Çarkoğlu, Aslı

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Name Variants
Çarkoğlu A.
Çarkoğlu, ASLI
Ç., Aslı
Aslı Carkoğlu
Çarkoǧlu A.
Aslı Çarkoğlu
Asli, Carkoglu
Çarkoğlu, Aslı
Carkoglu, Asli
A. Çarkoğlu
Çarkoglu A.
A. Carkoğlu
Carkoglu A.
Çarkoğlu, A.
Carkoğlu, Aslı
C., Asli
Carkoğlu, A.
Çakoğlu, Aslı
Çarkoğlu, Aslı
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Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Book Part
    For Whose Sake Is It Anyway? Evaluation of Explicit Family Policies in Turkey
    (Springer New York, 2014) Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Kafescioğlu, Nilüfer
    Family policies impact the life of every citizen in a society at a very private level. Their content as well as the processes through which they are formed and altered documents the powers that shape the lives of families at the macrolevel. In this chapter we aim to document the current state as well as the change processes of the family policies in Turkey a country of socioeconomic variety and rapid change. Here we will give precedence to the aspects of family policy that are explicitly linked to the formation and daily life of families such as the Civil Code the Labor and Social Security Laws as well as the laws and regulations concerning family violence. However we will be leaving out many other rules and regulations that impact families more implicitly through the conditions they present to individual members of families such as the Penal Code and its regulations. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014.
  • Article
    Evaluation of Secondhand Smoke Using Pm2.5 and Observations in a Random Stratified Sample in Hospitality Venues From 12 Cities
    (MDPI, 2019) Kaplan, Bekir; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Ergör, Gül; Hayran, Mutlu; Sureda, Xisca; Cohen, Joanna E.; Navas-Acien, Ana
    Background: Turkey passed a law banning smoking in all indoor public places in 2008. In response to the indoor smoking restriction many smokers may have relocated to outdoor areas of venues. The aim of this study was to evaluate air pollution related to SHS exposure in indoor and outdoor areas of hospitality venues in 12 cities in Turkey. Method: In this cross-sectional study we evaluated hospitality venues in 12 cities in Turkey. In each visited venue we evaluated a pre-specified number of study locations such as the outdoor area of the main entrance indoor areas and patios or other outdoor dining areas completely or partially covered with window walls. We measured particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) in those areas. Results: The fieldworkers visited 72 randomly selected hospitality venues and measured PM2.5 concentrations in 165 different locations (indoor outdoor and patios) of those venues. Overall 2573 people were observed 909 of them smoking. The median (IQR) PM2.5 concentrations were 95 (39-229) g/m(3) indoors 25 (13-48) g/m(3) outdoors and 31 g/m(3) (16-62) in the patios (p < 0.001). After adjustment each additional smoker was associated with a 2% increase in PM2.5 concentrations in patio air (GMR (95% CI): 1.02 (1.00 1.05) and a 4% increase in indoor air (GMR (95% CI): 1.04 (1.02 1.05). Conclusions: There were unhealthy levels of smoking-caused PM2.5 concentrations not only indoors but also in the patios of hospitality venues. Legislative efforts to expand the smoke-free legislation to outdoor areas adjacent to indoor public places and an action plan to increase compliance with the smoke-free policy are urgently needed in Turkey.
  • Article
    The relationship between Google search interest for pulmonary symptoms and COVID-19 cases using dynamic conditional correlation analysis
    (Nature Research, 2021) Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Uysal, Mehmet Atilla; Cifter, Atilla; Niksarlioglu, Elif Yelda; Carkoglu, Asli
    This study aims to evaluate the monitoring and predictive value of web-based symptoms (fever, cough, dyspnea) searches for COVID-19 spread. Daily search interests from Turkey, Italy, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom were obtained from Google Trends (GT) between January 1, 2020, and August 31, 2020. In addition to conventional correlational models, we studied the time-varying correlation between GT search and new case reports; we used dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) and sliding windows correlation models. We found time-varying correlations between pulmonary symptoms on GT and new cases to be significant. The DCC model proved more powerful than the sliding windows correlation model. This model also provided better at time-varying correlations (r >= 0.90) during the first wave of the pandemic. We used a root means square error (RMSE) approach to attain symptom-specific shift days and showed that pulmonary symptom searches on GT should be shifted separately. Web-based search interest for pulmonary symptoms of COVID-19 is a reliable predictor of later reported cases for the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Illness-specific symptom search interest on GT can be used to alert the healthcare system to prepare and allocate resources needed ahead of time.
