Arat, Nilay

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Name Variants
Nilay ARAT
N. Arat
Nilay Arat
ARAT, Nilay
Arat, N.
Nilay, Arat
A., Nilay
Arat, Nilay
Ozkaya, Nilay Arat
Arat Özkaya, Nilay
Arat, Nilay
Job Title
Prof. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Other
    İdari Uyuşmazlıkların Alternatif Uyuşmazlık Çözüm Yöntemleri ile Halli Önündeki Engeller
    (İstanbul Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi, 2011) Arat Özkaya, Nilay; Arat, Nilay
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Master Thesis
    İstihbarat Faaliyetlerinin Ozel Hayatin Gizliligine Saygi Hakki Acisindan Degerlendirilmesi
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Akbas, Selim; Arat, Nilay; Ozkaya, Nilay Arat
    Devletin guvenlik saiki ile yuruttugu ve hayati fonksiyonlarindan birisi olan istihbarat faaliyetleri bireyin temel hak ve ozgurluklerinden olan ozel hayatin gizliligine saygi hakki ile zaman zaman celismekte ve bu hakki sinirlandirmaktadir. Bu durum esasinda hak ve ozgurluklerin guvenlik ile yasadigi mucadelenin bir alt kategorisi olarak da degerlendirilebilir. Bu baglamda guvenlik ihtiyaci temelli istihbarat faaliyetleri ile vazgecilmez hak ve ozgurluklerden birisi olan ozel hayatin gizliligine saygi hakki arasinda hassas bir dengenin kurulmasi gerektigi asikardir. Artan guvenlik ihtiyaci ve teknolojik gelismelerle birlikte gelen yogun istihbarat faaliyetlerinin gizli ve dinamik yapilari sebebiyle ozel hayatin gizliligine saygi hakkina zaman zaman haksiz mudahalelerde bulunabilmeleri riski mevcuttur. Bu sebeple guvenlik acisindan kritik oneme sahip istihbarat faaliyetleri icra edilirken hukuk devleti ve demokratik toplum olmanin getirdigi hukuki zorunluluklara uyulmasi ve ozel hayatin gizliligine saygi hakkina yonelik hukuk disi mudahalelerden ozenle sakinilmasi gerekmektedir. Bu calismada istihbarat faaliyetlerinin hangi hukuki zeminde yurutuldugu ve hangi hukuki zeminde yurutulmesi gerektigi uluslararasi kriterler de goz onune alinarak incelenmis ve bu yonde mevzuatta ve uygulamada gorulen eksikliklere isaret edilerek cozum onerilerinin uretilmesi amaclanmistir.
  • Article
    Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods With Administrative Disputes / All Including Their Disputes
    (Istanbul Univ, Fac Law, 2011) Arat, Nilay; Arat, Nilay
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Article
    The 1921 Constitution and Beyond: Any Inspiration After 100 Years?
    (Istanbul University Press, 2022) Arat, N.; Arat, Nilay; Topukçu, A.
    The 1921 Constitution has mostly been considered as a unique piece of legal document in Turkish Legal History with regard to the time it was written, the conditions under it was created, the necessity it touched and the era it changed. The 1921 Constitution had been assessed by scholars, bureaucrats, politicians and lawyers in different times from distinct perspectives. It has got special attention lately as regards to the discussions on constitution-making processes. Even after 100 years, many of its features inspire today's constitutional discussions as the 1921 Constitution touches even today's sociological, political and legal needs. In this context, this paper aims to assess the 1921 Constitution first by pointing out the unique features; then, gives try to answer a question posed whether the 1921 Constitution is a constitution itself, or not. This trial is done under the double constitution period discussions and by pulling out the deficiencies of the 1921 Constitution. Subsequently, the box of inspirational touches of the 1921 Constitution to 100 years beyond is opened. In that sense, it has been found that the understanding of sovereignty that brings it down to its origin “earth/humankind”, the idea of local democracy and the vision on fundamental rights and freedoms that open the door to modern understanding of rights on this part of the world, could be drawn/inherited for today's constitutional making processes. © 2022 Istanbul University Press. All Rights Reserved.
  • Article
    Legal Aid Under Turkish Administrative Judicial Procedural Law
    (Istanbul University Press, 2023) Arat, N.; Arat, Nilay
    In this paper, the "legal aid" mechanism, which is an institution that enables parties to participate effectively in the judicial process and "balances" interference with the right of access to court, is discussed. The discussion focusses on the way it facilitates various possibilities of putting forward the claims and pieces of evidence of parties wishing to prove their claims. In this context, the legal aid institution is dealt with primarily within the framework of the right of access to court within the scope of the right to a fair trial. Then, under article 31 of the IYUK, the legal framework of the legal aid institution in the civil procedure is drawn and the application of the legal aid institution in the administrative jurisdiction is examined. This is done only in terms of administrative disputes, excluding cases related to tax disputes due to the difference in the nature of taxation transactions. © 2023 Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul. All rights reserved.