early days of the Turkish Republic. However it also became clear that there also exist rifts between belief and practice in the lives of these women: they seem to believe in many facets of the Republican woman while at the same time the practices they engage in belie some aspects of this belief. Ultimately it seems that in some respects they are in the process of constructing their own idea of a Turkish woman while at the same time some aspects of these women's lives remain deeply bound by traditional notions of gender.
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    Citation Count: 1
    Prayer Bead Gestures and Television: a Case Study on Cultural Inspirations for Interaction Art Education
    (MIT Press Journals, 2009) Özcan, Oğuzhan; Akdemir, Emre; O'Neil, Mary Lou; Ayça Ünlüer, Adviye
    The authors interactive design-art educators recount their experience in using cultural inspirations as part of student exercises. The authors found that although students proposed various design concepts drawing from the surrounding culture very few moved beyond experience design art. In order to remedy this situation without giving explicit direction the authors encouraged students to examine cultural habits and/or artifacts from their past or their current lives in the hope that this could generate innovative design ideas. One such project is the Prayer Bead Gesture Based TV Input Device. ©2009 ISAST.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Strangers To and Producers of Their Own Culture: American Popular Culture and Turkish Young People
    (2010) O'Neil, Mary Lou; Güler, Fazil
    American popular culture is virtually everywhere including Turkey. Turkey is a close ally of the United States and American cultural products have long been present in Turkey. How does the presence of American popular culture in Turkey affect young people? Employing a series of focus groups comprised of Turkish university students we explored the meanings they attach to American popular culture and the place it has in their lives. What emerged was a portrait of Turkish young people constructing themselves and their imaginations from a multiplicity of traditions including American into an ever changing shifting whole. The Turkish young people in this study seem to exemplify this as they blend their lives not always easily or smoothly around Turkish American European and numerous other cultures. © W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2010.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 0
    Paul Bowles as I Knew Him
    (Brill Academic Publishers, 2014) Sawyer-Lauçanno, Christopher
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Dirty White Candles: Ernest Hemingway's Encounter With the East
    (Univ Texas Press, 2012) Kenne, Mel
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    The Upsides of Expatriation and Exile for Turkish Writers and Writers Living in Turkey
    (Palacky Univ, 2014) Kenne, Mel
    While Turkey gets plenty of news coverage because of political oppression that often leads Turkish writers to flee their country and seek exile in countries with more tolerant governments it has also served as a nesting ground for writers who have left their native countries because they seek the stimulation that comes from living in a country with a different language and culture from their own or because they wish to spend time in an area traditionally associated with the wellsprings of Western cultural values and ideals. This essay explores how exile both self-imposed and involuntary can function for Turkish writers such as Nazim Hikmet and Zulfu Livaneli and for expatriates such as John Ash John Freely and myself as a means of developing their creative potential and of achieving greater international recognition.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Jonson and the Alchemical Economy of Desire: Creation Defacement and Castration in the 'alchemist
    (Univ Paul Valery, 2002) Meskill, Sermin Lynn
    Behind images of Ben Jonson as the virtuous centred stoic writer lie the traces of a morbid fear concerning the fate of the poet's creation and name. The Jonsonian oeuvre reveals a fear of the ultimate defacement and effacement of the writer's ephemeral text. A prophylactic strategy of auto-critique as well as borrowing and even plagiarism from established literary sources point to the desire to control the critical reception of the writer's works and guarantee the terms of his own posterity. In The Alchemist this urge to control literary inheritance is reflected in the struggle between a 'father' alchemist and his apprentice 'son' for claims to authority: it is played out as a family romance in what might be called a 'maidenheadless' plot as opposed to the romantic courtship plot perfected by the father and rival Shakespeare. The son's struggle for authority may be seen in terms of the writer's fantasy of acquiring the virile power of the literary antecedent as talisman against the power of envy to deface poetic creation and name. The need to 'save face' in the complicated and tricky game of inheriting the mantle of the father is literally figured in Face's attempt to steal the playhouse cloak of Hieronimo of Kyd's The Spanish tragedy in an extraordinary example of literary mise en abime.