  • Article
    The Vital Role of Diabetes Nurse Educators in Smoking Cessation: A Case Study from Türkiye
    (Turkish Green Crescent Soc, 2023) Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Özcan, Şeyda; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Nıchter, Mimi; Nıchter, Mark; Aydın, Nuran
    This paper discusses the development and implementation of a smoking cessation training program for diabetes nurse educators. People with diabetes who smoke have a significantly higher risk of morbidity and mortality. Smoking greatly increases diabetes complications. Surveys were conducted to ascertain how frequently nurses counseled patients to quit and their interest in cessation training. Observations of nurse- patient interactions and interviews with diabetes nurses facilitated the development of a culturally sensi- tive cessation training program. Survey results revealed that diabetes nurse educators recognized the need for training in smoking cessation, as many patients with diabetes do not consider smoking to be harm- ful for their health. A two-day workshop was developed for nurses on the specific harms of smoking for diabetes patients, including hands-on training in cessation counseling and motivational interviewing. Two months after training, nurses reported that the skills they acquired gave them confidence to counsel patients but identified four challenges to conducting cessation in their clinical settings. Diabetes nurse educators can play a pivotal role in delivering cessation. Training and overcoming challenges to implementation are urgently needed in the time of coronavirus disease 2019 given the dual risks of diabetes and smoking for severe complications.
  • Master Thesis
    Dı̇yabet Hemşı̇relerı̇nı̇n Hastalarının Cı̇nsellı̇kle İlgı̇lı̇ Sorunlarını Yönetmede Öz-yeterlı̇lı̇k Algıları
    (2023) Dinçer, İlayda Dursun; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Çarkoğlu, Aslı
    Bu tez, Türkiye'deki diyabet hemşirelerinin hastalarla cinsel sağlığı nasıl konuştuklarını incelemektedir. Araştırmanın temel amaçları, hemşirelerin hemşirelik mesleği öz yeterlilikleri ile genel öz yeterlilikleri arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemek ve hemşirelerin hemşirelik mesleği öz yeterliliklerinin cinsiyet rolü tutumları ile bütüncül sağlık yaklaşımları arasındaki ilişkiyi nasıl etkilediğini değerlendirmektir. Araştırmada nitel ve nicel yöntemler kullanılmıştır. Nitel görüşmeler 14 diyabet hemşiresi ile yarı yapılandırılmış bireysel telefon görüşmeleri şeklinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nicel veriler için Qualtrics panel anketleri kullanılmıştır. Demografik Bilgi Ölçeği, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri Tutum Ölçeği, Genel Öz Yeterlilik Ölçeği, Bütünleştirici Tıp Tutum Anketi'nin İlişkiler faktörü ve Hemşirelik Mesleği Öz Yeterlilik Ölçeği 55 diyabet hemşiresine uygulanmıştır. Nitel görüşmeler, cinsel sağlık konuşmalarını genellikle hastaların başlattığını göstermiştir. Hemşireler bu konuyu ele almanın önemini kabul etmekle birlikte, diyabet bakımında bu konuya sürekli olarak öncelik verilmediğini belirtmişlerdir. Nitel bulgular, eğitim ihtiyacını ortaya çıkarmış ve hemşirelerin yaklaşımlarındaki karmaşıklık ve çelişkileri vurgulayarak hasta-hemşire iletişiminde güven oluşturmanın çok önemli bir rol oynadığını göstermiştir. Niceliksel olarak, çalışma hemşirelerin öz yeterlilikleri, cinsiyet rolü tutumları ve bütüncül sağlık yaklaşımları arasındaki ilişkileri incelemiş ve bu faktörlerle ilgili hipotezleri test etmiştir. Temel bulgular, genel ve hemşirelik mesleği öz yeterliliği arasında anlamlı bir pozitif korelasyon olduğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca, genel öz yeterlilik, toplumsal cinsiyet tutumu ve bütüncül sağlık yaklaşımı ile pozitif yönde ilişkilidir. Hiyerarşik regresyon analizi, genel öz yeterliliğin hemşirelik öz yeterliliği üzerinde sınırlı bir etkisi olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu bulgular, diyabet bakımında hemşire-hasta cinsel sağlık iletişiminin karmaşık dinamiklerini ve bu tartışmaları ve bakım kalitesini iyileştirmek için özel eğitim programları ve eğitim ihtiyacını vurgulamaktadır. Bu yüksek lisans tezi, diyabet hemşirelerinin cinselliğe bakışını incelemekte ve hasta merkezli bakımda bütüncül sağlığı vurgulamaktadır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Öz Yeterlilik, Hemşirelik Öz Yeterliliği, Toplumsal Cinsiyet Rolleri Tutumu, Bütüncül Sağlık Yaklaşımı, Diyabet, Cinsel İletişim
