Harma, Mehmet

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Harma, Mehmet
M. Harma
Mehmet, Harma
Harma, Mehmet
M. Harma
Mehmet, Harma
Mehmet Harma
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 24
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    The Mediator Role of Willingness To Sacrifice in the Association Between Socio-Economic Status and Relationship Satisfaction
    (Springer, 2023) Topal, Mustafa Anil; Aktas, Busra Eylem; Basoglu, Selim; Harma, Mehmet
    This study aimed to investigate the potential underlying mechanisms for why couples from lower socioeconomic status (SES) tend to experience poor-quality romantic relationships from two distinct perspectives: the self-protection hypothesis and social class from a culture perspective. We examined the indirect effect of willingness to sacrifice personal interests on the association between SES and relationship satisfaction using a representative sample from Turkey through cross-sectional self-report scales (N = 1170; M-age=47.44; SD = 11.68). Participants completed a series of questions, including willingness to sacrifice, relationship satisfaction, and SES questions. Multiple regression analyses revealed that willingness to sacrifice did not have a buffering or facilitator role in the association between SES and relationship satisfaction. These findings suggest that willingness to sacrifice is essential for relationship satisfaction regardless of SES. Overall, this study contributes to understanding the role of willingness to sacrifice in romantic relationships and its relationship with SES.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Negative Life Events Behavior Problems and Self-Regulation of Adolescents From Low Socio-Economic Status
    (Turkish Psychologists Assoc, 2017) Metin, Güntülü Tercanli; Harma, Mehmet; Gökçay, Gülbin; Bahçıvan-Saydam, Reyhan
    The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between negative life events and emotional-behavioral problems among adolescents from low SES and the mediator role of self-regulation (SR) in this relationship. The study consisted of a sample of 358 7th and 8th grade-students living in Esenler neighborhood Istanbul. Students were asked to complete a series of questionnaires including Demographic Information Form Life Events Checklist Self-Regulation Inventory and Youth Self Report (YSR). Path Analysis was run to examine the associations between negative life events and internalizing-externalizing problems via self-regulation. Stability of these relationships across gender was also examined by multiple-group path analysis. Results showed that negative life events predicted both internalizing and externalizing problems directly and indirectly via self-regulation. As the number of negative life events increased the level of self-regulation skills deteriorated in turn it predicted internalizing and externalizing problems. Negative life events more strongly predicted internalizing problems than externalizing problems whereas self-regulation more strongly predicted externalizing problems than internalizing problems. Besides the relationship between negative life events and emotional-behavioral problems and the mediator role of self-regulation in the link between negative life events and problem behaviors did not change across gender. These findings were discussed in relation to the relevant literature focusing on the indicators and outcomes of self-regulation skills among adolescents.
  • Master Thesis
    Kama Muta ve Bakım Verme Davranış Sistemi İkincil Stratejileri Arasındaki İlişki
    (2023) Ayvaz, Bilge Nur; Harma, Mehmet
    Bu çalışmada bakımverme davranış sistemleri ikincil stratejileri ile kama muta duygusu arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Günlük hayatta kurulan ebeveyn-çocuk veya romantik ilişkiler gibi birçok ilişkide taraflar birbirlerine karşı bakımverme davranışı sergileyebilirler. Bu davranışların ortaya çıkması ile ilişkili olabilecek birçok farklı değişkenden birisi de duygulardır. Literatürde yakın zamanda araştırılmaya başlanan ve komünal paylaşımın yoğun olarak hissedilmesiyle ortaya çıkan kama muta duygusunun bağlantılı olduğu düşünülen yardım etme davranışı ve özgeci davranış gibi kavramlarla olan ilişkisi de düşünüldüğünde bireylerin bakımverme davranış stratejileriyle ilişkili olabileceği öngörülmüştür. Bakımvermenin ikincil stratejilerinden olan ve ihtiyaç olmasa bile yoğun şekilde bakımverme eğilimi göstermek olarak tanımlanabilecek hiperaktivasyon stratejisi ile komünal paylaşımın yoğunlaşmasıyla ortaya çıkan kama muta duygusunun ilişkili olabileceği ve bireylerin kama muta duygusunu hissetme derecelerinin yaş, cinsiyet, romantik ilişki durumu ve çocuk sahibi olma durumu kontrol edildiğinde hiperaktivasyon stratejisini kullanma davranışlarını yordayacağı öne sürülmüştür. Çalışma hipotezleri veri toplamadan önce kayıt ettirilmiştir. Araştırmaya katılan 533 katılımcının demografik bilgilerinin yanında pozitif ve negative duygulanımları, kama muta hissetme sıklıkları ve bakımverme stratejileri verileri online platform Qualtrics üzerinden özbildirim yoluyla yanıtladıkları anketler aracılığıyla toplanmıştır. Yapılan hiyerarşik regresyon analizi sonucunda yaş, cinsiyet, romantik ilişki durumu ve çocuk sahibi olma durumları kontrol edildiğinde bireylerin kama muta hissetme eğilimlerinin hiperaktivasyon stratejisi kullanma davranışlarını yordadığı görülmüştür. Diğer değişkenler ve deaktivasyon stratejisi ilişkileri de incelenmiş, çalışmanın literatüre katkısı, kısıtlılıkları ve sonraki çalışmalar için öneriler çalışmanın sonuçları göz önünde bulundurularak tartışılmıştır.