Krespi, Margörit Rita
Name Variants
Krespi, Margörit Rita
M. R. Krespi
Margörit Rita, Krespi
Krespi, Margorit Rita
M. R. Krespi
Margorit Rita, Krespi
Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita
Boothby, Margörit Rita Krespı
Boothby, Margörit Rita Krespı
M. R. Krespi
Margörit Rita, Krespi
Krespi, Margorit Rita
M. R. Krespi
Margorit Rita, Krespi
Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita
Boothby, Margörit Rita Krespı
Boothby, Margörit Rita Krespı
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Prof. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
11 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
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Article Citation Count: 3Beliefs of Living Donors About Recipients' End-Stage Liver Failure and Surgery for Organ Donation(Elsevier Science Inc, 2017) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita; Tankurt, A.; Acarli, Koray; Kanmaz, Turan; Yankol, Yucel; Kalayoğlu, MuratBackground. The concept of beliefs could provide a basis for how donors may perceive recipients' end-stage liver failure (ESLF) and surgery for organ donation. However there is no such quantitative study. Therefore the objective of this study was to explore beliefs of living donors about recipients' ESLF and surgery for organ donation. Methods. The sample comprised 16 living donors who donated a part of their liver to a patient who had ESLF. The data were analyzed by following established procedures for inductive qualitative analysis. Results. Analysis showed that donors' beliefs can be viewed in a number of groups. Beliefs about recipients' ESLF included diverse explanations for ESLF (blaming oneself and physicians) and physical symptoms (developmental slowing down). Beliefs about being a donor included reasons for being a donor (performing a good deed being healed) barriers to being a donor (other people being ignorant and selfish) ways to manage these barriers (following one's gut feeling) and factors facilitating being a donor (the feeling that one does not have many people to leave behind). Beliefs about surgery for organ donation included physical effects (pain feeling stiff). Beliefs about organ donation included views that general organ donation should be encouraged and that people's awareness should be raised. Conclusions. Existing psychological perspectives could help to interpret some beliefs. Nevertheless other beliefs not previously reported could be considered as targets for individual consultations/psycho-educational programs for fostering emotional well-being.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Donors' Evaluation of Their Lives Following the Diagnosis of Liver Failure and Transplantation Surgery(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2015) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita; Tankurt, A.; Acarli, Koray; Kalayoglu, Murat; Kanmaz, Turan[Abstract Not Available]Article Citation Count: 0Paradigma değişimi: Diyaliz hastalarının uyumlarını anlama(2017) Boothby, Margörit Rita KrespıSon dönem böbrek yetmezliği (SDBY) ve tedavisi uyum sorunlarına yol açabilir; ancak, bu sorunların kapsamı bilinmemektedir. Uyum kavramı karmaşık ve çok boyutlu bir kavramdır. Genel anlamda hastalık ve tedavi ile ilgili inanışlar uyumu etkilemesine rağmen, bulgular tutarsızlık göstermektedir. Bu tutarsız bulgularn nedeni, olasılıkla bu inanışların profesyonel veya kuramsal görüşlere dayalı olarak tanımlanmış olmasıdır. Uyum ve inanış kavramlarını tanımlama konusunda standart bir yaklaşıma ulaşabilmek için hastalarının kendi görüşlerinden yararlanmak olası bir yol olabilir. Nitel araştırmalar yaşam değerlendirme yolları, hastalık ve tedavi ile ilgili inanışlar konularında nicel araştırmaların ulaşamadığı bulgulara ulaşmaktadır. Bu bulgular psikolojik eğitim veya klinik görüşmelerin hedefleri olarak düşünülebilir. Bununla birlikte, nitel araştırmalar hastaların inanışları ve yaşam değerlendirme yollarının sıklığı hakkında kanıt sağlayamaz. Böylelikle nitel bulgulara dayalı anketler geliştirilmiştir. Bu anketler bulguların klinik uygulamalar için yararlarını ve yaşam kalitesi ile inanışlar arasındaki ilişkiyi incelemeye yardım etmektedir. Bu anketlerin halen var olan genel ve/veya SDBY'ye özgü yaşam kalitesi ve inanış anketleri ile ne şekilde örtüştüğü ve farklılaştığı açısından incelenmesine yönelik daha fazla araştırmaya gerek duyulmaktadır.Article Citation Count: 0Post-Donation Evaluation of Life of Donors of Liver Transplantation(Taylor & Francis, 2016) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita; Tankurt, Aslı; Acarlı, Koray; Yankol, Yücel; Kalayoğlu, Münci; Kanmaz, TuranAim: Liver transplantation from living donors affects not only recipients' but also donors' lives. The aim of this study was to explore living donors' experience of life. Methods: The sample consisted of 16 living donors who donated a