  • Article
    Understanding the Dynamics of Compliance To Smoke-Free Policy Regulations: Exploring the Perspectives of Venue Owners and Staff in Türkiye
    (European Publishing, 2024) Baltaci, Ezgi; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Carkoglu, Asli; Saraf, Sejal; Ergueder, Toker; Ergoer, Guel; Hayran, Mutlu; Hoe, Connie
    INTRODUCTION The study aims to understand the facilitators and barriers associated with enforcing and complying with Turkiye's smoke-free policy from the perspective of hospitality venue owners and employees. METHODS A qualitative open-ended survey was conducted in Istanbul and Ankara in 2021 with 58 respondents from 3 different districts in each city from four types of venues: restaurants, traditional coffee and waterpipe houses, and European-style cafes. The open-ended survey included questions to understand the knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of respondents about Turkiye's smoke-free policy and their perceptions of the facilitators and/or barriers to smoke-free policy implementation and changes after COVID-19. The data were analyzed using an inductive approach to identify patterns and categorize the data into themes. RESULTS The respondents expressed that the smoke-free policy aimed to protect employees and customers from secondhand smoke (SHS), respect human health, and improve air quality. Findings suggest that the positive attitude of venue owners and staff toward the smoke-free policy serves as a facilitator. However, fear of financial impact, customers' negative attitudes, difficulties in meeting physical requirements, and insufficient enforcement were found to be barriers to implementing the smoke-free policy. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were reported as an initial increase in compliance and awareness among customers and staff, but some respondents noted negative changes due to the emotional and financial effects of prolonged restrictions. These challenges have led to decreased attention on the smoke-free policy among venue owners, staff and customers. Respondents' suggested improvements were related to building infrastructure, such as the ventilation systems and educating the public on the harmful health effects of smoking. CONCLUSIONS Despite the general understanding of the dangers of secondhand smoke and the smoke-free policy, this study highlights the challenges in implementing smoke-free policy measures and the continued need to raise awareness about the importance of a 100% smoke-free venue. A comprehensive approach to addressing the tobacco epidemic as a multifaceted public health issue is essential.
  • Master Thesis
    Predicting Restricted Eating in Young Women Friendships: Dyadic Effects of Body Dissatisfaction, Perceived Social Support and Friendship Quality
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Çoban, Ezgi; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Çarkoğlu, Aslı
    The main purpose of this study was to investigate interpersonal correlates of cognitive restraint eating pattern in young women. The interpersonal correlates were specified as body dissatisfaction, friendship quality and social support specific to dietary intake. Participants were 131 female dyads including same-sex best friends aged from 18 to 25. Dyadic data was modeled via Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Two models were proposed. The first model aimed to examine indirect associations between one's body dissatisfaction and restricted eating in women friendship dyads via friend's dissatisfaction about one's body. The second model aimed to evaluate the relationship between perceived social support and restraint eating where friendship quality was mediating this relationship. Findings for the first model highlighted the importance of friends' dissatisfaction with each other's bodies on the link between body dissatisfaction on restricted eating. Findings for the second model indicated dyadic effects of perceived social support on restricted eating in best friendships regardless of friendship quality. These findings have unique contributions to literature illustrating interpersonal correlates of restricted eating.
