Çavur, Mahmut
Name Variants
Çavur, Mahmut
M. Çavur
Mahmut, Çavur
Cavur, Mahmut
M. Cavur
Mahmut, Cavur
cavur, mahmut
Çavur, Mehmet
Cavur, M.
M. Çavur
Mahmut, Çavur
Cavur, Mahmut
M. Cavur
Mahmut, Cavur
cavur, mahmut
Çavur, Mehmet
Cavur, M.
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Supervised Theses
17 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article The Geothermal Artificial Intelligence for Geothermal Exploration(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022) Moraga, J.; Çavur, Mahmut; Duzgun, H. S.; Cavur, M.; Soydan, H.Exploration of geothermal resources involves analysis and management of a large number of uncertainties, which makes investment and operations decisions challenging. Remote Sensing (RS), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have potential in managing the challenges of geothermal exploration. In this paper, we present a methodology that integrates RS, ML and AI to create an initial assessment of geothermal potential, by resorting to known indicators of geothermal areas namely mineral markers, surface temperature, faults and deformation. We demonstrated the implementation of the method in two sites (Brady and Desert Peak geothermal sites) that are close to each other but have different characteristics (Brady having clear surface manifestations and Desert Peak being a blind site). We processed various satellite images and geospatial data for mineral markers, temperature, faults and deformation and then implemented ML methods to obtain pattern of surface manifestation of geothermal sites. We developed an AI that uses patterns from surface manifestations to predict geothermal potential of each pixel. We tested the Geothermal AI using independent data sets obtaining accuracy of 92-95%; also tested the Geothermal AI trained on one site by executing it for the other site to predict the geothermal/non-geothermal delineation, the Geothermal AI performed quite well in prediction with 72-76% accuracy.(c) 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Book Part Sentinel-1 Sar Verileri Kullanilanarak Maden Kaymalarini ve Deformasyonlarini İzleme [monıtorıng Of Mıne Landslıde And Deformatıon Usıng Sentınel-1 Sar Data](Baski, 2019) Çavur, Mahmut; Çavur, Mahmut; Camalan, Mahmut; Ketizmen, Hakkı; Ağıtoğlu, SuudIn this study, an original DInSAR method was used to monitor landslides and deformation in a coal mine area. The open-pit mine operation belonging to the Ciner Group in Silopi, Sirnak was selected fort he case study. Between 21 November 2017 and December 31, 2017, 2-month Sentinel-1 data were analyzed every 12 days and interferometric results were obtained. It has been shown that the DInSAR method can be used effectively in order to monitor the mineral movements by using satellite images. The results of the analysis were reported in mm and accuracy analysis was performed on the field. SNAP, Cygwin, and ArcGIS 10.4 software are used for reporting and analysis purposes. The maximum subsidence was measured by radar as 45 mm. The mean subsidence rate of one class was found to be 45 mm as landslide and 46 mm as uplift where cracks most severely developed. The proposed method is an effective method for mining in order to determine the effects that may occur as a result of landslides, displacement, and uplift caused by underground and surface mining.Conference Object Land Use and Land Cover Classification of Sentinel 2-A: St Petersburg Case Study(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2019) Çavur, Mahmut; Çavur, Mahmut; Düzgün, Hafize Şebnem; Kemeç, Serkan; Demirkan, Doğa ÇağdaşLand use and land cover (LULC) maps in many areas have been used by companies, government offices, municipalities, and ministries. Accurate classification for LULC using remotely sensed data requires State of Art classification methods. The SNAP free software and ArcGIS Desktop were used for analysis and report. In this study, the optical Sentinel-2 images were used. In order to analyze the data, an object-oriented method was applied: Supported Vector Machines (SVM). An accuracy assessment is also applied to the classified results based on the ground truth points or known reference pixels. The overall classification accuracy of 83,64% with the kappa value of 0.802 was achieved using SVM. The study indicated that of SVM algorithms, the proposed framework on Sentinel-2 imagery results is satisfactory for LULC maps.Article Yereraltı Maden İşçilerini Gerçek Zamanlı Takip Etmek İçin Rfıd Teknolojisine Dayalı Özgün Bir Entegrasyon Metodolojisi(Gazi Universitesi, 2018) Çavur, Mahmut; Çavur, MahmutIn recent years many companies want to keep track of their employees sources and working machines due to various reasons like security coordination performance monitoring. The purpose and requirements are the main factors that determine the methodology of tracking. The real-time tracking can be determined with high precision in open areas with the global positioning system (GPS). However previous research and developments for indoor tracking have mostly focused on