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Women's Attachment Avoidance Predicts Poorer Language Style Matching Among Dating Couples
    (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2023) Harma, Mehmet
    [No Abstract Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Predictors of Subjective Health Among Spouses and Its Relations With Happiness: A Multilevel Analysis in a Nationwide Survey in Turkey
    (Springer, 2024) Tosyali, Furkan; Coban-Tosyali, Ezgi; Harma, Mehmet
    The current study aims to examine predictors of subjective health, including its relation with happiness, at the individual and family levels. For this purpose, we analyzed data collected from spouses representing each family (9,634 families, N = 19,268). A multilevel analysis was conducted to examine both individual- and family-level variables associated with subjective health evaluations. Individual-level variables were gender, age, education, employment, presence of chronic illness, smoking, alcohol use, and individual happiness. Family-level variables were socioeconomic status, number of children, household size, length of the marriage (in a year), presence of an elderly person who needs care in the household, presence of a disabled person who needs care in the household, and family happiness. The results showed that subjective health is enhanced by being man, younger, employed, highly educated, free from chronic illness, and experiencing greater levels of happiness at the individual level. In addition, poorer subjective health is associated with caring for an elderly or disabled family member and having a higher number of children in the household at the family level. However, individuals had better subjective health at the family level when socioeconomic status was higher, greater family happiness, and greater household size existed. The current study is important since research that simultaneously considers individual- and family-level happiness has been scarce in the literature. Thus, the findings would enhance the current understanding of the link between happiness and health.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 2
    Examining Actor-Partner Effects Between Social Dominance, Relationship Power, Sexism, and Marital Quality
    (Wiley, 2023) Ymamgulyyeva, Aysoltan; Kafescioglu, Niluefer; Harma, Mehmet
    Objective: This study aimed to investigate the actor-partner effects of attitudes toward group-based inequality as measured by social dominance orientation (SDO) and marital quality, and the indirect actor-partner effects of SDO on marital quality via ambivalent sexism and partners' perceptions of their own relationship power toward their partner. Background: Previous research suggests that certain social attitudes play a role in relationship processes. However, it is unclear whether broader views on social inequality could have an effect on partners' marital quality. Method: Ninety heterosexual married couples in Turkey (N = 180) responded via an online survey on SDO, marital quality, relationship power, and ambivalent sexism. Actorpartner interdependence model (APIM) and actor-partner interdependence model of mediation (APIMeM) were conducted to examine the direct and indirect actor-partner effects. Results: For indirect effects, men's SDO was negatively associated with their marital quality through their relationship power and hostile sexism. No significant indirect effects were found for women. However, women's relationship power was positively and their benevolent sexism was negatively associated with their own and their partners' marital quality. Conclusion: Our findings help develop a more comprehensive understanding of how the political, social, and personal aspects of our lives are connected with one another. Implications: Our study points to the importance of exploring the topic of men's and women's views toward social inequality and its effects on their close relationships in clinical practice and relational education.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    The Role of Linguistic Style Matching and Attachment Orientations on Relationship Satisfaction