part of their liver to a patient who had end-stage liver failure. Anonymised interview transcripts were analyzed following established conventions. Results: The analysis showed that participants evaluated their life in terms of limitations brought by organ donation surgery awareness of the need for lifestyle changes emotional changes changes in character and mixed relationships. Emotional changes involved the experience of both negative and positive emotions (feeling reputable feeling like being born again). Changes in character included both worsening of character (becoming half human turning into an aggressive person) and positive changes in character (becoming more of a believer and a humanist). Mixed relationships included feeling supported by loved ones and doctors reduction of burden of care formation of a special bond not feeling supported by potential supporters like mothers or spouses and worsening of close relationships. Conclusions: Some findings (experience of negative emotions lack of support from others) could be interpreted in terms of existing psychological theory. Other findings (worsening aspects of character experience of positive emotions improvement in aspects of character formation of a special bond worsening of close relationships) extended the literature and could be viewed as targets for educational programs for donors.Other Citation Count: 0Öz Yeterlilik ve Hemodiyaliz Tedavisi: Nitel ve Nicel Bir Yaklaşım(Türkiye Sinir ve Ruh Sağlığı Derneği, 2013) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita; Salmon, PeterGiriş: Öz yeterliliğin ölçülmesine yönelik teori temelli yaklaşım, hemodiyaliz hastalarının diyet ve sıvı tüketimi kısıtlamaları konusunda yaşadıkları zorlukları açıklamak konusunda yetersiz kalmaktadır. Amaçlar: Bu kısıtlamalar nedeniyle yaşanan zorlukların çeşitliliğinin tespit edilebilmesi, klinisyenlerin hasta görüşmelerinde hastaları yönlendirebilmeleri için bu zorlukların sayısallaştırılması için nitel ve nicel araştırmaların yönlendirebilmeleri ‘açısından’ bir araya getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, öz yeterlilik kavramı, diyet ve sıvı tüketimi konusundaki zorluklar üzerine temellendirilmiş ve elde edilen bulgular, karşılaştıkları her zorluğun üstesinden gelebilme kapasiteleri hakkındaki hasta algılarının sayısallaştırılmasını sağlayacak bir anket formunun hazırlanması amacıyla kullanılmıştır. Yöntem: Nitel çalışmanın örneklemi 16 hemodiyaliz hastasından oluşurken, nicel çalışma 156 hemodiyaliz hastasını içermiştir. Bulgular: Nitel bulgular, hastaların diyet ve sıvı tüketimine yönelik kısıtlamalar nedeniyle bir dizi özgül zorluk yaşadığını ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bunların arasında pratikte yaşanan kısıtlamalar, başkalarıyla bir araya gelmek, hemodiyalizi diyete uymamanın telafisi olarak görmek, diyet ve sıvı kısıtlamalarından sıkılmak, rahatsızlık, duygusal sıkıntı gibi duygusal zorluklar bulunmaktadır. Sıvı kısıtlamalarıyla ilgili karşılaşılan en yaygın zorluk hastanın yemek yerken sıvı tüketme hakkının kalmamış olmasıdır. Diyet kısıtlamalarıyla ilgili yaşanan en yaygın zorluk ise diyetten sıkılmak olarak bildirilmiştir. Sonuç: Bulgular, temellendirilmiş öz yeterliliğin bütüncül bir olgu olduğunu ancak geniş çapta özgül zorluklar barındırdığını önermektedir. Tespit edilen zorluklar, diyet ve sıvı kısıtlamalarına uyum sağlamayı geliştirmek için gerçekleştirilebilecek eğitimsel müdahalelere bir kanıt temeli sağlamıştırReview Citation Count: 0Shift in Paradigm: Understanding Adjustment of Dialysis Patients(Cumhuriyet Univ Tip Fak Psikiyatri Anabilim Dali, 2017) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit RitaEnd stage renal failure (ESRF) and its treatment can lead to adjustment difficulties. However the extent of these difficulties is not known. Adjustment is a complex and multidimensional construct. In general beliefs about illness and its treatment influence adjustment but the findings are inconsistent. This is probably because adjustment and beliefs have been defined in a variety of ways based on professional or theoretical views. One possible way of establishing a standard approach to defining adjustment and beliefs is to be guided by patients' own views. Qualitative studies identify ways of evaluation of life and beliefs about ESRF and its treatment that have not been identified by quantitative studies. These findings can be considered as patient-derived targets for psychoeducational programs or clinical practice for ESRF patients. However qualitative research cannot provide evidence about the frequency of patients' beliefs and ways of evaluation of life. Therefore questionnaires have been developed on the basis of qualitative findings. These helped to examine the utility of the findings for clinical practice and understand the relationship of quality of life with beliefs. More research is needed to