Alankuş, Sevda
Name Variants
Alankuş, Sevda
S. Alankuş
Sevda, Alankuş
Alankus, Sevda
S. Alankus
Sevda, Alankus
S. Alankuş
Sevda, Alankuş
Alankus, Sevda
S. Alankus
Sevda, Alankus
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Prof. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
3 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Vacillation in Turkey's Popular Global Tv Exports: Toward a More Complex Understanding of Distribution(USC Annenberg Press, 2016) Alankuş, Sevda; Alankuş, Sevda; Yanardağoğlu, Eylem; Yanardağoğlu, EylemAudience demand for Turkey's TV series has increased their strength in the regional market and beyond. By mid-2014 more than 70 Turkish TV dramas reached audiences in 75 countries. Some experts have characterized this as neo-Ottoman cool, referring to Turkey's growing "soft power" role in successfully combining Islam with democracy. However, survey data from 16 Arab countries, previous audience studies, and our in-depth interviews with Istanbul-based producers and distributors refute this. Neo-Ottoman cool does not register the full dynamics of contingent relations between economy, politics, ideology, and media flows. Our research underscores the region's glocal flexibility and the market articulations overarching Turkey's soft power ambitions, how the drama genre attracts women cross-culturally, and the limits of notions of cultural proximity.Master Thesis The Uses of Digital Media in Overthrow the Coup :the Case of 15 July 2016 Coup in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Abuyounis, Bassam; Alankuş, Sevda; Alankuş, SevdaThe internet became the biggest network worldwide and Facebook became the largest virtual community with 2 billion users around the world in the last six years. The Middle East has witnessed several revolutions in many countries such as Tunisia Egypt Libya Yemen and Syria and a military intervention took place in Egypt in July 2013. All these developments are deeply related with the speedy revolution on the internet especially the social media. People in those cases used the social media to participate in and organize crowds in the streets and squares to boost their morale and mobilize the resentment. in this study i tried to analyze how Turkish people benefited from the use of social media with a specific reference to the use of social media in Turkey in the 15 July 2016 coup attempt. The thesis argues that digital media more specifically the social media and the Facetime application played a crucial role in mobilizing organizing and motivating the masses revolt against the military forces which aimed at overthrowing the elected government.Master Thesis Use of Data Visualization in News Reporting in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Demirel, Sadettin; Alankuş, Sevda; Alankuş, SevdaThe purpose of this thesis is to reveal the current state of the use of data visualization in news reporting and challenges of integrating data visualization in news making in Turkey. Unlike the previous studies’ graphic design perspective to the subject of data visualization this thesis approached the subject of data visualization from the journalistic perspective in Turkey. Mixed method approach was used to scrutinize the subject of the thesis. The method contains two components which are a quantitative content analysis to monitor use of data visualization in 5 selected newspapers and 5 selected digital news outlets for three weeks and qualitative semistructured interviews that provide deeper understandings and opinions of 10 news editors and reporters from news media outlets regarding challenges they encounter in the process of utilizing data visualization in news reporting. Also relevant pieces of academic literature local and international news media reports and surveys were used to examine the subject more thoroughly. Qualitative and quantitative findings that were derived from the conducted research and secondary sources indicate that use of data visualization in news media was not a sufficient level and newsrooms face internal and external challenges in this process. These are lack of time to work with data lack of technical skills limited features of data analyses and data visualization tools lack of available and tidy data and unsuitable data formats the absence of reader’s interest unsustainable business model and current political atmosphere.