Samanlıoğlu, Funda

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F. Samanlıoğlu
Funda Samanlıoğlu
S., Funda
Samanlioglu, Funda
Samanlıoğlu, FUNDA
Samanlıoğlu, Funda
Funda, Samanlioglu
Samanlıoğlu, F.
Samanlioglu F.
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Prof. Dr.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 50
  • Article
    An Intelligent Approach for the Evaluation of Innovation Projects
    (IOS Press, 2020) Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ayağ, Zeki; Ayağ, Zeki
    In this study, an intelligent approach is presented for the evaluation and selection of innovation projects. Selecting the best innovation project is a complicated multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem with several potentially competing quantitative and qualitative criteria. In this paper, two hesitant fuzzy MCDM methods; hesitant fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (hesitant F-AHP) and hesitant fuzzy VIsekriterijumska optimizacija i KOmpromisno Resenje (hesitant F-VIKOR) are integrated to evaluate and rank innovation projects. In the hesitant fuzzy AHP-VIKOR, hesitant F-AHP is used to find fuzzy evaluation criteria weights and hesitant F-VIKOR is implemented to rank innovation project alternatives. A numerical example is given where five innovation projects are evaluated based on nine criteria by three decision makers.
  • Article
    Determination of Epidemic Parameters From Early Phase Fatality Data: a Case Study of the 2009 A(h1n1) Pandemic in Europe
    (World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2018) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda
    This paper demonstrates that the susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) model applied to the early phase of an epidemic can be used to determine epidemic parameters reliably. As a case study the SIR model is applied to the fatality data of the 2009 fall wave cycle of the A(H1N1) pandemic in 12 European countries. It is observed that the best estimates of the basic reproduction number R-0 and the mean duration of the infection period 1/eta lie on a curve in the scatterplots indicating the existence of a nearly-invariant quantity which corresponds to the duration of the epidemic. Spline interpolation applied to the early phase of the epidemic an approximately 10-week period together with a future control point in the stabilization region is sufficient to estimate model parameters. The SIR model is run over a wide range of parameters and estimates of R0 in the range 1.2-2.0 match the values in the literature. The duration of the infection period 1/eta is estimated to be in the range 2.0-7.0 days. Longer infection periods are tied to spatial characteristics of the spread of the epidemic.
  • Article
    Evaluation of Irrigation Methods in Soke Plain With Hf-Ahp Ii Hybrid Mcdm Method
    (Elsevier, 2022) Burak, Selmin; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ulker, Duygu
    Soke Plain (Turkey) is one of the two plains where cotton production is the highest in Turkey, the leading country for cotton production in the Mediterranean Basin. The cropping pattern in Soke Plain is dominated by cotton with a ratio of 97%. The overall irrigation scheme is equipped with conventional systems (i.e., surface, furrow) whose efficiency is approximately 50% due to high evaporation and physical losses. Water efficiency improve-ment in cotton irrigation necessitates a thorough evaluation of the agricultural water management for Soke Plain, a water-scarce region under drought threat. In this paper, a hybrid multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method is presented for the evaluation and selection of irrigation methods. This process involves various potentially conflicting qualitative and quantitative criteria, therefore, a hybrid MCDM method such as HF-AHP-PROMETHEE II is needed to make decisions. In HF-AHP-PROMETHEE II, Hesitant Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (HF-AHP) is first implemented to determine importance weights of criteria and then Hesitant Fuzzy Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enriching Evaluations II (HF-PROMETHEE II) is utilized to assess and rank the irrigation method alternatives. For comparison analysis, HF-AHP-TOPSIS (HF-AHP-Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) method is also implemented to the same problem. A case study is presented where five irrigation method alternatives in Soke Plain are assessed by five expert decision-makers (DMs), based on fifteen evaluation criteria. Sprinkler is found to be the first ranked irrigation method among five alternatives with both HF-AHP-PROMETHEE II and HF-AHP-TOPSIS resulting in the same ranking. The selection of this irrigation technique by the expert DMs is compliant with prevailing regional features related to hydro-logic, climatic, environmental conditions and with regard to cotton, one of the highest water-consuming crops.
  • Article
    Efficient Approaches for Furnace Loading of Cylindrical Parts
    (Elsevier Science Inc, 2014) Osman, Mojahid Saeed; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ram, Bala; Samanlıoğlu, Funda
    This paper addresses the heat treatment operation in a manufacturing plant that produces different types of cylindrical parts. The immediate prior process to heat treatment is furnace-loading where parts are loaded into baskets. The furnace-loading process is complex and involves issues relating to geometry and heterogeneity in the parts and in their processing requirements. Currently furnace-loading is accomplished by operator ingenuity ; consequently the parts loaded in heat treatment often do not use furnace capacity adequately. Efficiency in furnace operation can be achieved by improving basket utilization which is determined by the furnace-loading process. This paper describes the development of integer and mixed integer LP models for 3D loading of cylindrical parts into furnace baskets. The models consider the exact location of parts to be loaded on the basket and incorporate three models with different objectives ; the first addresses the nesting of parts within one another the second addresses the number of basket layers used and the third addresses the number of baskets used. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    A Memetic Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for a Symmetric Multi-Objective Traveling Salesman Problem
    (2008) Samanlioglu,F.; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ferrell,Jr. W.G.; Kurz,M.E.