  • Article
    Smoke-Free Turkey: Evaluation of Outdoor Areas of Public Places
    (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019) Kaplan, Bekir; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Grau-Perez, Maria; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Ergör, Gül; Hayran, Mutlu; Navas-Acien, Ana; Cohen, Joanna E.
    Significance: Secondhand tobacco smoke (SHS) exposure is a major cause of morbidity and mortality around the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of smoking in outdoor areas of public places in three largest Turkish cities (Istanbul Ankara and Izmir). Method: For this cross-sectional observational study the Turkish Statistical Institute randomly selected 10 sampling points in each city. Around each sampling point fieldworkers visited the closest bars/nightclubs cafes government buildings hospitals restaurants schools shopping malls traditional coffee houses universities children's playgrounds parks and open markets. We observed smoking ashtrays and cigarette butts at the outdoor areas of public venues within the urban districts of each city. The fieldwork was conducted in April–May 2016. Results: 477 venues were observed covering 1017 outdoor locations in which 17737 people were observed. Smoking in outdoor areas ranged from 3.7% around schools to 90% in open markets. Ashtrays were almost ubiquitous in hospitals (95.6%) shopping malls (92.0%) and universities (90.9%). Cigarette butts were more often observed in open markets (100%) shopping malls (96%) universities (95.5%) and parks (93.3%). Smoking at outdoor areas around schools was significantly lower than around other venues. Conclusion: Smoking in outdoor areas was common in most public places in Turkey except schools. The current indoor SHS legislation should be extended to cover adjacent outdoor areas of public venues in order to effectively protect people from SHS exposure in Turkey. © 2019 The Authors
  • Conference Object
    Factors That Influence Support and Enforcement of the Smoke-Free Law in Turkey
    (Oxford University Press, 2016) Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Aherrera, Angela; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Ergör, Gül; Ergüder, Toker; Kaplan, Bekir; Susan, Jolie; Zheng, Laura; Cohen, Joanna E.; Navas-Acien, Ana
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Article
    Secondhand Smoke in Waterpipe Tobacco Venues in Istanbul Moscow and Cairo
    (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2019) Moon, Katherine A.; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Magid, Hoda; Torrey, Christine; Rule, Ana M.; Ferguson, Jacqueline; Susan, Jolie; Sun, Zhuolu; Abubaker, Salahaddin; Levshin, Vladimir; Çarkoğlu, Aslı; Radwan, Ghada Nasr; El-Rabbat, Maha; Cohen, Joanna E.; Strickland, Paul; Navas-Acien, Ana; Breysse, Patrick N.
    Objective: The prevalence of waterpipe tobacco smoking has risen in recent decades. Controlled studies suggest that waterpipe secondhand smoke (SHS) contains similar or greater quantities of toxicants than cigarette SHS which causes significant morbidity and mortality. Few studies have examined SHS from waterpipe tobacco in real-world settings. The purpose of this study was to quantify SHS exposure levels and describe the characteristics of waterpipe tobacco venues. Methods: In 2012-2014 we conducted cross-sectional surveys of 46 waterpipe tobacco venues (9 in Istanbul 17 in Moscow and 20 in Cairo). We administered venue questionnaires conducted venue observations and sampled indoor air particulate matter (PM2.5) (N=35) carbon monoxide (CO) (N=23) particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (p-PAHs) (N=31) 4-methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridy1)-1-butanone (NNK) (N-43) and air nicotine (N=46). Results: Venue characteristics and SHS concentrations were highly variable within and between cities. Overall we observed a mean (standard deviation (SD)) of 5 (5) waterpipe smokers and 5 (3) cigarette smokers per venue. The overall median (25th percentile 75th percentile) of venue mean air concentrations was 136 (82 213) mu/m(3) for PM2.5 3.9 (1.7 22) ppm for CO 68 (33 121) ng/m(3) for p-PAHs 1.0 (0.5 1.9) ng/m(3) for NNK and 5.3 (0.7 14) mu g/m(3) for nicotine. PM2.5 CO and p-PAHs concentrations were generally higher in venues with more waterpipe smokers and cigarette smokers although associations were not statistically significant. Conclusion: High concentrations of SHS constituents known to cause health effects indicate that indoor air quality in waterpipe tobacco venues may adversely affect the health of employees and customers. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.