investigate how the findings on these questionnaires converge and diverge with those on existing generic and/or ESRF specific quality of life and beliefs measures.Article Citation Count: 4Liver Transplantation: Recipients’ Evaluation of Life From the Perspective of Living Donors(Elsevier Science Inc, 2016) Tankurt, Aslı; Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita; Acarlı, Koray; Kalayoğlu, Mü nci; Kanmaz, Turan; Yankol, YucelAim. Liver transplantation affects not only recipients and living donors' lives but also the nature and quality of their relationship. Moreover the ways in which recipients of liver transplant experience life and views of living donors on how recipients experience life may differ. These differences may account for relational changes. It is also important to understand how recipients and their living donors' views differ if the aim is to devise psychoeducational programs for recipients and living donors. Therefore the present study examined the recipients' experience of life after a diagnosis of end-stage liver failure (ESLF) and transplantation surgery from donors' perspective. Methods. The sample consisted of 16 living donors who donated a part of their liver to a patient with ESLF. Thematic analysis was undertaken in parallel with interviews during which an interview guide was followed. Findings. Donors felt that recipients evaluated life after the diagnosis of ESLF and transplantation surgery in terms of limitations mixed relationships emotional changes and improvement in life. Conclusion. Experience of social limitations negative emotions and the feeling that one is supported by others could be interpreted in terms of existing psychological theory. Some ways of adjusting that have not been reported before within the context of ESLF extended the literature. These included others being frightened of being infected by ESLF and being insensitive experience of positive emotions and ways of improving. Overall compared with findings of previous qualitative work among recipients our findings suggest that donors' evaluation of recipients' lives converge with that of recipients.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Beliefs of Donors About Liver Failure and Transplantation Surgery(Elsevier France-Editions Scientifiques Medicales Elsevier, 2015) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita; Tankurt, A.; Acarlı, Koray; Kalayoğlu, Murat; Kanmaz, Turan[Abstract Not Available]Article Citation Count: 1Towards Better Child Protection Programmes: a Qualitative Evaluation of Youth Disseminating Life Skills Programme(Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit Rita; Acartürk, C.; Akduman-Akin, I.; Dagli, F. Sahin; Dagli, T.The present study aimed to assess the acceptability of a 12-week training programme Youth Disseminating Life Skills Programme whose aims were to help university students acquire knowledge on and to increase sensitivity towards child abuse and neglect by adopting a qualitative methodology. The sample consisted of 13 university students who took part in the Youth Disseminating Life Skills Programme (10 female 3 male: mean age 22 years age range: 20-31). With the help of a general interview guide the focus group meetings were held. Established conventions guided the analysis. Participants recounted feelings about and benefits of the Programme and ways to improve the Programme. Feelings about the Programme included both positive (e.g. feeling hopeful) and negative feelings (e.g. feeling traumatised). Participants recounted a variety of benefits of the Programme (e.g. correcting some myths about child abuse). Participants proposed some ways whereby the Programme could be improved. Some findings could be interpreted in terms of existing literature/theory. Other findings extended the literature and could be viewed as targets for future child protection programmes.Review Citation Count: 5Psychosocial Interventions To Improve Outcomes Among Dialysis Patients(Wiley, 2018) Krespi-Boothby, Margörit RitaPatients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) report high levels of emotional problems and poor compliance with treatment and quality of life. Nevertheless there are not many studies which examine the effectiveness of different psychosocial interventions in ameliorating these poor outcomes. Theories have been helpful in identifying targets for interventions to improve compliance with treatment adjustment and quality of life. However their effects have been mixed. In particular interventions incorporating beliefs are promising in improving these outcomes. Moreover relaxation and imagery techniques have reduced symptoms and have been effective improving adjustment and compliance. Future randomized controlled studies are needed to compare the effects of theory-based and patient-derived interventions on compliance with treatment and adjustment.