infrared wireless LAN and ultrasonic. In this study a Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) protocol and interface are integrated into an open source Information Systems (IS) software. A tight coupling methodology is developed for integration of RFID into an open source software. The use of open source software as a common interface also provides better spatial display and analysis capabilities. The tracking algorithm is completely unique original and it is encoded in the Java programming language. In the algorithm the accuracy of locating the proximity direction of miners and whether the RFID tag is on the right and left of the last point of RFID receiver is determined with 20 m accuracy. The system was tested in an underground salt mine. The developed methodology and system are now being commercialized in Turkey.Article Tarafsız 3d Mineral Harita Tahminleri Elde Etmek için Random Forest Tree Sınıflandırması Kullanılarak Epoksi Bloklardaki Dikey Kesitlerin Değerlendirilmesi(2021) Camalan, Mahmut; Çavur, Mahmut; Çavur, MahmutAlansal mineral haritaları, epoksi reçinenin dibine çöken cevher tanelerinin yüzeylerini içeren parlak kesitlerinden yapılmaktadır.Fakat, ağır mineraller nispeten dibe çökebilmekte ve parlak yüzeyi ağır mineraller açısından zengin yapabilmektedir. Bu ise parlakkesitlerden hesaplanan alansal (2D) mineral haritalarının, hacimsel (3D) haritaların taraflı tahminleri haline gelmesine sebepolabilmektedir. Bu çalışma, parlak kesite dik olarak (parçacıkların çökelme yönü boyunca) alınan rastgele bir kesitin bir kromitcevheri numunesinin 3D mineral haritasının tarafsız bir tahmini olarak kullanılıp kullanılamayacağını test etmeyi amaçlamaktadır.Bu çalışmanın amacı için, dikey kesitlerin 2D haritaları, öncesi ve sonrası görüntü işleme araçlarıyla bütünleşmiş Random Forestsınıflandırmasıyla elde edilmiştir. Daha sonra, 2D haritalar, stereolojik hatalar olmadığı varsayılarak 3D mineral haritalarınadönüştürülmüştür. 3D haritalardan tahmin edilen modal mineraloji ve tane boyu dağılımları, sırasıyla XRD ve kuru elemeanalizlerinden tahmin edilen sonuçlarla karşılaştırılmıştır. Herhangi bir 2D harita gerçek analizlere yakın modal mineraloji ve taneboyu dağılımı veriyorsa, bu 2D harita cevher numunesinin 3D haritasının tarafsız bir tahmini olarak seçilmiştir. Bu çalışmanınsonuçları herhangi bir dikey kesitin, ağır minerallerin öncelikli olarak çöktüğü parlak kesitten farklı olarak gerçek 3D haritanıntarafsız bir tahmini olacağını desteklemektedir.Article İżnik Town and Its Rural Landscape: Decision Making, Socio-Demographic Profiling and Conservation Policy Development(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024) Songulen, Nazli; Erkan, Yonca; Reis, Amine Seyhun Alkan; Çavur, Mahmut; Guvenc, Murat; Erkan, Yonca; Cavur, MahmutIn light of recent advances in landscape conservation, this study introduces a profiling model that provides context-sensitive heritage conservation strategies. The model is adaptable and focuses on socio-demographic profiling of a rural landscape. It uses Iznik (ancient Nicaea) town, a UNESCO World Heritage candidate, and the surrounding rural landscape as a case study area. The model captures the intricate interplay between the socio-demographic conditions of agriculture-based local communities and rural heritage, offering policy options to enhance community well-being and conserve rural heritage. Based on the complementary use of Cluster and Multiple Correspondence Analysis, the model employs multi-layered analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. The model identifies six distinct clusters, revealing the vulnerability and resilience of rural settlements around Iznik town, and the priority sites where rural heritage and local populations face immediate threat. Fostering a symbiotic relationship between data-driven insights and locally informed policies, this model generates evidence-based, people-centred policy outputs for heritage conservation, which may be applicable in a variety of contexts.Article Assessment of Chromite Liberation Spectrum on Microscopic Images by Means of a Supervised Image Classification(Elsevier Science Bv, 2017) Camalan, Mahmut; Çavur, Mahmut; Çavur, Mahmut; Hosten, CetinAssessment of mineral liberation spectrum with all its aspects is essential for plant control and optimization. This paper aims to estimate 2D mineral map and its associated liberation spectrum of a particular chromite sample from optical micrographs by using Random Forest Classification a powerful machine-learning algorithm implemented on a user-friendly and an open-source software. This supervised classification method can be used to accurately generate 2D mineral map of this chromite sample. The variation of the measured spectra with the sample size is studied showing that images of 200 particles randomly selected from the optical micrographs are sufficient to reproduce liberation spectrum of this sample. In addition the 2D spectrum obtained with this classification method is compared with the one obtained from the Mineral Liberation Analyzer (MLA). Although 2D mineralogical compositions obtained by the two methods are quite similar microscopic analysis estimates poorer liberation than MLA due to the residual noise (misclassified gangue) generated by the classification. Nevertheless we cannot compare the reliabilities of the two methods as there is not a standard produce yet to quantify the accuracy of MLA analysis. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Article Mapping Geothermal Indicator Minerals Using Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms(Mdpi, 2024) Cavur, Mahmut; Çavur, Mahmut; Yu, Yu-Ting; Demir, Ebubekir; Duzgun, SebnemMineral mapping from satellite images provides valuable insights into subsurface mineral alteration for geothermal exploration. In previous studies, eight fundamental algorithms were used for mineral mapping utilizing USGS spectra, a collection of reflectance spectra containing samples of minerals, rocks, and soils created by the USGS. We used an ASD FieldSpec 4 Hi-RES NG portable spectrometer to collect spectra for analyzing ASTER images of the Coso Geothermal Field. Then, we established the ground-truth information and the spectral library by analyzing 97 samples. Samples collected from the field were analyzed using the CSIRO TSG (The Spectral Geologist of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization). Based on the mineralogy study, multiple high-purity spectra of geothermal alteration minerals were selected from collected data, including alunite, chalcedony, hematite, kaolinite, and opal. Eight mineral spectral target detection algorithms were applied to the preprocessed satellite data with a proposed local spectral library. We measured the highest overall accuracy of 87% for alunite, 95% for opal, 83% for chalcedony, 60% for hematite, and 96% for kaolinite out of these eight algorithms. Three, four, five, and eight algorithms were fused to extract mineral alteration with the obtained target detection results. The results prove that the fusion of algorithms gives better results than using individual ones. In conclusion, this paper discusses the significance of evaluating different mapping algorithms. It proposes a robust fusion approach to extract mineral maps as an indicator for geothermal exploration.Article E-işte Sürdürülebilir Bağlantılığı İzlemek için Ağ Tabanlı Teorinin Kullanımı(Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 2020) Perdahçı, Ziya Nazım; Çavur, Mahmut; Çavur, MahmutThe Mineral Liberation Analyzer (MLA) can be used to obtain mineral maps from backscattered electron (BSE) images of particles. This paper proposes an alternative methodology that includes random forest classification, a prospective machine learning algorithm, to develop mineral maps from BSE images. The results show that the overall accuracy and kappa statistic of the proposed method are 97% and 0.94, respectively, proving that random forest classification is accurate. The accuracy indicators also suggest that the proposed method may be applied to classify minerals with similar appearances under BSE imaging. Meanwhile, random forest predicts fewer middling particles with binary and ternary composition, but the MLA predicts more middling particles only with ternary composition. These discrepancies may arise because the MLA, unlike random forest, may also measure the elemental compositions of mineral surfaces below the polished section.Article An Evaluation of AI Models' Performance for Three Geothermal Sites(Mdpi, 2024) Çavur, Mahmut; Cavur, Mahmut; Yu, Yu-Ting; Duzgun, H. SebnemCurrent artificial intelligence (AI) applications in geothermal exploration are tailored to specific geothermal sites, limiting their transferability and broader applicability. This study aims to develop a globally applicable and transferable geothermal AI model to empower the exploration of geothermal resources. This study presents a methodology for adopting geothermal AI that utilizes known indicators of geothermal areas, including mineral markers, land surface temperature (LST), and faults. The proposed methodology involves a comparative analysis of three distinct geothermal sites-Brady, Desert Peak, and Coso. The research plan includes self-testing to understand the unique characteristics of each site, followed by dependent and independent tests to assess cross-compatibility and model transferability. The results indicate that Desert Peak and Coso geothermal sites are cross-compatible due to their similar geothermal characteristics, allowing the AI model to be transferable between these sites. However, Brady is found to be incompatible with both Desert Peak and Coso. The geothermal AI model developed in this study demonstrates the potential for transferability and applicability to other geothermal sites with similar characteristics, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of geothermal resource exploration. This advancement in geothermal AI modeling can significantly contribute to the global expansion of geothermal energy, supporting sustainable energy goals.