Ekmekci Flıerl, Sıla

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Name Variants
Ekmekci Flıerl, Sıla
S.,Ekmekci Flıerl
S. Ekmekci Flıerl
Sıla, Ekmekci Flıerl
Ekmekci Flierl, Sila
S.,Ekmekci Flierl
S. Ekmekci Flierl
Sila, Ekmekci Flierl
Ekmekçi Flierl, Sıla
Job Title
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
Email Address
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Conference Object
    Multi-state Video Transmission With Network Coding [a? Kodlama ile Çoklu Durum Video İletimi]
    (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018) Şengel, Öznur; Ekmekci Flıerl, Sıla; Ekmekçi Flierl, Sıla
    The goal of this work is to send video packets to all nodes in the network by enveloping Multi-State Video Coding (MSVC) at the same time network coding to maximize the throughput and video quality. This work has two main parts: 1) Multi-State Video Coding and 2) Network Coding. The main purpose of this work is to maximize not only the video quality but also the network throughput. We used Multi-State Video Coding to achieve robustness and we used network coding to increase throughput over the network. After generating the two subsequences using MSVC we apply network coding to support transmission of packets. In this manner we aim to increase the throughput as well as robustness and quality of the video transmission. © 2018 IEEE.
  • Conference Object
    Multi-State Video Transmission With Network Coding
    (IEEE, 2018) Şengel, Öznur; Ekmekci Flıerl, Sıla; Ekmekçi Flierl, Sıla
    The goal of this work is to send video packets to all nodes in the network by enveloping Multi-State Video Coding (MSVC) at the same time network coding to maximize the throughput and video quality. This work has two main parts: 1) Multi-State Video Coding and 2) Network Coding. The main purpose of this work is to maximize not only the video quality but also the network throughput. We used Multi-State Video Coding to achieve robustness and we used network coding to increase throughput over the network. After generating the two subsequences using MSVC, we apply network coding to support transmission of packets. In this manner, we aim to increase the throughput as well as robustness and quality of the video transmission.