    (John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2023) Aktas, Busra; Dinc, Beyzanur Arican; Harma, Mehmet
    [No Abstract Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Validation of Morality as Cooperation Questionnaire in Turkey, and Its Relation to Prosociality, Ideology, and Resource Scarcity
    (Hogrefe Publishing GmbH, 2021) Yılmaz, Onurcan; Harma, Mehmet; Doğruyol, Burak
    The theory of morality as cooperation (MAC) argues that there are seven distinct and evolved universal moral foundations. Curry, Chesters, and Van Lissa (2019) developed a scale to test this theoretical approach and showed that the Relevance subscale of the MAC questionnaire (MAC-Q) fits data well, unlike the Judgment and full-form. However, an independent test of the validity of this questionnaire has not been hitherto conducted, and its relation with ideology is unknown. In the first study, we attempted to validate the Turkish form of MAC-Q and then examined the relationship with prosociality and political ideology. The results showed that the fit indices of MAC-Q Relevance are above the standard criteria, unlike the Judgment and full form (n = 445), and significant relationships with prosociality and political ideology provided additional evidence for the validity. We used the MAC-Q Relevance in Study 2 (n = 576, Turkey) and Study 3 (n = 921, US), and investigated whether manipulating resource scarcity influences the endorsement of MAC. Although there was no effect of the manipulation, correlational findings provided some support for the predictive validity of MAC-Q. Overall, MAC-Q Relevance performs well in representing the lay notions of morality in both Turkey and the US, unlike full-form.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 8
    Implicit Evaluations About Driving Skills Predicting Driving Performance
    (Elsevier Science, 2018) Bıçaksız, Pinar; Harma, Mehmet; Doğruyol, Burak; Lajunen, Timo; Özkan, Türker
    Self-reported measures of driving skills have the potential shortcomings of the general self report methodology such as social responding and self-enhancement biases. In the present study the Implicit Association Test (IAT) procedure was adapted to measure the implicit evaluations of driving skills. The performance of IAT and an explicit self-report measure of driving skills were compared in predicting driver behaviors and performance. Ninetyone Turkish male drivers participated in the study. The results showed that the implicit test and the self-reported driving skills scale showed different patterns of relationships with the outcome measures in the regression analyses. In addition the implicit measure of driving skills moderated the relationship between self-reported driving skills and some of the outcome measures used in the current study. These results support the need to use the implicit measures in addition to self-report measures to better understand drivers evaluations of their driving skills which has the potential to influence their risky driving. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Master Thesis
    Humans Vs. Animals: a Contemporary Moral Perspective Toward Dietary and Ethical Lifestyles
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Bayramoğlu, Yunus; Harma, Mehmet
    Dietary practices are linked with ethics and morality based on different sources of motivations (e.g., moral philosophy). Some of these dietary practices can become a lifestyle with different behavioral patterns, habits and consuming choices in daily life (e.g., veganism). Veganism, by definition, opposes anthropocentrism (human-centrism) and regards animal life as having equal moral value as human life. Thus, using a revised version of the trolley problem, including species-incompatible scenarios (e.g., saving five dogs or one human) in the ethical dilemmas, that omnivores favored human life over animal life despite they were outnumbered (thus showing a speciesist attitude), whereas vegans showed species-egalitarian decision-making pattern and disregarded participants' species in dilemmas while making their ethical judgments. We also developed three new measures: Motivations for Veganism Scale (MfVS), Cow's Milk, Dairy and Eggs Commitment Scale (CMDECS) and Vegan Lifestyle Scale (VLS). MfVS included three motivations of ethical, health and environmental and its structural validity was supported by our data, suggesting there were three core motivations in the way of becoming a vegan. CMDECS and VLS were developed to differentiate between dietary vegans and lifestyle vegans, but there were inadequate number participants so this could not be investigated. We also found that vegans were thinking more analytically and more open-minded. Finally, we found significant dietary and ethical lifestyle differences in terms of Moral Foundations. Results were interpreted in the light of the existing body of knowledge about moral psychology.