    This paper proposes a methodology to find weakly Pareto optimal solutions to a symmetric multi-objective traveling salesman problem using a memetic random-key genetic algorithm that has been augmented by a 2-opt local search. The methodology uses a "target-vector approach" in which the evaluation function is a weighted Tchebycheff metric with an ideal point and the local search is randomly guided by either a weighted sum of the objectives or a weighted Tchebycheff metric. The memetic algorithm has several advantages including the fact that the random keys representation ensures that feasible tours are maintained during the application of genetic operators. To illustrate the quality of the methodology, experiments are conducted using Euclidean TSP examples and a comparison is made to one example found in the literature. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    Evaluation of Gas-Fired Combi Boilers with HF-AHP-MULTIMOORA
    (Hindawi Ltd, 2022) Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ayağ, Zeki; Kirkil, Goekhan; Yucal, Esra
    There are many alternative gas-fired combi boilers that can be used to heat residential homes. Evaluation and selection of gas-fired combi boilers for buildings is an intricate multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem involving perhaps contradictory quantifiable and qualitative criteria. In this research, as the MCDM approach, hesitant fuzzy linguistic analytic hierarchy process (HF-AHP) and hesitant fuzzy linguistic multiple objective optimization based on ratio analysis plus full multiplicative form (MULTIMOORA) (HF-MULTIMOORA) are integrated to assess and rank combi boiler alternatives for buildings. First, with HF-AHP, fuzzy criteria weights are determined and then with HF-MULTIMOORA, boiler alternatives are ranked from best to worst. In this integrated HF-AHP-MULTIMOORA method, evaluations of decision-makers are combined with fuzzy envelope approach and then triangular fuzzy numbers are utilized. For comparison analysis, HF-AHP-TOPSIS method is also applied to the same problem. A case study in Turkey is presented where ten combi boiler alternatives are assessed based on fifteen criteria by five decision-makers. We have used various selection criteria for boilers ranging from maximum temperature, heating capacity up to environmental effects and decided on the best combi boiler for heating residential buildings in Turkey.
  • Book Part
    A Network Model for the Location-Routing Decisions of a Logistics Company
    (Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2012) Sama, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Yücekaya, Ahmet; Ayağ, Zeki; Ayağ, Zeki; Yücekaya, Ahmet Deniz
    In this paper, part of the logistics network of one of the leading logistics companies in Turkey is analyzed. Data related to the candidate warehouse locations, supplies and demands of customers are collected. A network model is developed in order to reconfigure the logistics network. The aim of the mathematical model is to help decision makers decide on the locations of warehouses, as well as routing products from suppliers to the distribution center; from distribution center to warehouses; and finally from warehouses to customers. The mathematical model is solved optimally with LINGO solver, and the comparison of the current network with the optimal solution revealed that the overall operating costs can be reduced by approximately 7%.
  • Article
    Computing Trade-Offs in Robust Design: Perspectives of the Mean Squared Error
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2011) Shin, Sangmun; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Cho, Byung Rae; Wiecek, Margaret M.
    Researchers often identify robust design as one of the most effective engineering design methods for continuous quality improvement. When more than one quality characteristic is considered an important question is how to trade off robust design solutions. In this paper we consider a bi-objective robust design problem for which Pareto solutions of two quality characteristics need to be obtained. In practical robust design applications a second-order polynomial model is adequate to accommodate the curvature of process mean and variance functions thus mean-squared robust design models frequently used by many researchers would contain fourth-order terms. Consequently the associated Pareto frontier might be non-convex and supported and non-supported efficient solutions needs to be generated. So the objective of this paper is to develop a lexicographic weighted-Tchebycheff based bi-objective robust design model to generate the associated Pareto frontier. Our numerical example clearly shows the advantages of this model over frequently used weighted-sums model. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
  • Article
    An Intelligent Approach for the Evaluation of Transformers in a Power Distribution Project
    (IOS Press BV, 2020) Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ayağ, Zeki; Ayağ, Zeki
    In this study, a hybrid approach is presented for the evaluation and selection of transformers in a power distribution project. Ranking transformers and selecting the best among alternatives is a complex multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem with various possibly conflicting quantitative and qualitative criteria. In this research, two hesitant fuzzy MCDM methods; hesitant fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (hesitant F-AHP) and hesitant fuzzy Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enriching Evaluations II (hesitant F-PROMETHEE II) are combined to evaluate and rank transformers. In the hesitant fuzzy AHP-PROMETHEE II, hesitant F-AHP is implemented to determine criteria weights and hesitant F-PROMETHEE II is applied to rank transformer alternatives, utilizing obtained criteria weights. An illustrative example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed approach. In the example, five transformers are evaluated based on twelve criteria by three decision makers (DMs) and best alternative is selected. For comparison analysis, integration of hesitant F-AHP and hesitant fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (hesitant F-TOPSIS) is used and results are compared.
  • Conference Object
    Determining Master Schedule of Surgical Operations by Integer Programming: a Case Study
    (Institute of Industrial Engineers, 2010) Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ayağ, Zeki; Ayağ, Zeki; Batili, Burcin; Evcimen, Esra; Yılmaz, Gulsah; Atalay, Ozlem
    Fixed amounts of available Operating Room (OR) time compatibility of ORs and restrictions related to surgery equipment and surgeon availabilities complicate the process of preparing the master surgical schedule at hospitals. In this research an integer programming model and its application at Etiler World Eye Hospital (in Turkey) are presented in order to create a master surgical schedule that includes the most common surgery types on weekly basis and resolves surgeon equipment and operating room restriction and availability issues. The integer programming model utilizes the available OR time at the hospital by minimizing the total underallocation of OR time with respect to targeted OR time of surgeons taking into consideration surgeon equipment and OR restrictions and availabilities. The mathematical model is then solved using a commercial solver to obtain a weekly master surgical schedule for the hospital.